Podcast:Going West: True Crime Published On: Tue Jun 28 2022 Description: In July of 1996, a 31-year-old veterinarian was found dead in his Montana home. Although he was loved deeply by his family and friends, and had a passion for helping animals, he did had some enemies, one man in particular who claimed Bryan stole his girlfriend. But was he behind the killing, or was it someone else in their tiny rural town? This is the story of Bryan Rein.BONUS EPISODEpatreon.com/goingwestpodcastCASE SOURCES1. Great Falls Tribune: https://www.newspapers.com/image/242269434/?terms=bryan%20rein&match=12. Great Falls Tribune: https://www.newspapers.com/image/242270876/?terms=bryan%20rein&match=13. Dateline: https://www.peacocktv.com/watch/asset/tv/dateline-nbc/90605829559337641124. Argus Leader: https://www.argusleader.com/story/news/crime/2014/05/01/brandon-man-arrested-connection-mid-s-mont-murder/8574551/5. Great Falls Tribune: https://www.greatfallstribune.com/story/news/local/2016/01/07/geraldine-murder-subject-dateline-mystery/78429942/6. Cinemaholic: https://thecinemaholic.com/thomas-jaraczeski-now/