Haunted Detective
Haunted Detective

REBRAND IN PROCESS....A podcast about the human experience and the stories we've heard too many times.

Throughout season Seven, Kelsey and Pamela investigated Steven Kubacki's mysterious disappearance and reappearance. There were so many questions and possibilities like government experiments, sinister triangles and dissociative  amnesia. Join us for the season finale and come to your own conclusion about what happened to Steven!Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Steven Kubacki forgot what happened for 15 months and there are many paranormal or psychological reasons this could happen. On this week's episode Pamela takes the reins to lead Kelsey through some key diagnostic points and causes for amnesia, dissociative fugue disorder and traumatic brain injury induced psychosis. To fully investigate these theories they deep dive into the cases of Hannah Upp, Lars Mitank and the Tromp family.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Steven Kubacki's disappearance might go hand in hand with experiments that the CIA was doing at the time, like MKUltra...But, what if these experiments were just the catalyst? This week on the Haunted Detective Podcast, Kelsey and Pamela set out to investigate the phenomena of Ley-Lines, Portals and Energy Vortexes in relation to other weird cases like Dudleytown, Connecticut , the Hoia Baciu Forest in Romania and the Suicide Forest in Japan.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Flashback to Pam's first episode on the podcast: Steven's disappearance is bizarre, but what the CIA could have done to him and other missing people is just plain disturbing. In this episode Kelsey and Pamela travel down the rabbit hole of illegal government experiments, time travel and the multiverse theory. Could this be an explanation for where Steven was in those 15 months Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Steven didn't just vanish and suddenly find himself, he lost 15 months of his life and still has no idea what happened to him. Kelsey and Pamela want to know if Steven's story is related to other Missing 411 disappearances. To do this, they deep dive into the unsolved case of The Yuba County Five, stories of ghosts who make people go missing like La Llorona and related 411 vanishings and deaths.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Steven Kubacki's Disappearance was not an isolated incident and neither were the other scary stories in Michigan where he went missing. In episode two Kelsey and Pamela investigate other notorious triangles in America. One is in Bennington, Vermont where a man seemingly vanished off of moving bus and the other  in Bridgewater, Massachusetts a large area plagued by occult-style murders, weird monsters and terrifying ghosts. Is there a connection between these places, or can a more mundane explanation be found?Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
For this mid-season special Kelsey and Pamela deep dive into the true crime case of Kathy Hobbs, a young girl who had premonitions about her murder, and Donald Decker a man who was possessed and could summon rain!Follow us on IG: www.Instagram.com/Haunted.DetectiveBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Steven Kubacki vanished from the Michigan Triangle while cross-country skiing and his case went cold. That is until something unimaginable happened that left everyone stunned. In the seventh season of the Haunted Detective Podcast Kelsey and Pamela investigate Steven's mysterious disappearance, triangles like the one in Bermuda, time travel and so much more. Tune in to kick Season Seven off and open the case file on Steven Kubacki!PATREON: https://patreon.com/HauntedDetective?utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLinkBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Throughout season six Kelsey and Pamela investigated the possible truths behind Anatoly Moskvin's story and used historical context and similar caveats to do so. Can someone really be haunted, what is necromancy and the Celtic afterlife, did Anatoly commit his crimes because he could see ghosts? For the season finale the Haunted Detective team turns to each other, their producer Christopher Wright, and you, the listeners to answer questions and come to a final conclusion. Will Kelsey and Pamela agree? Or will it take more stories, nestled within different mysteries to turn Pamela into a believer?Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Anatoly Moskvin might have been able to talk to the dead, but he also could have been suffering from a complex mental illness. To further uncover the truth, Kelsey and Pamela discuss Anatoly's diagnosis of schizophrenia and it's correlation with his early life trauma and behavioral patterns. They also set out to learn whether or not genius's are more susceptible to long-term mental illnesses like Schizophrenia and Bipolar by talking about John Nash and others like him.SUBSCRIBE TO PATREON: https://patreon.com/HauntedDetective?utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLinkBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Anatoly claims to have had a run-in with a cult-like group in Russia but there are some holes in his story. Stalin had turned the USSR into an atheist state and all but banned the practice of religion. In order to investigate the scope of possibility we need to look into how this happened by covering topics like Slavic Paganism, Cults in Russia and everyone's favorite... Rasputin!SUBSCRIBE TO PATREON FOLLOW US ON IG Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Anatoly Moskvin chose to turn these little girls into