I Don't Have Business Getting Remarried
I Don't Have Business Getting Remarried  
Podcast: Karma & Chaos with Kail Lowry & Becky Hayter
Published On: Tue Jan 30 2024
Description: This week on BMND, Kail and Vee discuss The ACE Family drama, and Kail opens up about her internal conflict regarding marriage and its meaning. They also delve into some coparenTEA, tackling a situation where a stepchild consistently gets lice upon returning from her bio-mom's house. In Down in the DM's, a savvy listener uncovers her baby daddy's infidelity using an Apple Watch. To add some excitement for Valentine's Day, Kail and Vee share enticing product recommendations for the bedroom. Make sure to check out our Instagram @babymamasnodramapodcast! And check out Kail and Vee for more! Email: info@babymamasnodramapodcast.com Please support the show by checking out our sponsors! BetterHelp: This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Visit BetterHelp.com/MAMADRAMA today to get 10% off yo ur first month.