Why Won’t My Kids Listen to Anything I Say?
Why Won’t My Kids Listen to Anything I Say?  
Podcast: Thrive Like A Parent
Published On: Fri Nov 04 2022
Description: EP:10 Dr. B is going to talk to you today about HOW to get our kids to listen and WHY they don't listen. This is actually a two part kind of conversation. What Dr. B will dive deep into with you today is NOT just how to understand how to get your kids to listen, but the reason WHY. WHY ARE THEY NOT LISTENING?!!! That makes you want to pull your hair out right?! Dr.B knows it makes you want to literally run. Run away and just be done. You just can't anymore. Dr. B will define a huge aspect that's overlooked. Sometimes it;s not that your child is not listening, it is actually COMPLIANCE. Understanding where their brains are at when we're asking them to do something. And Dr. B is going to give you a few tips and tricks and tools of how to help with that compliance. Rule of thumb is less compliance, less words, if your child's talking a mile a minute and you're like I understand it, and you're trying to talk over them and you're trying to keep going and trying to explain it, that's going to do nothing except for expend a lot of energy on your part. Join Dr. B on this episode to learn how to save your energy for logical, connective moments with your children. And how to truly connect with your child in those moments.