porcelain dolls for a reason. To explore this further Kelsey and Pamela must investigate the cultural significance of dolls and talk about ones that are more haunted and spooky than Annabelle. On top of that they need to tell the story of Carl Tanzler; a criminal who turned a dead woman into a human doll. Tune in to this week's episode to find out more.FOLLOW US ON: PATREONINSTAGRAM Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Anatoly Moskvin, a genius turned madman and criminal, was a scholar of many things; Celtic history and folklore was one of his favorite study points. How does this pertain to the crime that he committed and the choices he made? To figure this out, Kelsey and Pamela must investigate Celtic stories associated with souls, necromancy and the afterlife.FOLLOW US: PATREONINSTAGRAMBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Anatoly Moskvin was haunted by the ghost of Natasha Petrova, is something like this even possible? During this episode we deep dive into his story about Natasha and discuss ghosts who were able to bring themselves justice by solving their own murders.SUB TO OUR PATREONFOLLOW US ON IG:Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Anatoly Moskvin committed one of this generations most horrific crimes, but we want to deep dive into why he did what he did. Was he really kidnapped and forced to marry a dead little girl? Did her ghost really haunt him? Can spirits actually communicate with us from the afterlife? These are all question's that Kelsey and Pamela will be investigating on this brand new season of the Haunted Detective podcast! FOLLOW US ON IG www.instagram.com/haunted.detective Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
It's time for another season finale! Tune in this week to join Kelsey and Pamela as they discuss their theories and opinions on what Urban Legends really are. They might be paranormal, psychological or something else all together. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Urban legends are not just mysterious, they are terrifying. But, the history behind them is sometimes much darker than the paranormal lore that gave these stories and creatures their fame. From the Bunny man to Faeries and even Bloody Mary, Kelsey and Pamela spent five epsidoes tracking down the truth behind each myth. While some were harder to come find than others, there was only one stone left unturned. What does science have to say about these tales? For this season's Pyshcology with Pam episode, she deep dives into the pyschological diagnosis of Mass Hsyteria and how the phenomenon could infleunce different Urban Legends.  FOLLOW US ON OUR SOCIALS:YOUTUBE INSTAGRAMBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
For this week's episode Kelsey and Pamela introduce a podcast that they love called LoveLustFear. From the creators of Strictly Stalking this show is an exposé on the darker side of dating and relationships. How did She escape? Jenna is swept off her feet by a charismatic chef and finds herself married within ninety days. But under his charming facade lurks a volatile temper as Jenna becomes the target of his rage, threats, and physical intimidation.Subscription LinksSpotifyApple PodcastsAmazon Music ChartableRSS Feed Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Join Pamela and Kelsey on another adventure through time as they dissect the urban legend of Bloody Mary and her assumed history. Can pop-culture tales prove that some of these stories are based in more fact than fiction, especially the paranormal part? Find out this week on the Haunted Detective.FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM for extra content and exciting updateswww.instagram.com/haunted.detective  Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
To fully understand the paranormal and cultural aspect of Urban Legends, Kelsey and Pamela dive into the past to investigate the Celtic lore surrounding the Fae, Changelings and their relationship to characters and figures in PopCulture.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Miriam Rodriguez was born and raised in San Fernando, Tamaulipas. Miriam's youngest daughter, Karen, was taken by the cartel and even though the Rodriguez family paid the ransom money, the cartel did not return Karen. Miriam then took it upon herself to find those responsible for her daughter's disappearance. On this episode of Espooky Tales, Cristina tells Carmen about the case of Miriam Rodriguez and at the end, they read a listener story.  Espooky Tales website: https://www.espookytales.com/follow/ Espooky Tales Tiktok! https://www.tiktok.com/@espookytales Instagram https://www.instagram.com/espookytales/ Find us on Youtube: https://youtube.com/@espookytalesBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
The Brothers Grimm wrote about a mystical place nestled in Germany known as the Black Forest where magic, monsters and folk-creatures roam freely among the trees. In order to investigate this haunting place, Kelsey and Pamela dive into the Hinterkaifeck Murders and ghost story that hits a little too close for home. FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: Www.instagram.com/haunted.detectiveBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
The Haunted Detective Podcast is back, but Kelsey is still sick. So, Pamela took over for the day and interviewed their friend Tyson Kemp, a skeptical paranormal believer who lives in the Appalachias. Together, they dive into the unsettling phenomenon of serial killer romanticization to unravel how this obsession impacts victims, survivors and society. FOLLOW US ON IG www.instagram.com/haunted.detectiveBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
