Parenthood and Why it is Flipping Exhausting
Parenthood and Why it is Flipping Exhausting  
Podcast: Thrive Like A Parent
Published On: Fri Jul 14 2023
Description: EP:46 The first number one step to taking care of yourself within the exhaustion of parenthood is awareness, and acceptance. Ask yourself… How do I feel? It is ok for the answer to be I feel exhausted. You get to feel that feeling. Exhausted does not mean you're weak. Feeling exhausted does not mean that you're a bad parent. Feeling exhausted means you're probably doing a phenomenal job. When you accept how your brain and body is feeling, you are then allowed to go after the mental health that your brain and body is craving deserves and longs for. But in order to truly support ourselves, not only do we have to have the awareness and acceptance, but we have to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. We have to learn how to regulate ourselves. You are so worthy of finding that self care, you are so worthy of gaining support, no matter who it is. You are so worthy of finding a community, you're so worthy of asking someone for support, you're so worthy of having a moment of silence or just to stretch before you go to bed. You are so so worthy of that. But I cannot give that to you. You have to decide for yourself. This week on the Thrive Like a Parent podcast, we are going to discuss owning your exhaustion in parenthood and steps to take care of yourself through it without any guilt or shame.