Happy Anniversary, Baby!
Happy Anniversary, Baby!  
Podcast: Lisa Harper's Back Porch Theology
Published On: Mon Jan 09 2023
Description: Save 25% off an annual subscription to Dwell here. During today’s conversation on Back Porch Theology we’re going to sift back through the rapture and rupture of our first year of podcasting – we can hardly believe this is our 52nd week of BPT! We’re going to revisit some really cool theological concepts like orthodoxy, orthopraxy and orthopathy and I will surely mispronounce a multi-syllabic term or two because if you’ve spent even a short amount of time hanging out on the proverbial porch with us, you know that bloopers are a big part of our repertoire! But there’s a biblical method to our happy madness today as well, because in Revelation 12, the evil one is depicted as an angry dragon because our Savior’s sword is poking out of his nasty, scaly chest so that lying lizard knows his time is short. Revelation 12 also explains that the devil is defeated by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. In other words, when we talk about the good things God has done and is doing, we effectively plunge King Jesus’ sword deeper into his evil chest! Therefore, Ally and Dr. Howard and I are going to thoroughly enjoy some lizard torture today, because we’re gob-smacked by the grace God has lavished on us, as well as the gift of community He's given us with y’all and we can’t wait to TEST-TI-FY all about it! So please grab a cup of coffee and your Bible – unless you’re driving or doing the Electric Slide with your small group, of course – and come hang out on the porch with us! Follow Us On Instagram! @BackPorchTheologyPodcast@LisaDHarper@AllisonAllen@Jim.Howard.Co Back Porch Theology is sponsored in part by Dwell Bible App. Save 30% off Dwell for Life at DwellApp.io/Lisa Harper.  Back Porch Theology Goes Home-Christian Tour to Israel-March 21-31, 2023  Watch the Ark in the Darkness HERE. Learn more about The Chosen HERE.