Is CNN Creating Propaganda AND Pedos? (Allegedly)
Is CNN Creating Propaganda AND Pedos? (Allegedly)  
Podcast: Louder with Crowder
Published On: Mon Dec 13 2021
Description: CNN reports on the White House pressuring the media to be nicer, while everyone else reports on CNN’s (alleged) pedo problem. We report on both! Also, Trevor Noah is wrong on gas prices. And a Furry is going to space? #CNN #GasPrices #JoeBiden Are you in need of Christmas presents this year? I want to help! I'll be in Dallas-Fort Worth for a special Santa Meet and Greet on Saturday, December 18 at 10AM CT! If you and your kids want to participate, send an email to “” for more information. NEW MERCH! GET TODAY'S SHOW NOTES with SOURCES: