1 Year Daily Audio Bible
1 Year Daily Audio Bible

One year. Every day. 365 days through the Bible in community with tens of thousands of others around the globe following the same quest. Hand crafted daily from the rolling hills of Tennessee, Nashville based author and speaker Brian Hardin is your guide on the adventure of a lifetime. Visit us on the web at www.dailyaudiobible.com A YEAR CHANGES EVERYTHING!

Num 11:24-13:33, Mark 14:22-52, Ps 52:1-9, Pr 11:1-3
Num 10:1-11:23, Mark 14:1-21, Ps 51:1-19, Pr 10:31-32
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Num 8:1-9:23, Mark 13:14-37, Ps 50:1-23, Pr 10:29-30
Num 6:1-7:89, Mark 12:38-13:13, Ps 49:1-20, Pr 10:27-28
Num 4:1-5:31, Mark 12:18-37, Ps 48:1-14, Pr 10:26
Num 2:1-3:51, Mark 11:27-12:17, Ps 47:1-9, Pr 10:24-25
Lev 27:14- Num 1:54, Mark 11:1-26, Ps 46:1-11, Pr 10:23
Lev 25:47-27:13, Mark 10:32-52, Ps 45:1-17, Pr 10:22
Lev 24:1-25:46, Mark 10:13-31, Ps 44:9-26, Pr 10:20-21
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Lev 22:17-23:44, Mark 9:30-10:12, Ps 44:1-8, Pr 10:19
Lev 20:22-22:16, Mark 9:1-29, Ps 43:1-5, Pr 10:18
Lev 19:1-20:21, Mark 8:11-38, Ps 42:1-11, Pr 10:17
Lev 16:29-18:30, Mark 7:24-8:10, Ps 41:1-13, Pr 10:15-16
Lev 15:1-16:28, Mark 7:1-23, Ps 40:11-17, Pr 10:13-14
Lev 14:1-57, Mark 6:30-56, Ps 40:1-10, Pr 10:11-12
Lev 13:1-59, Mark 6:1-29, Ps 39:1-13, Pr 10:10
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Lev 11:1-12:8, Mark 5:21-43, Ps 38:1-22, Pr 10:8-9
Lev 9:7-10:20, Mark 4:26-5:20, Ps 37:30-40, Pr 10:6-7
Lev 7:28-9:6, Mark 3:31-4:25, Ps 37:12-29, Pr 10:5
Lev 6:1-7:27, Mark 3:7-30, Ps 37:1-11, Pr 10:3-4
Lev 4:1-5:19, Mark 2:13-3:6, Ps 36:1-12, Pr 10:1-2
Lev 1:1-3:17, Mark 1:29-2:12, Ps 35:17-28, Pr 9:13-18
Ex 39:1-40:38, Mark 1:1-28, Ps 35:1-16, Pr 9:11-12
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Ex 37:1-38:31, Matt 28:1-20, Ps 34:11-22, Pr 9:9-10
Ex 35:10-36:38, Matt 27:32-66, Ps 34:1-10, Pr 9:7-8
Ex 34:1-35:9, Matt 27:15-31, Ps 33:12-22, Pr 9:1-6
Ex 32:1-33:23, Matt 26:69-27:14, Ps 33:1-11, Pr 8:33-36
Ex 30:11-31:18, Matt 26:47-68, Ps 32:1-11, Pr 8:27-32
Ex 29:1-30:10, Matt 26:14-46, Ps 31:19-24, Pr 8:14-26
Ex 28:1-43, Matt 25:31-26:13, Ps 31:9-18, Pr 8:12-13
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Ex 26:1-27:21, Matt 25:1-30, Ps 31:1-8, Pr 8:1-11
Ex 23:14-25:40, Matt 24:29-51, Ps 30:1-12, Pr 7:24-27
Ex 21:22-23:13, Matt 24:1-28, Ps 29:1-11, Pr 7:6-23
Ex 19:16-21:21, Matt 23:13-39, Ps 28:1-9, Pr 7:1-5
Ex 17:8-19:15, Matt 22:34-23:12, Ps 27:7-14, Pr 6:27-35
Ex 15:19-17:7, Matt 22:1-33, Ps 27:1-6, Pr 6:20-26
Ex 13:17-15:18, Matt 21:23-46, Ps 26:1-12, Pr 6:16-19
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Ex 12:14-13:16, Matt 20:29-21:22, Ps 25:16-22, Pr 6:12-15
Ex 10:1-12:13, Matt 20:1-28, Ps 25:1-15, Pr 6:6-11
Ex 8:1-9:35, Matt 19:13-30, Ps 24:1-10, Pr 6:1-5
Ex 5:22-7:25, Matt 18:21-19:12, Ps 23:1-6, Pr 5:22-23
Ex 4:1-5:21, Matt 18:1-20, Ps 22:19-31, Pr 5:15-21
Ex 2:11-3:22, Matt 17:10-27, Ps 22:1-18, Pr 5:7-14
Gen 50:1-Ex 2:10, Matt 16:13-17:9, Ps 21:1-13, Pr 5:1-6
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Gen 48:1-49:33, Matt 15:29-16:12, Ps 20:1-9, Pr 4:20-27
Gen 46:1-47:31, Matt 15:1-28, Ps 19:1-14, Pr 4:14-19
Gen 44:1-45:28, Matt 14:13-36, Ps 18:37-50, Pr 4:11-13
Gen 42:18-43:34, Matt 13:47-14:12, Ps 18:16-36, Pr 4:7-10
Gen 41:17-42:17, Matt 13:24-46, Ps 18:1-15, Pr 4:1-6
Gen 39:1-41:16, Matt 12:46-13:23, Ps 17:1-15, Pr 3:33-35
Gen 37:1-38:30, Matt 12:22-45, Ps 16:1-11, Pr 3:27-32
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Gen 35:1-36:43, Matt 12:1-21, Ps 15:1-5, Pr 3:21-26
Gen 32:13-34:31, Matt 11:7-30, Ps 14:1-7, Pr 3:19-20
Gen 31:17-32:12, Matt 10:24-11:6, Ps 13:1-6, Pr 3:16-18
Gen 30:1-31:16, Matt 10:1-23, Ps 12:1-8, Pr 3:13-15
Gen 28:1-29:35, Matt 9:18-38, Ps 11:1-7, Pr 3:11-12
Gen 26:17-27:46, Matt 9:1-17, Ps 10:16-18, Pr 3:9-10
Gen 24:52-26:16, Matt 8:18-34, Ps 10:1-15, Pr 3:7-8
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Gen 23:1-24:51, Matt 8:1-17, Ps 9:13-20, Pr 3:1-6
