<p>A teacher with a sarcastic wit who’s passion for debate and discussion spans the political, social and pop culture spectrums. PS - a solid metaphor can solve all life’s problems </p>
In this episode, I reflect on where the US is politically, economically, and socially - this isn't a new 'yellow brick road', this is just further on down the line towards the wizard. PS - there is a reason the road is paved with gold.I wonder who the wizard will be?
In this episode, I have the incredible privilege and, let's be honest, horse shoe carrying buckets of luck, to sit down with the Canadian artist - Amanda Marshall. We talk about music, the business, politics and how she will dedicate her next single to me. (ok, maybe not that last one).So, sit down, put on Tuesday's Child softly, and spend the next hour being inspired by one of Canada's greatest singers and song writers.
In this episode, I have the honour of sitting down with Arlene Dickenson, where we discuss being a women, being an entrepreneur, and being single. How much power can one woman wield? You are about to find out.Check out 'Arlene is Alone' - coming on Youtube February 14 (PS - I get to make a guest appearance on an upcoming episode)
In this episode, I have the absolute privilege to sit down with none other than Cordelia Chase!!! We get down to our 'childhood trauma', the uselessness of 'tact' and how sometimes 'we get the pieces'.If you understand all of those quotes...welcome to the Buffy the Vampire Superhero Club.
In this episode, Marit Stiles (Leader of Ontario's NDP) and I take a tour of Queen's Park, discuss foundational ideas for Ontario, talk about federal politics, debate changes that need to be made, try to break into the chamber floor and discovered where they keep the best snacks for the government.
In this episode, I have the great pleasure to sit down with 'Mr Global', aka Matt, as he is know all over social media to discuss the energy needs, wants and must have across the USA. I'm going to get to the bottom of the over used tag line 'drill baby drill'.
In this episode, I speak to Jenna Sudds, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development of Canada. Together, we discuss the dynamics of creating a national food program for all Canadian students. I promise to ask ALL the tough questions to see just how effective this will be.
In this episode, I address the complete and utter lack of focus on women and women's health care - primarily focused on menopause. It is about time WE take control of our bodies, our lives and our futures. And I am going to bring you with me along the journey of finding the right health care providers to educate and fight for our health.
In this episode, I face the horrific social media reality in the wake of the infamous 'your body, my choice' threat. In the dark basements of some incel, a man is plotting his next threat and possible attack. It's not free speech...it's criminal.
In this episode, I discuss, debate and rant about the impending presidential election. Who do you think will win? And what will be the consequence?
In this episode, I dress up as Frankenstein (I know it's the monster, but he will always be Frankenstein to me) and Ana puts on her best Bride for our annual Halloween Party. That's not the point of the podcast though. I paint my nails black for the character - and the severe gender dysphoria I have over painted nails, which I enjoy doing, is incredibly weird. So, as anything that makes me uncomfortable I immediately dive into to figure out 'why'.
Home ownership blows.
In this episode, I attempt to answer a couple of age old teaching questions. One, what are the most vital things we are meant to teach? Two, when a student doesn't meet expectations what consequences will make them change their course?
In this episode, I recap what Metro Prep Academy did on Truth and Reconciliation Day. Spoiler Alert - the next generation will always do better than we did - just get out of their way.
In this episode, I jump into what real? Can't trust an email, a text message, a phone call...you can't trust what you hear or see across any medium. Now what? I guess it's time we met up in person, had a conversation and lived in the actual moment??
In this episode, I jump into the past...jump into the past to decide if perception matters more than fact. If you believe it to be true, does it matter if it isn't? And if you write the history books, can you solidify perception into fact?
In this episode, the FIRST of season 4, I jump right into the international student controversy within the halls of Canadian classrooms - both secondary and post secondary. The question I ask is simple - why aren't we building an educational system that can directly compete with student from all over the world so we become the centre of education? Answer - no one is willing to spend the money and would rather complain their kid, who has mastered all levels of Zelda, should have gotten a full scholarship to U of T.
In this episode, I dive into the muddy waters of censorship, oligarchies, rebellions and delusions. Which side do you think the billionaires fall on?
In this episode, I dive deep into the controversy surrounding Algeria's boxer and into the pool of sexism, bias and and the wide wide world of sport. Do you think it is time to create a fair playing field in sport? We are going to need a bigger boat.
