Teasing (aka Peekaboo As Your Child's Worst Nightmare)
Podcast:Gotta Be Done - A Bluey Podcast Published On: Thu Nov 21 2019 Description: After a start that's more confusing than the name Sharalanda, we're away with some Teasing - or as Kate sees it, easy-games-to-play-with-kids 101! But when is it okay to tease your (our) kids, and when is it too much? Mary analyses the child development theory (or pop-psychology clickbait, you decide), and we wonder whether kids know what sarcasm is (duh, nooooooo!) Can Bluey-style teasing can actually build resilience? And, what are parents being belted for this week - being under-involved in kids' sporting activities, or over-involved? (Spoiler: we can't win!) Plus, get on board in Kate's new obsession with Joe Brumm's hometown of Winton, via Total Control on ABC. Oh, and we completely forget to mention the score for this ep got Joff Bush nominated for an APRA-AGSC Screen Music Award. And it's awesome. Volume knobs up, people! ++ Gotta Be Done is ex-journos and Melbourne mums Kate McMahon and Mary Bolling, as we deep-dive on every Bluey episode, with plenty of detours into mama life, childhood memories, and everything else we're bingeing, too! Follow us on Insta at @blueypod @marytbolling @katejmcmahon or on Twitter at @blueypodcast - and use #blueypod to join in.