For this weeks season special, Kelsey and Pamela are going to be deep diving into the murder of Pravin Varughese; a case that has involved horrific displays of racial prejudice, police negligence and just overall bizarre court rulings. OFFICIAL FB PAGE FOR PRAVIN & AND PETITION https://www.facebook.com/justiceforpravin/ https://www.change.org/p/united-states-supreme-court-justice-for-pravinBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Kelsey and Pamela go on an adventure through the tale of Virginia's murderous Bunny Man. Through analysis of the local and political climate of Burke in the 1970's the pair find a link to the sightings and the KKK. Join them on an investigative journey as they reveal the true meaning of a trauma haunting. FOLLOW US ON IG: www.Instagram.com/haunted.detectiveBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Kelsey and Pamela bring in their friend Sanjay Parikh, a videographer and photographer who accidentally caught a ghost on camera. All together, they discuss his finding and successfully make Pamela question her skepticism for the first time...ever! Go to our instagram to see the photo before the episode is released on youtube: www.instagram.com/haunted.detective Sanjay's IG: www.instagram.com/sanjayparikhphotoBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Urban Legends are always terrifying, no matter the story. But, what's worse, the monsters in the tales or the real people they are based on? Kelsey and Pamela set out to investigate the truth behind different urban legends to see if there really are monsters behind the mask or just people. We might not be the Mystery Gang but we're here to unmask the myths. To do this, they're kicking off the new season by talking about the Hooked Hand Man of Staten Island, his origins at the horrific Willowbrook State School and the prolific serial Killer Andre Rand. Was he Cropsey or did he copy a real monster? WILLOWBROOK DOCUMENTARY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2UqDPbHs8EBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Take a trip to Romania as Kelsey, Pamela and their friend John Guarnieri from Spear Talk Podcast deep dive into the man who inspired Bram Stoker's Dracula. Vlad the Impaler was a vicious ruler...Or was he? FOLLOW US ON IG www.instagram.com/haunted.detectiveBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
The Man Vs Bear debate has sparked a lot of controversy on the internet lately. So, Kelsey, Pamela and their friend Ellyn Marsh decide to honor mothers everywhere by talking about women's suffering in history, some true crime cases and statistics to prove why women are choosing to be stuck in the forest with a bear and not a man. FOLLOW US ON IG www.Instagram.com/haunted.detectiveBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Kelsey and Pamela team up with Steffany Strange to discuss something that is much more haunted than Annabelle. Together they dive into the story of Robert the Doll and his paranormal tendencies... And of course, thank you for letting us talk about you Robert and sorry for doing it without your permission. Follow us on IG: www.Instagram.com/Haunted.Detective And Follow Steffany: www.Instagram.com/Steffany_StrangeBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
On this very personal episode, Kelsey tells the story of her Grandmother's murder and the Serial Killer who took her life. Her and Pamela are joined by Heart Starts Pounding Podcast.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
In honor of 20k on instagram, Kelsey finally tells Pamela about her experiences growing up in a haunted house. Tune in this week to learn some scary and personal details about the pair! INSTAGRAM www.instagram.com/haunted.detectiveBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
For this weeks season special, Kelsey and Pamela discuss their favorite conspiracy theories. FOLLOW US ON IG: www.instagram.com/haunted.detectiveBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Season 4 is finally coming to a close, during this episode Kelsey and Pamela share their opinions and thoughts but not before they tease the topic for next season! FOLLOW US ON IG www.instagram.com/haunted.detectiveBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Pamela and Kelsey delve into the mind of a cult leader, drawing comparisons to narcissists in relationships and abusive partners. How are cults created? Why do these leaders see themselves as prophets? Anyone can be fooled and unknowingly be initiated into a cult. FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA www.instagram.com/haunted.detectiveBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
We talked about Jim Jones in Part 1...Now it's time to talk about the cult he created and how it ended in a massacre. This episode will be a victim-centric take on Jonestown, we'll be listening to survivor testimonials and old news recordings from the time. Instagram: www.instagram.com/haunted.detectiveBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Who was the man that created one of the worst cults to date? we can't talk about The People's Temple without talking about Jim Jones, the madman and brains behind the operation...the reason why close to 1,000 people lost their lives in the Guyana Jungle in 1978. Follow our Socials for Exclusive Content: www.Instagram.com/Haunted.DetectiveBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
On this week's episode, Kelsey and Pamela investigate disturbing stories of Saints and Martyrs and their relationship to human sacrifice and how ideologies shifted into mass suicide with cults like Heaven's Gate. Follow us on IG www.instagram.com/Haunted.detectiveBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