In this episode, Ana Pac and I sit down to discuss the 2024 Summer Olympics - the opening ceremonies, the best events and the worst outfits. We also make some informed decisions on events we would be best suited to win.Ana Pac @HeyTeamAnaPacVlogs
In this episode, I jump into the world of running a school. Am I scared? Terrified? Nervous? Yes, to all of the above. Is it the best thing I have ever done? Again, yes.Let's see what kind of magic we can create.
In this episode, I discuss how you learn how to teach while you teach. If you aren't trying to learn and better yourself every single year then you have stopped teaching. The two are intrinsically connected.
In this episode, Ana and I discuss my trip in Ireland in which Ryan and I are taking 15 students on a historical trip! After she stops being mad at me for not taking her we then move on to discuss and analyze the new movie Inside Out 2.Please stand by for Irish content to come.
In this episode, Ana and get deep and discuss the force, her love of Anakin, the blame that lies at the feet of Yoda and the lesbian witches of The Acolyte. Is that enough for you?
In this episode, Ryan Seeley (New Principal of Metro) and i discuss how our history, friendship and ability to lip sych helped save Metro Prep. 23 years of him trying to get me into a school play (which he did) and me trying to get him to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer (which he hasn't) created the magic we needed to start Metro again.Stayed tuned for all the moments
In this episode, I get you all caught up in the trials and tribulations of saving the the school you believe in. Whether that means saving the name, creating a new one or grabbing a hold of a little piece of magic and making dreams comes true.What do you think will happen next?
In this episode, I take you on a trip to Niagara falls with 14 students (7/8s). Not only did this trip teach me about what kind of beautiful humans I teach BUT it also shed some light on the beautiful community of parents, teachers, administrators and students that I am about to build a brand new school with. You want to know my teaching ethos...you are going to have to watch the episode.Out of chaos comes a beautiful power.
In this episode, I discuss the power of the transition. It is painful, arduous, horrific and chaotic. We hold onto what we know because we fear change, meanwhile, it is that exact change that will make us whole. What a pain in the ass.
In this episode, I take you on my first step to starting a brand new school with an incredible teaching staff, a powerful student population and supportive parent cheer squad. I have no idea how this will go, but I do know that all involved will give everything they can to make it happen. First things first...what's my educational philosophy?
In this episode, I got to spend an hour with the authentic, the powerful, the empathetic, and the one and only Mama Tot. She creates a safe space for ANYONE who sit with her, she empowers those who need it and she, with every plate of pickled ocra, makes this world a better place.Tiktok @shoelover99Instagram @ophelianichols Youtube @ophelianichols9249
In this episode, Ana and I take three days and turn it into two weeks of adventures in Las Vegas. Pool party, Eiffel Tower, hat store, Luke's light saber and eventually, me on the stage in Vegas.PS - I'm in a little in love with Vegas
In this episode, using the total eclipse (song AND real life event) as a metaphor, I dive into the base of human nature - the need to feel important and the need for community. AND, I prove that the 'facts over feelings' crowd are scared and insecure humans who are not ready to understand the power and transformative nature of the human emotion. It starts revolutions, it paves the way to progress and it is the best proof of the human soul.
In this episode, Dean and I dig deep into the whys, whats and hows of a school board led lawsuit against the major social media companies in Ontario. Why are the doing it? What do they hope to gain? And does social media really rot your brain??Twitter @itsdeanblundell - Crier Media
In this episode, I sit down with Katie and Rosanna as the educate ME on the realities of endometriosis, its symptoms, pain management strategies, impacts on the individuals who suffer with this disease, research failures AND the real reason we don't have cure - LACK OF POLITICAL WILL.Websiteknowendo.ca
In this episode, I highlight some of the most important movies created in the 80s and how they can be used to help shaped and implement educational curriculum. Just wait until you see how I use Raiders of the Lost Arc in science class!
In this episode, I begin to unravel the need for soft skills in our health care system - the skills of empathy, communication and education that are slowly being eradicated from the scope of health care. Why? To save money. The impact? A higher cost to the patient, our health care system AND the tax payer.
In this episode, I attempt to highlight the roots of a good education, the place from which a strong student and person begins - 80's TV show themes. You want to change the world you have to show kids how to do 2 things - struggle while facing adversity AND singing at the top of your lungs while you laugh with your friends. Show me a better model for building healthy, strong, intelligent and powerful people.
n this episode, I speak about Nex Benedict and their lost life. And rather than simply blame a person for passing a law, or banning a single book or spouting hateful words, I decided to take responsibility for what I didn’t do. It is about time we got as loud on the podcast mic, as powerful on social media, and as determined at voting booths to out do that wave of intolerance. No more blaming others, only engaging what you have and what you can do to make this world a better place. Get brave.
In this episode, I ask ALL my listeners - 'What are you wearing'? AND 'Why do we all care so much'?Wear you favourite outfit and give me your opinion in the comment section.
In this episode I walk down memory lane of 'my person'. And if you have ever watch Grey's Anatomy you will know exactly what I mean by that.Happy birthday Grandma - you made my world better, forever.
In this episode, Dean and I sit down to discuss the finer points of political game play and the embarrassing way the right tries to consistently dumb down important issues, create scapegoats in the process, and then pretend to save the day.Creating an enemy so you give them all the power to fight...how very Thomas Hobbes of them.
'So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause'. You want to teach history, politics, philosophy - tap into the world of movies with your students. It is in the light saber fights, the gene mutations and the Cylon's soul where you will find the art of understanding the why.
In this episode, I speak about the loss of one the best men I have known - Matt Anderson. He threw a great fastball, empowered all those around him and learned how to truly love himself.I hope you can take a piece of Matt with you where ever you go. I know I always will One of my first's podcasts with Matt'The One Where I Talk About Catching a Fastball' Big Matty Memorial Fundhttps://gofund.me/3b7956cf
In this episode, I take take you down my four year history 'as seen on TV'. Ok fine, not as seen on TV - but definitely 'as seen on Tiktok'. What made me jump into this world? What the best and worst of it? And how did my Grandma gain immortality because of it? Also, who put this phone in my hand in the first place???This may be only ONE chapter of a book - do you think I should write my own?
In this episode, Brandon the Entertainer and I go all in speaking about the power of social media. Fundraising, Spread the Cheer Charity, the Cheer Choice Awards, Stand Up Comedy and the Impact of Social Media.Don't forget to buy the book.
SOLUTIONS NOT REACTIONS.All politicians, administrators and parents - please take notes.
Ok, ok, ok, I didn't save the Island of Misfit Toys - I did WATCH the claymation on Christmas eve - and in my mind I saved them all. However, I did find the spirit of Christmas, authentic love, the perfect gift and the power of 'chosen family'. So, I DID save the Island of Misfit Toys after all.I did not get a bebe gun for Christmas...disappointment abounds.
In this episode, Ana and I take you on many of our pre-Christmas adventures. Mostly, it us trying to find a parking spot.
In this episode, Stacey Green and I talk about hard marriages, divorce and what's on the other side. What was on the other side for me? Authentically being myself, love and boundaries AND TikTok Lip syncs. PS - go buy Stacey's book 'You'll Eat It and You'll Like It'
In this episode, I respond to a tiktoker who claims that teachers are over educated and therefore overpaid for being professional babysitters. Needless to say, this podcast does not go well for Steve.
In this episode, Ana, my mom and I take a road trip to do some Christmas shopping and along the way answer ALL of your Christmas related questions. Ana sings a little and mom steals the show.Be sure to call shotgun when you see the car!
In this episode, I drive into about 8 different fictional movies that will take your in class learning and teaching to the next level. These movies give you so much versatility in theme, context, application and deep thought - your students won't even know they are learning when engaged in this typed of enlightened discourse.I did however, forget to add Buffy The Vampire Slayer - but that will be in the TV edition of 'Teaching with the Telly'
In this episode, I talk about violence. The violence we ignore, the violence we sweep under the rug and the violence we pretend is not there. I also get a lesson at one the most controlling emotion we have - shame. How do we get rid of it? How do you expose shame? How do we protect the vulnerable?
Part 2 - You can find part one on 'The Dean Blundell Show' (Podcast)In this episode, Dean Blundell and I jump into the complex world of censorship, discrimination, personal responsibility, the ultimate power of education AND determine that I was ghosted because his chicken broth was ready.Twitter @ItsDean Blundell Crier Media - The Dean Blundell Show (Podcast)
In this vlog, Ana I take you along for the ride as we get ready for our halloween party, get teeth put in and order McDonalds for a full house party.Wait until you see Micheal Myers.
In this episode, Jann Arden graced me with her intelligence, her wit, her charm and her talent. But most of all, she showed me that true and authentic humans still exist and want only to make this planet a better place.You would think her award winning voice, her status as an author or her ability to create one of the funniest shows I have ever seen on TV would be the reasons I am in awe of her. However, I was most impressed that her prime drive that Sunday morning was to make sure the birds, that her mother used to feed everyday, were taken care of. The question is - Did we sing together? You will have to watch to find out.
In this episode, I take you with me as a simple question in 7/8 Global Issues - 'Who is that' (Lee Harvey Oswald - Time's cover) inspired me to pivot and create an entire unit based on the assignation, research diversity, critical analytical skills and we even stepped into the wonderful world of art (full scale models of the parade route coming soon)If you can let students lead you to what may inspire them, as teachers, we have the ability to create a learning environment I hope they never forget.
In this episode, Ana and I vlog our road trip to Buffalo - we drive, we shop, we shop some more and we eat. Watch us as we try to get across the boarder, go through a haunted drive thru and find a giant Dumbo.
In the episode, Janis Irwin (MLA - Alberta) and I sit down to discuss education, curriculum, political parties, fiscal realities and, why we seem to dress so similar.I'm pretty sure between her and I we could fix most problems in both provinces.Janis Irwin - MLA (Alberta)Instagram and TikTok @janis.irwin
In this episode, Ana and I take you on a Sunday 'day in the life' vlog of exactly what we do with our spare time. Halloween decorations, food shopping, a new outfit and cheap chicken.Oh...and pumpkins.
In this episode, I avoid 'The Blob', I Scream with Neve, I DON'T jump out of a chairlift and I gain some understand for Ms. Voorhees.Never say 'I'll be right back' and we should all get through this one together.
In this episode, I navigate through the cultural genocide of the Indigenous Peoples by the Canadian government. I do so in order to hopefully build a powerful educational reflection within my school to reflect the need for a honest account and ownership of the harm perpetrated. I will be create a day long workshop and educational experience to help guide my students through this reality in order to better meet the future.Please leave comments, criticisms and connections to those in the Indigenous community who could shed more light and power on this issue.
In this episode, Ana and I take you to 7-Eleven and answer all your pressing questions about relationships, careers and the right choice of a slushie. PS - I don't know why I haven't invested in 7-Eleven yet.
In this episode, I address the Minister of Education in Quebec who stated with all the confidence in the world that 'new teachers should all get experience as a kindergarten teacher because it is the easiest'. You have to be kidding me. Listen as I completely destroy this minister and his broken educational philosophy.
In this episode, I sit down and dive into the lyrics and meaning behind the Tiktok smash hit 'Rich Men North of Richmond'. Oliver Anthony is definitely an endearing soul, with a beautiful voice, however I don't believe this is the anthem of the working class some of touted it as.
In this episode, Ana and I take you on a road trip with us while we head to Montreal and answer ALL your most vital questions. We find candy apples, closed highways and really bad Denny's all in a single trip. Pick the playlist and buckle up for the best of highway 401 has ever shown you.
In this episode, I deconstruct the educational catch phrase 'Back to the Basics' as the dog whistle of idiocy it truly is. Some conservative government officials are trying to envision a system of education that costs less, allows for a high rate of success (even if it is an illusion) and rests squarely on the pretence of objectivity. Choose wisely.
In this episode, I try to talk through my amazing relationship with my Grandma Ruby and how I have to say goodbye to her at 97. I never once seriously contemplated her passing - and now, when I am in the midst of sitting by her bedside in her last days I struggle for the right words.
In this episode, I take an honest look at Jason Aldean's 'Try that in a Small Town'. Lyric by lyric, stanza by stanza - what was his intent AND what was the impact. Both matter.