Gen 20:1-22:24, Matt 7:15-29, Ps 9:1-12, Pr 2:16-22
Gen 18:16-19:38, Matt 6:25-7:14, Ps 8:1-9, Pr 2:6-15
Gen 16:1-18:15, Matt 6:1-24, Ps 7:1-17, Pr 2:1-5
Gen 13:5-15:21, Matt 5:27-48, Ps 6:1-10, Pr 1:29-33
Gen 11:1-13:4, Matt 5:1-26, Ps 5:1-12, Pr 1:24-28
Gen 8:1-10:32, Matt 4:12-25, Ps 4:1-8, Pr 1:20-23
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Gen 5:1-7:24, Matt 3:7-4:11, Ps 3:1-8, Pr 1:10-19
Gen 3:1-4:26, Matt 2:13-3:6, Ps 2:1-12, Pr 1:7-9
Gen 1:1-2:25, Matt 1:1-2:12, Ps 1:1-6, Pr 1:1-6
Malachi 3:1-4:6, Rev 22:1-21, Ps 150:1-6, Pr 31:25-31
Malachi 1:1-2:17, Rev 21:1-27, Ps 149:1-9, Pr 31:10-24
Zech 14:1-21, Rev 20:1-15, Ps 148:1-14, Pr 31:8-9
Zech 12:1-13:9, Rev 19:1-21, Ps 147:1-20, Pr 31:1-7
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Zech 10:1-11:17, Rev 18:1-24, Ps 146:1-10, Pr 30:33
Zech 9:1-17, Rev 17:1-18, Ps 145:1-21, Pr 30:32
Zech 8:1-23, Rev 16:1-21, Ps 144:1-15, Pr 30:29-31
Zech 6:1-7:14, Rev 15:1-8, Ps 143:1-12, Pr 30:24-28
Our DAB annual Christmas party
Zech 4:1-5:11, Rev 14:1-20, Ps 142:1-7, Pr 30:21-23
Zech 2:1-3:10, Rev 13:1-18, Ps 141:1-10, Pr 30:18-20
Zech 1:1-21, Rev 12:1-17, Ps 140:1-13, Pr 30:17
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Haggai 1:1-2:23, Rev 11:1-19, Ps 139:1-24, Pr 30:15-16
Zeph 1:1-3:20, Rev 10:1-11, Ps 138:1-8, Pr 30:11-14
Habakkuk 1:1-3:19, Rev 9:1-21, Ps 137:1-9, Pr 30:10
Nahum 1:1-3:19, Rev 8:1-13, Ps 136:1-26, Pr 30:7-9
Micah 5:1-7:20, Rev 7:1-17, Ps 135:1-21, Pr 30:5-6
Micah 1:1-4:13, Rev 6:1-17, Ps 134:1-3, Pr 30:1-4
Jonah 1:1-4:11, Rev 5:1-14, Ps 133:1-3, Pr 29:26-27
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Obadiah 1:1-21, Rev 4:1-11, Ps 132:1-18, Pr 29:24-25
Amos 7:1-9:15, Rev 3:7-22, Ps 131:1-3, Pr 29:23
Amos 4:1-6:14, Rev 2:18-3:6, Ps 130:1-8, Pr 29:21-22
Amos 1:1-3:15, Rev 2:1-17, Ps 129:1-8, Pr 29:19-20
Joel 1:1-3:21, Rev 1:1-20, Ps 128:1-6, Pr 29:18
Hosea 10:1-14:9, Jude 1:1-25, Ps 127:1-5, Pr 29:15-17
Hosea 6:1-9:17, 3 John 1:1-15, Ps 126:1-6, Pr 29:12-14
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Hosea 4:1-5:15, 2 John 1:1-13, Ps 125:1-5, Pr 29:9-11
Hosea 1:1-3:5, 1 John 5:1-21, Ps 124:1-8, Pr 29:5-8
Dan 11:36-12:13, 1 John 4:1-21, Ps 123:1-4, Pr 29:2-4
Dan 11:2-35, 1 John 3:7-24, Ps 122:1-9, Pr 29:1
Dan 9:1-11:1, 1 John 2:18-3:6, Ps 121:1-8, Pr 28:27-28
Dan 8:1-27, 1 John 2:1-17, Ps 120:1-7, Pr 28:25-26
Dan 7:1-28, 1 John 1:1-10, Ps 119:153-176, Pr 28:23-24
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Dan 6:1-28, 2 Pet 3:1-18, Ps 119:129-152, Pr 28:21-22
Dan 5:1-31, 2 Pet 2:1-22, Ps 119:113-128, Pr 28:19-20
Dan 4:1-37, 2 Pet 1:1-21, Ps 119:97-112, Pr 28:17-18
Dan 2:24-3:30, 1 Pet 4:7-5:14, Ps 119:81-96, Pr 28:15-16
Dan 1:1-2:23, 1 Pet 3:8-4:6, Ps 119:65-80, Pr 28:14
Eze 47:1-48:35, 1 Pet 2:11-3:7, Ps 119:49-64, Pr 28:12-13
Eze 45:13-46:24, 1 Pet 1:13-2:10, Ps 119:33-48, Pr 28:11
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Eze 44:1-45:12, 1 Pet 1:1-12, Ps 119:17-32, Pr 28:8-10
Eze 42:1-43:27, James 5:1-20, Ps 119:1-16, Pr 28:6-7
Eze 40:28-41:26, James 4:1-17, Ps 118:19-29, Pr 28:3-5
Eze 39:1-40:27, James 2:18-3:18, Ps 118:1-18, Pr 28:2
Eze 37:1-38:23, James 1:19-2:17, Ps 117:1-2, Pr 28:1
Eze 35:1-36:38, James 1:1-18, Ps 116:1-19, Pr 27:23-27
Eze 33:1-34:31, Heb 13:1-25, Ps 115:1-18, Pr 27:21-22
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Eze 31:1-32:32, Heb 12:14-29, Ps 113:1-114:8, Pr 27:18-20
Eze 29:1-30:26, Heb 11:32-12:13, Ps 112:1-10, Pr 27:17
Eze 27:1-28:26, Heb 11:17-31, Ps 111:1-10, Pr 27:15-16
Eze 24:1-26:21, Heb 11:1-16, Ps 110:1-7, Pr 27:14
Eze 23:1-49, Heb 10:18-39, Ps 109:1-31, Pr 27:13
Eze 21:1-22:31, Heb 10:1-17, Ps 108:1-13, Pr 27:12
Eze 20:1-49, Heb 9:11-28, Ps 107:1-43, Pr 27:11
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Eze 18:1-19:14, Heb 9:1-10, Ps 106:32-48, Pr 27:10
Eze 16:42-17:24, Heb 8:1-13, Ps 106:13-31, Pr 27:7-9
Eze 14:12-16:41, Heb 7:18-28, Ps 106:1-12, Pr 27:4-6
Eze 12:1-14:11, Heb 7:1-17, Ps 105:37-45, Pr 27:3
Eze 10:1-11:25, Heb 6:1-20, Ps 105:16-36, Pr 27:1-2
Eze 7:1-9:11, Heb 5:1-14, Ps 105:1-15, Pr 26:28
Eze 3:16-6:14, Heb 4:1-16, Ps 104:24-35, Pr 26:27
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Eze 1:1-3:15, Heb 3:1-19, Ps 104:1-23, Pr 26:24-26
Lam 4:1-5:22, Heb 2:1-18, Ps 103:1-22, Pr 26:23
Lam 3:1-66, Heb 1:1-14, Ps 102:1-28, Pr 26:21-22
Lam 1:1-2:22, Phile 1:1-25, Ps 101:1-8, Pr 26:20
Jer 51:54-52:34, Titus 3:1-15, Ps 100:1-5, Pr 26:18-19
Jer 51:1-53, Titus 2:1-15, Ps 99:1-9, Pr 26:17
Jer 49:23-50:46, Titus 1:1-16, Ps 97:1-98:9, Pr 26:13-16
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Jer 48:1-49:22, 2 Tim 4:1-22, Ps 95:1-96:13, Pr 26:9-12
Jer 44:24-47:7, 2 Tim 2:22-3:17, Ps 94:1-23, Pr 26:6-8
Jer 42:1-44:23, 2 Tim 2:1-21, Ps 92:1-93:5, Pr 26:3-5
Jer 39:1-41:18, 2 Tim 1:1-18, Ps 90:1-91:16, Pr 26:1-2
Jer 37:1-38:28, 1 Tim 6:1-21, Ps 89:38-52, Pr 25:28
Jer 35:1-36:32, 1 Tim 5:1-25, Ps 89:14-37, Pr 25:25-27
Jer 33:1-34:22, 1 Tim 4:1-16, Ps 89:1-13, Pr 25:23-24
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Jer 31:27-32:44, 1 Tim 3:1-16, Ps 88:1-18, Pr 25:20-22
Jer 30:1-31:26, 1 Tim 2:1-15, Ps 87:1-7, Pr 25:18-19
Jer 28:1-29:32, 1 Tim 1:1-20, Ps 86:1-17, Pr 25:17
Jer 26:1-27:22, 2 Thes 3:1-18, Ps 85:1-13, Pr 25:16
Jer 23:21-25:38, 2 Thes 2:1-17, Ps 84:1-12, Pr 25:15
Jer 22:1-23:20, 2 Thes 1:1-12, Ps 83:1-18, Pr 25:11-14
Jer 19:1-21:14, 1 Thes 5:4-28, Ps 82:1-8, Pr 25:9-10
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Jer 16:16-18:23, 1 Thes 4:1-5:3, Ps 81:1-16, Pr 25:6-8
Jer 14:11-16:15, 1 Thes 2:9-3:13, Ps 80:1-19, Pr 25:1-5
Jer 12:1-14:10, 1 Thes 1:1-2:8, Ps 79:1-13, Pr 24:30-34
Jer 10:1-11:23, Col 3:18-4:18, Ps 78:56-72, Pr 24:28-29
Jer 8:8-9:26, Col 3:1-17, Ps 78:32-55, Pr 24:27
Jer 6:16-8:7, Col 2:8-23, Ps 78:1-31, Pr 24:26
Jer 4:19-6:15, Col 1:18-2:7, Ps 77:1-20, Pr 24:23-25
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Jer 2:31-4:18, Col 1:1-17, Ps 76:1-12, Pr 24:21-22
Jer 1:1-2:30, Phil 4:1-23, Ps 75:1-10, Pr 24:17-20
Isaiah 66:1-24, Phil 3:4-21, Ps 74:1-23, Pr 24:15-16
Isaiah 62:6-65:25, Phil 2:19-3:3, Ps 73:1-28, Pr 24:13-14
Isaiah 60:1-62:5, Phil 1:27-2:18, Ps 72:1-20, Pr 24:11-12
Isaiah 57:15-59:21, Phil 1:1-26, Ps 71:1-24, Pr 24:9-10
Isaiah 54:1-57:14, Eph 6:1-24, Ps 70:1-5, Pr 24:8
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Isaiah 51:1-53:12, Eph 5:1-33, Ps 69:19-36, Pr 24:7
Isaiah 48:12-50:11, Eph 4:17-32, Ps 69:1-18, Pr 24:5-6
Isaiah 45:11-48:11, Eph 4:1-16, Ps 68:19-35, Pr 24:3-4
Isaiah 43:14-45:10, Eph 3:1-21, Ps 68:1-18, Pr 24:1-2
Isaiah 41:17-43:13, Eph 2:1-22, Ps 67:1-7, Pr 23:29-35
Isaiah 39:1-41:16, Eph 1:1-23, Ps 66:1-20, Pr 23:25-28
Isaiah 37:1-38:22, Gal 6:1-18, Ps 65:1-13, Pr 23:24
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Isaiah 33:10-36:22, Gal 5:13-26, Ps 64:1-10, Pr 23:23
Isaiah 30:12-33:9, Gal 5:1-12, Ps 63:1-11, Pr 23:22
Isaiah 28:14-30:11, Gal 3:23-4:31, Ps 62:1-12, Pr 23:19-21
Isaiah 25:1-28:13, Gal 3:10-22, Ps 61:1-8, Pr 23:17-18
Isaiah 22:1-24:23, Gal 2:17-3:9, Ps 60:1-12, Pr 23:15-16
Isaiah 19:1-21:17, Gal 2:1-16, Ps 59:1-17, Pr 23:13-14
Isaiah 15:1-18:7, Gal 1:1-24, Ps 58:1-11, Pr 23:12
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Isaiah 12:1-14:32, 2 Cor 13:1-14, Ps 57:1-11, Pr 23:9-11
Isaiah 10:1-11:16, 2 Cor 12:11-21, Ps 56:1-13, Pr 23:6-8
Isaiah 8:1-9:21, 2 Cor 12:1-10, Ps 55:1-23, Pr 23:4-5
Isaiah 6:1-7:25, 2 Cor 11:16-33, Ps 54:1-7, Pr 23:1-3
Isaiah 3:1-5:30, 2 Cor 11:1-15, Ps 53:1-6, Pr 22:28-29
Isaiah 1:1-2:22, 2 Cor 10:1-18, Ps 52:1-9, Pr 22:26-27
Song 5:1-8:14, 2 Cor 9:1-15, Ps 51:1-19, Pr 22:24-25
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Song 1:1-4:16, 2 Cor 8:16-24, Ps 50:1-23, Pr 22:22-23
Eccl 10:1-12:14, 2 Cor 8:1-15, Ps 49:1-20, Pr 22:20-21
Eccl 7:1-9:18, 2 Cor 7:8-16, Ps 48:1-14, Pr 22:17-19
Eccl 4:1-6:12, 2 Cor 6:14-7:7, Ps 47:1-9, Pr 22:16
Eccl 1:1-3:22, 2 Cor 6:1-13, Ps 46:1-11, Pr 22:15
Job 40:1-42:17, 2 Cor 5:11-21, Ps 45:1-17, Pr 22:14
Job 37:1-39:30, 2 Cor 4:13-5:10, Ps 44:9-26, Pr 22:13
