Podcast:Lisa Harper's Back Porch Theology Published On: Mon May 08 2023 Description: Join the mission! Visit donate.accessmore.com to help fund more episodes and shows like this. During today’s conversation on Back Porch Theology – the final of three podcasts we recorded live in Israel – we’re exposing some stuff to the light that the enemy of our souls would rather us keep hidden because he has a better chance of tormenting us in the dark. Before we go any further, I’d like to encourage you to make sure there aren’t any kiddos listening today because this podcast includes a very vulnerable, ultimately triumphant testimony that includes trauma which might be a bit heavy for little hearts. The catalyst for this bondage-breaking theme was a site we explored in the Golan Heights called Caesarea Philippi – not to be confused with Caesarea By the Sea which we talked about last week. Although, Caesarea Philippi’s beauty is water-based as well because it sits at the foot of Mount Hermon, so the abundance of snow run-off combined with a large spring called Banias makes it a lush green oasis of flora and fauna. But there’s also a big, dark cave carved into the hillside at Caesarea Philippi that was the center of pagan worship in ancient times. Sacrifices were often cast into that cave as offerings to the false god Pan, whom you may remember from Greek mythology as the half-man/half-goat playing a flute and flirting with nymphs. In light of Pan’s secular popularity, it’s especially fitting that Caesarea Philippi is also the place where Jesus asked Peter, “Who do you say that I am?” to which Peter confessed that He was the Messiah. The Christ. The King of all kings who would conquer fear and death once and for all. If you struggle with some level of anxiety, our sincere hope and prayer is that God will use today’s conversation to ease your burden. Your precious shoulders weren’t shaped to carry that crushing load. Paul says it best at the beginning of Galatians 5: It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. So please grab a cup of coffee and your Bible – unless you’re re-staining your deck, of course – and come hang out on the porch with us! Follow Us On Instagram! @BackPorchTheologyPodcast @LisaDHarper @AllisonAllen @Jim.Howard.Co Learn more about Convoy of Hope’s Women’s Empowerment program at Convoy.org/LisaHarper