After Dark, Useful Tools, Embarrassing Recipes, and Great Breakfastations
After Dark, Useful Tools, Embarrassing Recipes, and Great Breakfastations  
Podcast: A Thing or Two with Claire and Erica
Published On: Mon Apr 05 2021
Description: You know what’s a grab bag? An episode on nineties screensavers, long breakfasts, box cutters, and recipes we’re embarrassed to share. Join us!   Just a short film of 281 After Dark modules and a very timely tweet.   The tools we wear by: box cutters, measuring tapes (see also: this ep of Gee Thanks, Just Bought It), kitchen scales (the Joseph Joseph TriScale one specifically), dough scrapers, kitchen spiders, and fish spatulas.   Claire’s (embarrassing) buffalo chicken chowder, her favorite coconut yogurt Cocojune, and the bfast tacos she wants to try.   We welcome—cherish!—your feedback. Send it on over to @athingortwohq,, and 833-632-5463. Or leave us a review! OOH, and sign up for Secret Menu.   Gobble up Lesser Evil’s A++ snacks. 25% off your first order with the code ATHINGORTWO. Shop Ana Luisa for sustainable and v. cool jewelry, and get 10% off with the code ATHINGORTWO. Check out Right Wellness for the latest transformative hemp ingredient, CBN, and take 20% off with the code RIGHTFORYOU. Try COOLA for sunscreen and organic skincare, both. Get 10% off with the code ATHINGORTWO.   Produced by Dear Media