What exactly is a cult? During this episode, Kelsey and Pamela explore the Eleusinian Mysteries, a practice in ancient Greece that has baffled historians and anthropologists for thousands of years, and how Secret Societies, like the Freemasons, and Cults have shaped the world as we know it. Follow us on Instagram for Exclusive content: https://www.instagram.com/haunted.detectiveBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Welcome to a brand new season of the Haunted Detective podcast, It's time to investigate the phenomenon of Paranormal Cults. To kick season 4 off Kelsey and Pamela will be deep diving into the Mexican cult leader, Magdalena Solís, who practiced human sacrifice and blood letting. To further understand where these bloody traditions come from they look back into the history of these practices and how they came to be.  Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
For the season three finale Kelsey and Pamela discuss whether or not they believe in possessions, demons and the ability sell your soul. They also discuss the technical difficulties they had this season and how it lined up with the topics (it happened again, the demons in our equipment wanted to go out with a bang) Follow us on IG: www.Instagram.com/Haunted.DetectiveBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Valentines Day wasn't always about love and it's expression. The holiday has a much more macabre and disturbing history. During this season special Kelsey and Pamela talk about where V-day comes from and a very disturbing true crime case that happened on Feb. 14th to raise awareness for victims of stalking. Follow us on IG: www.Instagram.com/Haunted.DetectiveBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Can someone really get possessed by a demon, or is it a psychological phenomenon? On this week's episode of the Haunted Detective podcast Pamela takes the reigns to discuss the psychological diagnosis of demon possesion and how religous trauma can effect how someone views physical or mental health related issues in regards to possession. Follow us on IG:www.Instagram.com/Haunted.DetectiveBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
What can fear do to us as a species? It can turn an innocent man into a murderer and an entire village into monsters. Everyone knows about Satanic Panic and the Salem Witch trials, but some of the true crime cases coming out of those years are gruesome and horrific. Tune in this to this week's episode to join Kelsey and Pamela as they investigate these tragedies.Follow us on IG:www.Instagram.com/Haunted.DetectiveBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Can someone get possessed? On this week's episode of the Haunted Detective podcast, Kelsey and Pamela investigate various forms of demon possessions from the Wendigo, Dybbuk and Jinn. They also deep dive into the true crime, paranormal case of Anneliese Michel and the famous murder that inspired the Conjuring universe movie The Devil Made me do it.Follow us on IG: www.Instagram.com/Haunted.DetectiveBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
On this mid-season special Kelsey and Pamela deep dive into the true crime case of Kathy Hobbs, a young girl who had premonitions about her murder, and Donald Decker a man who was possessed and could summon rain! Follow us on IG: www.Instagram.com/Haunted.DetectiveBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Is the Vatican behind the true crime case of Emanuela Orlandi? When a 15 year old girl goes missing in Vatican City and the Holy See does everything OTHER than be transparent, it makes you wonder. On this episode of the Haunted Detective podcast, Kelsey and Pamela set out to uncover the secrets of the Vatican. What else are they hiding?Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Can someone really sell their soul? Demonology and it's origins, as we know it, can be traced back to Greek Mythology. On this episode, Kelsey and Pamela investigate the root of Demonology, how Hellhounds are a common sighting and exorcisms in the Vatican. Will they be able to find a connection between Hell Hounds, the 27 club and Robert Johnson? Tune in this week to find out.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
During season 3, Kelsey and Pamela investigate the truth behind Demonology. Can someone really sell their soul for fame, money and power? Tune in to the premier to learn more about the Delta Blues singer Robert Johnson, his connection to the 27 club, Ed and Lorraine Warrens and demonically haunted houses.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
During this after-season-special, Kelsey and Pamela discuss reincarnation and the story of the pollock twins. They also talk about changes to the show and why Griff left!Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.
Throughout season two, Kelsey and Pamela investigated Steven Kubacki's mysterious disappearance and reappearance. There were so many questions and possibilities like government experiments, sinister triangles and dissociative amnesia. Join us for the season finale and come to your own conclusion about what happened to Steven!
Steven Kubacki forgot what happened for 15 months and there are many paranormal or psychological reasons this could happen. On this weeks episode Pamela takes the reigns to lead Kelsey through some key diagnostic points and causes for amnesia, disassociate fugue disorder and traumatic brain injury induced psychosis. To fully investigate these theories they deep dive into the cases of Hannah Upp, Lars Mitank and the Tromp family.
