Building Strong Communication Skills Within Your Partnership
Building Strong Communication Skills Within Your Partnership  
Podcast: Thrive Like A Parent
Published On: Fri Apr 19 2024
Description: EP:85 It's really hard to have healthy communication within a partnership. It’s something that you have to make an active effort to build within your partnership. There's three levels of communication. First phase: The chaos tit for tat. YOU. YOU. YOU. Second phase: the psychological phase of communicating..  I'm trying to hear you but I don't understand because I did that and you did this. Third phase: the most deep layer is how do I feel… The I statements. Carter and I have put in a lot of work to get to where we are today and we thought it would supportive to all of you to share what has worked, tips and tricks and tools and our journey along the way of how our communication has gotten to where it has gotten. We would love to know what holding you back from building stronger communication within your partnership in the comments below.