Podcast:Thrive Like A Parent Published On: Fri Jan 12 2024 Description: EP:71 Happy 2024!!! As we start ramping up this year, I want to remind you that today is today, we'll see what tomorrow brings. But be proud of yourself just simply for showing up. And trust the process. Whatever you're going through in your life.. Whether it's you having some January blues, whether it's you're feeling some depression, just in life or you've gone through a loss or you're having a hard season of your life, whatever it is, I want you to trust that process. Trust time. Love time. Allow time. Don't force time but instead soak it in. Take one small step to change your life in whatever direction that means for you. Whether it is slowing down, whether it is slightly ramping up, utilize that throttle to make the long lasting impact within your life. #thrivelikeaparent #podcast #newepisode #sensoryregulation #emotionalregulation #mentalhealth #newyearsresolutionsarebullshit #growthovertime #thrive #supportyourbrain #burnout #dysregulatednervoussysstem