Steven Kubacki's disappearance might go hand in hand with experiments that the CIA was doing at the time, like MKUltra...But, what if these experiments were just the catalyst? This week on the Haunted Detective Podcast, Kelsey and Pamela set out to investigate the phenomena of Ley-Lines, Portals and Energy Vortexes in relation to other weird cases like Dudleytown, Connecticut , the Hoia Baciu Forest in Romania and the Suicide Forest in Japan. Let's open Steven's case file together for Episode 5!
Steven's disappearance is bizarre, but what the CIA could have done to him and other missing people is just plain disturbing. On this episode Kelsey introduces her new cohost Pamela and together they travel down the rabbit hole of illegal government experiments, time travel and the multiverse theory. Could this be an explanation for where Steven was in those 15 http://haunted_detective.oversubscribe.co/ www.instagram.com/haunted.detective
Steven didn't just vanish and suddenly find himself, he lost 15 months of his life and still has no idea what happened to him. Kelsey and Griff want to know if Steven's story is related to other Missing 411 disappearances. To do this, they deep dive into the unsolved case of The Yuba County Five, stories of ghosts who make people go missing like La Llorona and related 411 vanishings and deaths.
Steven Kubacki's Disappearance was not an isolated incident and neither were the other scary stories in Michigan where he went missing. In episode two Kelsey and Griff investigate other notorious triangles in America. One is in Bennington, Vermont where a man seemingly vanished off of moving bus and the other in Bridgewater, Massachusetts a large area plagued by occult-style murders, weird monsters and terrifying ghosts. Is there a connection between these places, or can a more mundane explanation be found?
Steven Kubacki vanished from the Michigan Triangle while cross-country skiing and his case went cold. That is until something unimaginable happened that left everyone stunned. In second season of the Haunted Detective Podcast Kelsey and Griff investigate Steven's mysterious disappearance, triangles like the one in Bermuda, time travel and so much more. Tune in to kick Season Two off and open the case file on Steven Kubacki!
Throughout the first season Kelsey and Griff investigated the possible truths behind Anatoly Moskvin's story and used historical context and similar caveats to do so. Can someone really be haunted, what is necromancy and the Celtic afterlife, did Anatoly commit his crimes because he could see ghosts? For the season finale the Haunted Detective team turns to each other, their producer Marcos Morales, and you, the listeners to answer questions and come to a final conclusion. Will Kelsey and Griff agree? Or will it take more stories, nestled within different mysteries to turn Griff into a believer?
Anatoly Moskvin might have been able to talk to the dead, but he also could have been suffering from a complex mental illness. To further uncover the truth, Kelsey and Griff discuss Anatoly's diagnosis of schizophrenia and it's correlation with his early life trauma and behavioral patterns. They also set out to learn whether or not genius's are more susceptible to long-term mental illnesses like Schizophrenia and Bipolar by talking about John Nash and other's like him.
Anatoly claims to have had a run in with a cult-like group in Russia but there are some holes in his story. Stalin had turned the USSR into an atheist state and all but banned the practice of religion. In order to investigate the scope of possibility we need to look into how this happened by covering topics like Slavic Paganism, Cults in Russia and Griff's favorite... Rasputin!
Anatoly Moskvin chose to turn these little girls into porcelain dolls for a reason. To explore this further Kelsey and Griff must investigate the cultural significance of dolls and talk about ones that are more haunted and spooky than Annabelle. On top of that they need to tell the story of Carl Tanzler; a criminal who turned a dead woman into a human doll. Tune in to this week's episode to find out more.
Anatoly Moskvin, a genius turned madman and criminal was a scholar of many things; Celtic history and folklore was one of his favorite study points. How does this pertain to the crime that he committed and the choices he made? To figure this out, Kelsey and Griff must investigate Celtic stories associated with souls, necromancy and the afterlife.
Anatoly Moskvin was haunted by the ghost of Natasha Petrova, is something like this even possible? During this episode we deep dive into his story about Natasha and discuss ghosts who were able to bring themselves justice by solving their own murders.
Anatoly Moskvin committed one of this generations most horrific crimes, but we want to deep dive into why he did what he did. Was he really kidnapped and forced to marry a dead little girl? Did her ghost really haunt him? Can spirits actually communicate with us from the afterlife? I guess you'll have to come on this adventure with us to find out.
Anatoly Moskvin dug children up from their graves and turned them into porcelain dolls. What prompted this genius turned mad man to commit such an atrocious crime? Season one explores the paranormal mystery behind Moskvin's decision.Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/haunted-detective--6251382/support.