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Job 34:1-36:33, 2 Cor 4:1-12, Ps 44:1-8, Pr 22:10-12
Job 31:1-33:33, 2 Cor 3:1-18, Ps 43:1-5, Pr 22:8-9
Job 28:1-30:31, 2 Cor 2:12-17, Ps 42:1-11, Pr 22:7
Job 23:1-27:23, 2 Cor 1:12-2:11, Ps 41:1-13, Pr 22:5-6
Job 20:1-22:30, 2 Cor 1:1-11, Ps 40:11-17, Pr 22:2-4
Job 16:1-19:29, 1 Cor 16:1-24, Ps 40:1-10, Pr 22:1
Job 12:1-15:35, 1 Cor 15:29-58, Ps 39:1-13, Pr 21:30-31
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Job 8:1-11:20, 1 Cor 15:1-28, Ps 38:1-22, Pr 21:28-29
Job 4:1-7:21, 1 Cor 14:18-40, Ps 37:30-40, Pr 21:27
Job 1:1-3:26, 1 Cor 14:1-17, Ps 37:12-29, Pr 21:25-26
Esther 8:1-10:3, 1 Cor 12:27-13:13, Ps 37:1-11, Pr 21:23-24
Esther 4:1-7:10, 1 Cor 12:1-26, Ps 36:1-12, Pr 21:21-22
Esther 1:1-3:15, 1 Cor 11:17-34, Ps 35:17-28, Pr 21:19-20
Neh 12:27-13:31, 1 Cor 11:1-16, Ps 35:1-16, Pr 21:17-18
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Neh 11:1-12:26, 1 Cor 10:14-33, Ps 34:11-22, Pr 21:14-16
Neh 9:22-10:39, 1 Cor 9:19-10:13, Ps 34:1-10, Pr 21:13
Neh 8:1-9:21, 1 Cor 9:1-18, Ps 33:12-22, Pr 21:11-12
Neh 5:14-7:73, 1 Cor 8:1-13, Ps 33:1-11, Pr 21:8-10
Neh 3:15-5:13, 1 Cor 7:25-40, Ps 32:1-11, Pr 21:5-7
Neh 1:1-3:14, 1 Cor 7:1-24, Ps 31:19-24, Pr 21:4
Ezra 10:1-44, 1 Cor 6:1-20, Ps 31:9-18, Pr 21:3
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Ezra 8:21-9:15, 1 Cor 5:1-13, Ps 31:1-8, Pr 21:1-2
Ezra 7:1-8:20, 1 Cor 4:1-21, Ps 30:1-12, Pr 20:28-30
Ezra 4:24-6:22, 1 Cor 3:5-23, Ps 29:1-11, Pr 20:26-27
Ezra 3:1-4:23, 1 Cor 2:6-3:4, Ps 28:1-9, Pr 20:24-25
Ezra 1:1-2:70, 1 Cor 1:18-2:5, Ps 27:7-14, Pr 20:22-23
2 Chron 35:1-36:23, 1 Cor 1:1-17, Ps 27:1-6, Pr 20:20-21
2 Chron 33:14-34:33, Rom 16:10-27, Ps 26:1-12, Pr 20:19
Community Prayer and Encouragement
2 Chron 32:1-33:13, Rom 15:23-16:9, Ps 25:16-22, Pr 20:16-18
2 Chron 30:1-31:21, Rom 15:1-22, Ps 25:1-15, Pr 20:13-15
2 Chron 29:1-36, Rom 14:1-23, Ps 24:1-10, Pr 20:12
2 Chron 26:1-28:27, Rom 13:1-14, Ps 23:1-6, Pr 20:11
2 Chron 24:1-25:28, Rom 12:1-21, Ps 22:19-31, Pr 20:8-10
2 Chron 21:1-23:21, Rom 11:13-36, Ps 22:1-18, Pr 20:7
2 Chron 19:1-20:37, Rom 10:14-11:12, Ps 21:1-13, Pr 20:4-6
Community Prayer and Encouragement
2 Chron 17:1-18:34, Rom 9:25-10:13, Ps 20:1-9, Pr 20:2-3
2 Chron 14:1-16:14, Rom 9:1-24, Ps 19:1-14, Pr 20:1
2 Chron 11:1-13:22, Rom 8:26-39, Ps 18:37-50, Pr 19:27-29
2 Chron 8:11-10:19, Rom 8:9-25, Ps 18:16-36, Pr 19:26
2 Chron 6:12-8:10, Rom 7:14-8:8, Ps 18:1-15, Pr 19:24-25
2 Chron 4:1-6:11, Rom 7:1-13, Ps 17:1-15, Pr 19:22-23
2 Chron 1:1-3:17, Rom 6:1-23, Ps 16:1-11, Pr 19:20-21
Community Prayer and Encouragement
1 Chron 28:1-29:30, Rom 5:6-21, Ps 15:1-5, Pr 19:18-19
1 Chron 26:12-27:34, Rom 4:13-5:5, Ps 14:1-7, Pr 19:17
1 Chron 24:1-26:11, Rom 4:1-12, Ps 13:1-6, Pr 19:15-16
1 Chron 22:1-23:32, Rom 3:9-31, Ps 12:1-8, Pr 19:13-14
1 Chron 19:1-21:30, Rom 2:25-3:8, Ps 11:1-7, Pr 19:10-12
1 Chron 16:37-18:17, Rom 2:1-24, Ps 10:16-18, Pr 19:8-9
1 Chron 15:1-16:36, Rom 1:18-32, Ps 10:1-15, Pr 19:6-7
Community Prayer and Encouragement
1 Chron 12:19-14:17, Rom 1:1-17, Ps 9:13-20, Pr 19:4-5
1 Chron 11:1-12:18, Acts 28:1-31, Ps 9:1-12, Pr 19:1-3
1 Chron 9:1-10:14, Acts 27:21-44, Ps 8:1-9, Pr 18:23-24
1 Chron 7:1-8:40, Acts 27:1-20, Ps 7:1-17, Pr 18:22
1 Chron 5:18-6:81, Acts 26:1-32, Ps 6:1-10, Pr 18:20-21
1 Chron 4:5-5:17, Acts 25:1-27, Ps 5:1-12, Pr 18:19
1 Chron 2:18-4:4, Acts 24:1-27, Ps 4:1-8, Pr 18:16-18
Community Prayer and Encouragement
1 Chron 1:1-2:17, Acts 23:11-35, Ps 3:1-8, Pr 18:14-15
2 Kings 23:31-25:30, Acts 22:17-23:10, Ps 2:1-12, Pr 18:13
2 Kings 22:3-23:30, Acts 21:37-22:16, Ps 1:1-6, Pr 18:11-12
2 Kings 20:1-22:2, Acts 21:18-36, Ps 150:1-6, Pr 18:9-10
2 Kings 18:13-19:37, Acts 21:1-17, Ps 149:1-9, Pr 18:8
2 Kings 17:1-18:12, Acts 20:1-38, Ps 148:1-14, Pr 18:6-7
2 Kings 15:1-16:20, Acts 19:13-41, Ps 147:1-20, Pr 18:4-5
Community Prayer and Encouragement
2 Kings 13:1-14:29, Acts 18:23-19:12, Ps 146:1-10, Pr 18:2-3
2 Kings 10:32-12:21, Acts 18:1-22, Ps 145:1-21, Pr 18:1
2 Kings 9:14-10:31, Acts 17:1-34, Ps 144:1-15, Pr 17:27-28
2 Kings 8:1-9:13, Acts 16:16-40, Ps 143:1-12, Pr 17:26
2 Kings 6:1-7:20, Acts 15:36-16:15, Ps 142:1-7, Pr 17:24-25
2 Kings 4:18-5:27, Acts 15:1-35, Ps 141:1-10, Pr 17:23
2 Kings 3:1-4:17, Acts 14:8-28, Ps 140:1-13, Pr 17:22
Community Prayer and Encouragement
2 Kings 1:1-2:25, Acts 13:42-14:7, Ps 139:1-24, Pr 17:19-21
1 Kings 22:1-53, Acts 13:16-41, Ps 138:1-8, Pr 17:17-18
1 Kings 20:1-21:29, Acts 12:24-13:15, Ps 137:1-9, Pr 17:16
1 Kings 19:1-21, Acts 12:1-23, Ps 136:1-26, Pr 17:14-15
1 Kings 18:1-46, Acts 11:1-30, Ps 135:1-21, Pr 17:12-13
1 Kings 15:25-17:24, Acts 10:24-48, Ps 134:1-3, Pr 17:9-11
1 Kings 14:1-15:24, Acts 10:1-23, Ps 133:1-3, Pr 17:7-8
Community Prayer and Encouragement
1 Kings 12:20-13:34, Acts 9:26-43, Ps 132:1-18, Pr 17:6
1 Kings 11:1-12:19, Acts 9:1-25, Ps 131:1-3, Pr 17:4-5
1 Kings 9:1-10:29, Acts 8:14-40, Ps 130:1-8, Pr 17:2-3
1 Kings 8:1-66, Acts 7:51-8:13, Ps 129:1-8, Pr 17:1
1 Kings 7:1-51, Acts 7:30-50, Ps 128:1-6, Pr 16:31-33
1 Kings 5:1-6:38, Acts 7:1-29, Ps 127:1-5, Pr 16:28-30
1 Kings 3:3-4:34, Acts 6:1-15, Ps 126:1-6, Pr 16:26-27
Community Prayer and Encouragement
1 Kings 2:1-3:2, Acts 5:1-42, Ps 125:1-5, Pr 16:25
1 Kings 1:1-53, Acts 4:1-37, Ps 124:1-8, Pr 16:24
2 Sam 23:24-24:25, Acts 3:1-26, Ps 123:1-4, Pr 16:21-23
2 Sam 22:1-23:23, Acts 2:1-47, Ps 122:1-9, Pr 16:19-20
2 Sam 20:14-21:22, Acts 1:1-26, Ps 121:1-8, Pr 16:18
2 Sam 19:11-20:13, John 21:1-25, Ps 120:1-7, Pr 16:16-17
2 Sam 18:1-19:10, John 20:1-31, Ps 119:153-176, Pr 16:14-15
Community Prayer and Encouragement
2 Sam 17:1-29, John 19:23-42, Ps 119:129-152, Pr 16:12-13
2 Sam 15:23-16:23, John 18:25-19:22, Ps 119:113-128, Pr 16:10-11
2 Sam 14:1-15:22, John 18:1-24, Ps 119:97-112, Pr 16:8-9
2 Sam 13:1-39, John 17:1-26, Ps 119:81-96, Pr 16:6-7
2 Sam 12:1-31, John 16:1-33, Ps 119:65-80, Pr 16:4-5
2 Sam 9:1-11:27, John 15:1-27, Ps 119:49-64, Pr 16:1-3
2 Sam 7:1-8:18, John 14:15-31, Ps 119:33-48, Pr 15:33
Community Prayer and Encouragement
2 Sam 4:1-6:23, John 13:31-14:14, Ps 119:17-32, Pr 15:31-32
2 Sam 2:12-3:39, John 13:1-30, Ps 119:1-16, Pr 15:29-30
2 Sam 1:1-2:11, John 12:20-50, Ps 118:19-29, Pr 15:27-28
1 Sam 29:1-31:13, John 11:55-12:19, Ps 118:1-18, Pr 15:24-26
1 Sam 26:1-28:25, John 11:1-54, Ps 117:1-2, Pr 15:22-23
1 Sam 24:1-25:44, John 10:22-42, Ps 116:1-19, Pr 15:20-21
1 Sam 22:1-23:29, John 10:1-21, Ps 115:1-18, Pr 15:18-19
Community Prayer and Encouragement
1 Sam 20:1-21:15, John 9:1-41, Ps 113:1-114:8, Pr 15:15-17
1 Sam 18:5-19:24, John 8:31-59, Ps 112:1-10, Pr 15:12-14
1 Sam 17:1-18:4, John 8:21-30, Ps 111:1-10, Pr 15:11
1 Sam 15:1-16:23, John 8:1-20, Ps 110:1-7, Pr 15:8-10
1 Sam 14:1-52, John 7:31-53, Ps 109:1-31, Pr 15:5-7
1 Sam 12:1-13:23, John 7:1-30, Ps 108:1-13, Pr 15:4
1 Sam 10:1-11:15, John 6:43-71, Ps 107:1-43, Pr 15:1-3
Community Prayer and Encouragement
1 Sam 8:1-9:27, John 6:22-42, Ps 106:32-48, Pr 14:34-35
1 Sam 5:1-7:17, John 6:1-21, Ps 106:13-31, Pr 14:32-33
1 Sam 2:22-4:22, John 5:24-47, Ps 106:1-12, Pr 14:30-31
1 Sam 1:1-2:21, John 5:1-23, Ps 105:37-45, Pr 14:28-29
Ruth 2:1-4:22, John 4:43-54, Ps 105:16-36, Pr 14:26-27
Judges 21:1- Ruth 1:22, John 4:4-42, Ps 105:1-15, Pr 14:24-25
Judges 19:1-20:48, John 3:22-4:3, Ps 104:24-35, Pr 14:22-23
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Judges 17:1-18:31, John 3:1-21, Ps 104:1-23, Pr 14:20-21
Judges 15:1-16:31, John 2:1-25, Ps 103:1-22, Pr 14:17-19
Judges 13:1-14:20, John 1:29-51, Ps 102:1-28, Pr 14:15-16
Judges 11:1-12:15, John 1:1-28, Ps 101:1-8, Pr 14:13-14
Judges 9:22-10:18, Luke 24:13-53, Ps 100:1-5, Pr 14:11-12
Judges 8:18-9:21, Luke 23:44-24:12, Ps 99:1-9, Pr 14:9-10
Judges 7:1-8:17, Luke 23:13-43, Ps 97:1-98:9, Pr 14:7-8
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Judges 6:1-40, Luke 22:54-23:12, Ps 95:1-96:13, Pr 14:5-6
Judges 4:1-5:31, Luke 22:35-53, Ps 94:1-23, Pr 14:3-4
Judges 2:10-3:31, Luke 22:14-34, Ps 92:1-93:5, Pr 14:1-2
Judges 1:1-2:9, Luke 21:29-22:13, Ps 90:1-91:16, Pr 13:24-25
Josh 24:1-33, Luke 21:1-28, Ps 89:38-52, Pr 13:20-23
Josh 22:21-23:16, Luke 20:27-47, Ps 89:14-37, Pr 13:17-19
Josh 21:1-22:20, Luke 20:1-26, Ps 89:1-13, Pr 13:15-16
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Josh 19:1-20:9, Luke 19:28-48, Ps 88:1-18, Pr 13:12-14
Josh 16:1-18:28, Luke 19:1-27, Ps 87:1-7, Pr 13:11
Josh 15:1-63, Luke 18:18-43, Ps 86:1-17, Pr 13:9-10
Josh 13:1-14:15, Luke 18:1-17, Ps 85:1-13, Pr 13:7-8
Josh 11:1-12:24, Luke 17:11-37, Ps 84:1-12, Pr 13:5-6
Josh 9:3-10:43, Luke 16:19-17:10, Ps 83:1-18, Pr 13:4
Josh 7:16-9:2, Luke 16:1-18, Ps 82:1-8, Pr 13:2-3
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Josh 5:1-7:15, Luke 15:1-32, Ps 81:1-16, Pr 13:1
Josh 3:1-4:24, Luke 14:7-35, Ps 80:1-19, Pr 12:27-28
Deut 34:1 - Josh 2:24, Luke 13:22-14:6, Ps 79:1-13, Pr 12:26
Deut 33:1-29, Luke 13:1-21, Ps 78:65-72, Pr 12:25
Deut 32:28-52, Luke 12:35-59, Ps 78:56-64, Pr 12:24
Deut 31:1-32:27, Luke 12:8-34, Ps 78:32-55, Pr 12:21-23
Deut 29:1-30:20, Luke 11:37-12:7, Ps 78:1-31, Pr 12:19-20
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Deut 28:1-68, Luke 11:14-36, Ps 77:1-20, Pr 12:18
Deut 26:1-27:26, Luke 10:38-11:13, Ps 76:1-12, Pr 12:15-17
Deut 23:1-25:19, Luke 10:13-37, Ps 75:1-10, Pr 12:12-14
Deut 21:1-22:30, Luke 9:51-10:12, Ps 74:1-23, Pr 12:11
Deut 18:1-20:20, Luke 9:28-50, Ps 73:1-28, Pr 12:10
Deut 16:1-17:20, Luke 9:7-27, Ps 72:1-20, Pr 12:8-9
Deut 13:1-15:23, Luke 8:40-9:6, Ps 71:1-24, Pr 12:5-7
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Deut 11:1-12:32, Luke 8:22-39, Ps 70:1-5, Pr 12:4
Deut 9:1-10:22, Luke 8:4-21, Ps 69:19-36, Pr 12:2-3
Deut 7:1-8:20, Luke 7:36-8:3, Ps 69:1-18, Pr 12:1
Deut 5:1-6:25, Luke 7:11-35, Ps 68:19-35, Pr 11:29-31
Deut 4:1-49, Luke 6:39-7:10, Ps 68:1-18, Pr 11:28
Deut 2:1-3:29, Luke 6:12-38, Ps 67:1-7, Pr 11:27
Num 36:1 - Deut 1:46, Luke 5:29-6:11, Ps 66:1-20, Pr 11:24-26
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Num 33:40-35:34, Luke 5:12-28, Ps 65:1-13, Pr 11:23
Num 32:1-33:39, Luke 4:31-5:11, Ps 64:1-10, Pr 11:22
Num 30:1-31:54, Luke 4:1-30, Ps 63:1-11, Pr 11:20-21
Num 28:16-29:40, Luke 3:23-38, Ps 62:1-12, Pr 11:18-19
Num 26:52-28:15, Luke 3:1-22, Ps 61:1-8, Pr 11:16-17
Num 26:1-51, Luke 2:36-52, Ps 60:1-12, Pr 11:15
Num 24:1-25:18, Luke 2:1-35, Ps 59:1-17, Pr 11:14
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Num 22:21-23:30, Luke 1:57-80, Ps 58:1-11, Pr 11:12-13
Num 21:1-22:20, Luke 1:26-56, Ps 57:1-11, Pr 11:9-11
Num 19:1-20:29, Luke 1:1-25, Ps 56:1-13, Pr 11:8
Num 16:41-18:32, Mark 16:1-20, Ps 55:1-23, Pr 11:7
Num 15:17-16:40, Mark 15:1-47, Ps 54:1-7, Pr 11:5-6
Num 14:1-15:16, Mark 14:53-72, Ps 53:1-6, Pr 11:4
Num 11:24-13:33, Mark 14:22-52, Ps 52:1-9, Pr 11:1-3
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Num 10:1-11:23, Mark 14:1-21, Ps 51:1-19, Pr 10:31-32
Num 8:1-9:23, Mark 13:14-37, Ps 50:1-23, Pr 10:29-30
Num 6:1-7:89, Mark 12:38-13:13, Ps 49:1-20, Pr 10:27-28
Num 4:1-5:31, Mark 12:18-37, Ps 48:1-14, Pr 10:26
Num 2:1-3:51, Mark 11:27-12:17, Ps 47:1-9, Pr 10:24-25
Lev 27:14- Num 1:54, Mark 11:1-26, Ps 46:1-11, Pr 10:23
Lev 25:47-27:13, Mark 10:32-52, Ps 45:1-17, Pr 10:22
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Lev 24:1-25:46, Mark 10:13-31, Ps 44:9-26, Pr 10:20-21
Happy Leap Year
Lev 22:17-23:44, Mark 9:30-10:12, Ps 44:1-8, Pr 10:19
Lev 20:22-22:16, Mark 9:1-29, Ps 43:1-5, Pr 10:18
Lev 19:1-20:21, Mark 8:11-38, Ps 42:1-11, Pr 10:17
Lev 16:29-18:30, Mark 7:24-8:10, Ps 41:1-13, Pr 10:15-16
Lev 15:1-16:28, Mark 7:1-23, Ps 40:11-17, Pr 10:13-14
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Lev 14:1-57, Mark 6:30-56, Ps 40:1-10, Pr 10:11-12
Lev 13:1-59, Mark 6:1-29, Ps 39:1-13, Pr 10:10
Lev 11:1-12:8, Mark 5:21-43, Ps 38:1-22, Pr 10:8-9
Lev 9:7-10:20, Mark 4:26-5:20, Ps 37:30-40, Pr 10:6-7
Lev 7:28-9:6, Mark 3:31-4:25, Ps 37:12-29, Pr 10:5
Lev 6:1-7:27, Mark 3:7-30, Ps 37:1-11, Pr 10:3-4
Lev 4:1-5:19, Mark 2:13-3:6, Ps 36:1-12, Pr 10:1-2
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Lev 1:1-3:17, Mark 1:29-2:12, Ps 35:17-28, Pr 9:13-18
Ex 39:1-40:38, Mark 1:1-28, Ps 35:1-16, Pr 9:11-12
Ex 37:1-38:31, Matt 28:1-20, Ps 34:11-22, Pr 9:9-10
Ex 35:10-36:38, Matt 27:32-66, Ps 34:1-10, Pr 9:7-8
Ex 34:1-35:9, Matt 27:15-31, Ps 33:12-22, Pr 9:1-6
Ex 32:1-33:23, Matt 26:69-27:14, Ps 33:1-11, Pr 8:33-36
Ex 30:11-31:18, Matt 26:47-68, Ps 32:1-11, Pr 8:27-32
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Ex 29:1-30:10, Matt 26:14-46, Ps 31:19-24, Pr 8:14-26
Ex 28:1-43, Matt 25:31-26:13, Ps 31:9-18, Pr 8:12-13
Ex 26:1-27:21, Matt 25:1-30, Ps 31:1-8, Pr 8:1-11
Ex 23:14-25:40, Matt 24:29-51, Ps 30:1-12, Pr 7:24-27
Ex 21:22-23:13, Matt 24:1-28, Ps 29:1-11, Pr 7:6-23
Ex 19:16-21:21, Matt 23:13-39, Ps 28:1-9, Pr 7:1-5
Ex 17:8-19:15, Matt 22:34-23:12, Ps 27:7-14, Pr 6:27-35
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Ex 15:19-17:7, Matt 22:1-33, Ps 27:1-6, Pr 6:20-26
Ex 13:17-15:18, Matt 21:23-46, Ps 26:1-12, Pr 6:16-19
Ex 12:14-13:16, Matt 20:29-21:22, Ps 25:16-22, Pr 6:12-15
Ex 10:1-12:13, Matt 20:1-28, Ps 25:1-15, Pr 6:6-11
Ex 8:1-9:35, Matt 19:13-30, Ps 24:1-10, Pr 6:1-5
Ex 5:22-7:25, Matt 18:21-19:12, Ps 23:1-6, Pr 5:22-23
Ex 4:1-5:21, Matt 18:1-20, Ps 22:19-31, Pr 5:15-21
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Ex 2:11-3:22, Matt 17:10-27, Ps 22:1-18, Pr 5:7-14
Gen 50:1-Ex 2:10, Matt 16:13-17:9, Ps 21:1-13, Pr 5:1-6
Gen 48:1-49:33, Matt 15:29-16:12, Ps 20:1-9, Pr 4:20-27
Gen 46:1-47:31, Matt 15:1-28, Ps 19:1-14, Pr 4:14-19
Gen 44:1-45:28, Matt 14:13-36, Ps 18:37-50, Pr 4:11-13
Gen 42:18-43:34, Matt 13:47-14:12, Ps 18:16-36, Pr 4:7-10
Gen 41:17-42:17, Matt 13:24-46, Ps 18:1-15, Pr 4:1-6
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Gen 39:1-41:16, Matt 12:46-13:23, Ps 17:1-15, Pr 3:33-35
Gen 37:1-38:30, Matt 12:22-45, Ps 16:1-11, Pr 3:27-32
Gen 35:1-36:43, Matt 12:1-21, Ps 15:1-5, Pr 3:21-26
Gen 32:13-34:31, Matt 11:7-30, Ps 14:1-7, Pr 3:19-20
Gen 31:17-32:12, Matt 10:24-11:6, Ps 13:1-6, Pr 3:16-18
Gen 30:1-31:16, Matt 10:1-23, Ps 12:1-8, Pr 3:13-15
Gen 28:1-29:35, Matt 9:18-38, Ps 11:1-7, Pr 3:11-12
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Gen 26:17-27:46, Matt 9:1-17, Ps 10:16-18, Pr 3:9-10
Gen 24:52-26:16, Matt 8:18-34, Ps 10:1-15, Pr 3:7-8
Gen 23:1-24:51, Matt 8:1-17, Ps 9:13-20, Pr 3:1-6
Gen 20:1-22:24, Matt 7:15-29, Ps 9:1-12, Pr 2:16-22
Gen 18:16-19:38, Matt 6:25-7:14, Ps 8:1-9, Pr 2:6-15
Gen 16:1-18:15, Matt 6:1-24, Ps 7:1-17, Pr 2:1-5
Gen 13:5-15:21, Matt 5:27-48, Ps 6:1-10, Pr 1:29-33
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Gen 11:1-13:4, Matt 5:1-26, Ps 5:1-12, Pr 1:24-28
Gen 8:1-10:32, Matt 4:12-25, Ps 4:1-8, Pr 1:20-23
Gen 5:1-7:24, Matt 3:7-4:11, Ps 3:1-8, Pr 1:10-19
Gen 3:1-4:26, Matt 2:13-3:6, Ps 2:1-12, Pr 1:7-9
Gen 1:1-2:25, Matt 1:1-2:12, Ps 1:1-6, Pr 1:1-6
Malachi 3:1-4:6, Rev 22:1-21, Ps 150:1-6, Pr 31:25-31
Malachi 1:1-2:17, Rev 21:1-27, Ps 149:1-9, Pr 31:10-24
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Zech 14:1-21, Rev 20:1-15, Ps 148:1-14, Pr 31:8-9
Zech 12:1-13:9, Rev 19:1-21, Ps 147:1-20, Pr 31:1-7
Zech 9:1-17, Rev 17:1-18, Ps 145:1-21, Pr 30:32
Zech 8:1-23, Rev 16:1-21, Ps 144:1-15, Pr 30:29-31
Zech 6:1-7:14, Rev 15:1-8, Ps 143:1-12, Pr 30:24-28
Zech 4:1-5:11, Rev 14:1-20, Ps 142:1-7, Pr 30:21-23
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Zech 2:1-3:10, Rev 13:1-18, Ps 141:1-10, Pr 30:18-20
Zech 1:1-21, Rev 12:1-17, Ps 140:1-13, Pr 30:17
Haggai 1:1-2:23, Rev 11:1-19, Ps 139:1-24, Pr 30:15-16
Zeph 1:1-3:20, Rev 10:1-11, Ps 138:1-8, Pr 30:11-14
Our DAB annual Christmas party
Habakkuk 1:1-3:19, Rev 9:1-21, Ps 137:1-9, Pr 30:10
Nahum 1:1-3:19, Rev 8:1-13, Ps 136:1-26, Pr 30:7-9
Micah 5:1-7:20, Rev 7:1-17, Ps 135:1-21, Pr 30:5-6
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Micah 1:1-4:13, Rev 6:1-17, Ps 134:1-3, Pr 30:1-4
Jonah 1:1-4:11, Rev 5:1-14, Ps 133:1-3, Pr 29:26-27
Obadiah 1:1-21, Rev 4:1-11, Ps 132:1-18, Pr 29:24-25
Amos 7:1-9:15, Rev 3:7-22, Ps 131:1-3, Pr 29:23
Amos 4:1-6:14, Rev 2:18-3:6, Ps 130:1-8, Pr 29:21-22
Amos 1:1-3:15, Rev 2:1-17, Ps 129:1-8, Pr 29:19-20
