They Are Making You into Criminals & Putting Real Criminals into Their New Voting Base!
They Are Making You into Criminals & Putting Real Criminals into Their New Voting Base!  
Podcast: Louder with Crowder
Published On: Wed Aug 24 2022
Description: Have you heard the one about the trans pedo who thought he was meeting up with a 1-year-old and was let go by police while the person who filmed it was warned about using the wrong pronouns? No, it's not a joke. It's America in 2022. Also, DeSantis led a statewide victory against leftist school boards. And video evidence shows Paul Pelosi would rather wrap his car around a tree than go home to Nancy. #pedohunter #paulpelosi #desantis Come See Standup! - NEW MERCH! GET TODAY'S SHOW NOTES with SOURCES: