How Do We Know When God Says Go
How Do We Know When God Says Go  
Podcast: Lisa Harper's Back Porch Theology
Published On: Mon Aug 28 2023
Description: Save 25% off an annual subscription to Dwell here. We’ve titled today’s conversation on Back Porch Theology – How Do We Know When God Says Go – because we’re using the seasonal theme of “Back to School” to talk honestly about transition. Whether it’s graduating from one grade to the next, leaving home to strike out on our own, changing careers, saying goodbye to a relationship or a loved one, moving from one neighborhood to another, one city to another, one state to another or even from one country to another, we’re all going to come face to face with change on a regular basis whether we’re comfortable with it or not! So what does this divine love letter called the Bible reveal about when to leave and when to stay? Why are there 74 Selahs – or sacred pauses – in biblical narrative and when are we supposed to put our own proverbial cars in neutral instead of racing ahead? How can we learn to lean into the curves of this wild ride called life, especially when we can’t see around the corner of our circumstances? Speaking of wild rides, Ally and Dr. Howard are back in the BPT house today after taking their own summer breaks, which means this convo is going to be both rowdy and rooted in a deep love for each other, as well as for God and His Word. So please grab a cup of coffee – I’m still drinking mine iced because even though we’re cruising toward Fall, it’s still hot and humid in Nashville - and grab your Bible – unless your hands are sticky from braising brisket for a late summer barbeque, of course, and come kick up your feet on the porch with us! Check out the P O U R Over podcast each Monday, Wednesday and Friday wherever you listen to podcasts. Watch the Ark in the Darkness HERE. Learn more about The Chosen HERE.