Dr. B’s Career Journey and Life Path That Has Led Her to Support Parent’s All Over the World
Dr. B’s Career Journey and Life Path That Has Led Her to Support Parent’s All Over the World  
Podcast: Thrive Like A Parent
Published On: Fri Sep 09 2022
Description: EP2: This episode takes you into a deep dive of how Dr. Brooke Weinstein has gotten to this point in her career. Dr. B shares her career journey and life path that has led her to support parents all over the world. From neuroscience to sensory and emotion regulation, she dives deep into why this work that she now offers is so impactful in the life of her own as she has embarked on this widow journey, the lives of her clients and her clients family and down to all the children that are impacted through this work. Listen in as Dr. B takes you on a journey of loss, triumph and highs lows and career shifts and moves as she so longed to impact the lives of children which she now does. If you've ever been curious as to how Dr. B built her method created her practice and why her teachings impacted so many, this is the podcast for you. Dr. Brooke Weinstein Instagram: @brookeweinst Youtube: Dr. Brooke Weinstein TikTok: @brookeweinstein Website: www.drbrookeweinstein.com