Joel 1:1-3:21, Rev 1:1-20, Ps 128:1-6, Pr 29:18
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Hosea 10:1-14:9, Jude 1:1-25, Ps 127:1-5, Pr 29:15-17
Hosea 6:1-9:17, 3 John 1:1-15, Ps 126:1-6, Pr 29:12-14
Hosea 4:1-5:15, 2 John 1:1-13, Ps 125:1-5, Pr 29:9-11
Hosea 1:1-3:5, 1 John 5:1-21, Ps 124:1-8, Pr 29:5-8
Dan 11:36-12:13, 1 John 4:1-21, Ps 123:1-4, Pr 29:2-4
Dan 11:2-35, 1 John 3:7-24, Ps 122:1-9, Pr 29:1
Dan 9:1-11:1, 1 John 2:18-3:6, Ps 121:1-8, Pr 28:27-28
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Dan 8:1-27, 1 John 2:1-17, Ps 120:1-7, Pr 28:25-26
Dan 7:1-28, 1 John 1:1-10, Ps 119:153-176, Pr 28:23-24
Dan 6:1-28, 2 Pet 3:1-18, Ps 119:129-152, Pr 28:21-22
Dan 5:1-31, 2 Pet 2:1-22, Ps 119:113-128, Pr 28:19-20
Dan 2:24-3:30, 1 Pet 4:7-5:14, Ps 119:81-96, Pr 28:15-16
Dan 1:1-2:23, 1 Pet 3:8-4:6, Ps 119:65-80, Pr 28:14
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Eze 47:1-48:35, 1 Pet 2:11-3:7, Ps 119:49-64, Pr 28:12-13
Eze 45:13-46:24, 1 Pet 1:13-2:10, Ps 119:33-48, Pr 28:11
Eze 44:1-45:12, 1 Pet 1:1-12, Ps 119:17-32, Pr 28:8-10
Eze 42:1-43:27, James 5:1-20, Ps 119:1-16, Pr 28:6-7
Eze 40:28-41:26, James 4:1-17, Ps 118:19-29, Pr 28:3-5
Eze 39:1-40:27, James 2:18-3:18, Ps 118:1-18, Pr 28:2
Eze 37:1-38:23, James 1:19-2:17, Ps 117:1-2, Pr 28:1
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Eze 35:1-36:38, James 1:1-18, Ps 116:1-19, Pr 27:23-27
Eze 33:1-34:31, Heb 13:1-25, Ps 115:1-18, Pr 27:21-22
Eze 31:1-32:32, Heb 12:14-29, Ps 113:1-114:8, Pr 27:18-20
Eze 29:1-30:26, Heb 11:32-12:13, Ps 112:1-10, Pr 27:17
Eze 27:1-28:26, Heb 11:17-31, Ps 111:1-10, Pr 27:15-16
Eze 24:1-26:21, Heb 11:1-16, Ps 110:1-7, Pr 27:14
Eze 23:1-49, Heb 10:18-39, Ps 109:1-31, Pr 27:13
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Eze 21:1-22:31, Heb 10:1-17, Ps 108:1-13, Pr 27:12
Eze 20:1-49, Heb 9:11-28, Ps 107:1-43, Pr 27:11
Eze 18:1-19:14, Heb 9:1-10, Ps 106:32-48, Pr 27:10
Eze 16:42-17:24, Heb 8:1-13, Ps 106:13-31, Pr 27:7-9
Eze 14:12-16:41, Heb 7:18-28, Ps 106:1-12, Pr 27:4-6
Eze 12:1-14:11, Heb 7:1-17, Ps 105:37-45, Pr 27:3
Eze 10:1-11:25, Heb 6:1-20, Ps 105:16-36, Pr 27:1-2
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Eze 7:1-9:11, Heb 5:1-14, Ps 105:1-15, Pr 26:28
Eze 3:16-6:14, Heb 4:1-16, Ps 104:24-35, Pr 26:27
Eze 1:1-3:15, Heb 3:1-19, Ps 104:1-23, Pr 26:24-26
Lam 4:1-5:22, Heb 2:1-18, Ps 103:1-22, Pr 26:23
Lam 3:1-66, Heb 1:1-14, Ps 102:1-28, Pr 26:21-22
Lam 1:1-2:22, Phile 1:1-25, Ps 101:1-8, Pr 26:20
Jer 51:54-52:34, Titus 3:1-15, Ps 100:1-5, Pr 26:18-19
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Jer 49:23-50:46, Titus 1:1-16, Ps 97:1-98:9, Pr 26:13-16
Jer 48:1-49:22, 2 Tim 4:1-22, Ps 95:1-96:13, Pr 26:9-12
Jer 44:24-47:7, 2 Tim 2:22-3:17, Ps 94:1-23, Pr 26:6-8
Jer 42:1-44:23, 2 Tim 2:1-21, Ps 92:1-93:5, Pr 26:3-5
Jer 39:1-41:18, 2 Tim 1:1-18, Ps 90:1-91:16, Pr 26:1-2
Jer 37:1-38:28, 1 Tim 6:1-21, Ps 89:38-52, Pr 25:28
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Jer 35:1-36:32, 1 Tim 5:1-25, Ps 89:14-37, Pr 25:25-27
Jer 33:1-34:22, 1 Tim 4:1-16, Ps 89:1-13, Pr 25:23-24
Jer 31:27-32:44, 1 Tim 3:1-16, Ps 88:1-18, Pr 25:20-22
Jer 30:1-31:26, 1 Tim 2:1-15, Ps 87:1-7, Pr 25:18-19
Jer 28:1-29:32, 1 Tim 1:1-20, Ps 86:1-17, Pr 25:17
Jer 26:1-27:22, 2 Thes 3:1-18, Ps 85:1-13, Pr 25:16
Jer 23:21-25:38, 2 Thes 2:1-17, Ps 84:1-12, Pr 25:15
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Jer 22:1-23:20, 2 Thes 1:1-12, Ps 83:1-18, Pr 25:11-14
Jer 19:1-21:14, 1 Thes 5:4-28, Ps 82:1-8, Pr 25:9-10
Jer 16:16-18:23, 1 Thes 4:1-5:3, Ps 81:1-16, Pr 25:6-8
Jer 14:11-16:15, 1 Thes 2:9-3:13, Ps 80:1-19, Pr 25:1-5
Jer 12:1-14:10, 1 Thes 1:1-2:8, Ps 79:1-13, Pr 24:30-34
Jer 10:1-11:23, Col 3:18-4:18, Ps 78:56-72, Pr 24:28-29
Jer 8:8-9:26, Col 3:1-17, Ps 78:32-55, Pr 24:27
Community Prayer and Encouragement
Jer 6:16-8:7, Col 2:8-23, Ps 78:1-31, Pr 24:26
Jer 4:19-6:15, Col 1:18-2:7, Ps 77:1-20, Pr 24:23-25
Jer 2:31-4:18, Col 1:1-17, Ps 76:1-12, Pr 24:21-22
Jer 1:1-2:30, Phil 4:1-23, Ps 75:1-10, Pr 24:17-20