65. Hold on, we're doing healthy girl sh*t
65. Hold on, we're doing healthy girl sh*t  
Podcast: Karma & Chaos with Kail Lowry & Becky Hayter
Published On: Tue Dec 28 2021
Description: Kail gets diagnosed with depression and starts to connect the dots of why she has been feeling this way for a while. She reflects on how it influenced her reaction to certain events in her life and why it's important to know where to draw the line in defending oneself. With the new year coming up, Vee and Kail ask themselves were they want to be in five years. Also, Kail provides a house update and a Rate My Sex follow up. Plus a Down in the DMs stories about people who received a healthy dose of karma. Please support the show by checking out our sponsors! Truebill: Go right now - Truebill.com/MAMADRAMA - it could save you THOUSANDS a year. Luminess: . Right now if you go to BreezeAirbrush.com/MAMADRAMA, you’ll receive 50% OFF their airbrush makeup system PLUS free shipping! And because you’re a listener there is a special free gift included just for you FitOn: Join over 10 million people getting their FitOn. Work out for free anytime, anywhere. Text BABY to 64-000 BetterHelp: Listeners get 10% off their first month at BetterHelp.com/MAMADRAMA Hi-Chew:Visit www.hi-chew.com/win, and enter to win an exclusive bucket full of HI-CHEW candy and swag