In this episode, I open up the conversation about the SAG strike, AI, residuals, the threats of Hollywood executives, workers' rights and the ownership of a person. Make no mistake, this strike is about who OWNS who and how they can manipulate a broken system to turn back time. (And not in a Cher way)
In this episode, Vanessa Marcil and I do our very first podcast together AND give you a glimpse into the 15 episode show we are created and will air come the holiday season exclusively on YouTube. We will also - eat pickles, laffy taffy, pop rocks and force each other to try an array of food we would never eat on our own. That's part of our show - if we are scared of it...we do it.Youtube - @LoveLiesAndVideotape @Vanessamarcilandjoannajohnson TikTok - @loveliesandvideotape
In this episode, I discuss the Supreme Court ruling to deem affirmative action in college admission unconstitutional. But I can't stop there. I will jump into how it is time to do better than affirmative action and how the supreme court's decision actually opened up the door for us to be MORE diverse, MORE inclusive, MORE equitable. They think they shut down progress and change - they just forced us to up our game.
In this episode Ana teaches me how to vlog and we take you to New York. Welcome to a brave new world.
In this episode, I try my best to recount the last few weeks of Grandma's life. Her illness, hospital stay, transfer to a care facility, daily struggles to regain health and memory loss. Throughout it all I try my best to do what she needs when she needs it - to always ensure there is love in her world even if she can't quite remember who I am at the time.2
In this episode, I give you my ten best rules to rock your first year of college/university. These rules are clear, concise and not to be altered in any way for maximum results. Money back guarantee - or at the very least I'll buy you that university hoodie.
In this episode, I review my mom and grandma's experience within Ontario's hospital system. And very quickly I have realized that Ontario sold out its seniors for $135 rebate on a license plate sticker. How does our health care system NOT include caring for seniors????? This is likely to be the first of many on this topic - please leave your experience below in the comments.
In this episode, Viva Frei and I discuss what is acceptable at schools? What should the government be able to legislate? How powerful teachers should be? What role should the parents be able to serve in this dynamic? And why does Frei's logo look like Beaker from the Muppets?Viva Freiwww.vivabarneslaw.locals.com. Twitter: https://twitter.com/thevivafreiYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/vivafreiRumble: https://rumble.com/embed/v2ne9by/?pub=71v3 (my interview with Yeonmi Park – North-Korean defector).
In this episode, I try to highlight the best path for parents, teachers and students to thrive in today's educational system. My advice might not be perfect, but it comes from 20 years teaching experience. Ask any questions I don't answer and I promise to do a part two to address what I can.
In this episode, I sit down with my wife to be to discuss her new song drop 'Good Vibes', what here inspirations are, how she approaches life AND ask her to reveal the 'chicken story'. We also take this time to answer ALL of your questions about love, our relationship and why Ana's favourite movie is STILL Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights.Ana PacTwitter and Instagram: @anapacofficial Tiktok: @ana_pac
In this episode I tackle the mistakes I have made - ONLY some of my mistakes, I could only talk so long on this podcast. School, sports AND marriage!!! However, if you find this one interesting and want more be sure to comment below and I will reveal all!
In this episode, Dan Harris (former Member of Parliament) and I sit down and discuss the system that is politics. And we attempt to explain the most infuriating aspect of politics, elections and governments - 'If you have to explain it you have already lost' Dan Harris Twitter @danharriscan
In this episode, I drive us all down to Florida to save the books from the fire, the teachers from the politicians and the oppressed from the tyrants. Desantis might have some momentum, however, dictators only last until the masses revolt. PS - my money is still on the mouse.
In this episode I address the upcoming changes to Ontario's educational system. Steven Lecce, education minister, is leading the charge to 'make school great again' - and yes, I used those words very purposefully. It is time for a recognizing. I am so tired of cliche answers to the immense problem we face in education today - there are no simple solutions and it is time we admitted it.
In this episode, Caylee and I sit down to discuss the high and lows of relationships, patterns of dating, and ways of communicating in this crazy world. We will take a hard look at one of the most significant problems couples face today - Why can't you PLEASE refill the toilet paper roll????Special Guest - Caylee Cresta (on all social media platforms)
In this episode, Rev. Daniel and I speak to the power of social media, the pitfalls of internet fame and the pathways to empower the most vulnerable in our society. Hint: it begins we realize how connected we truly are and by never mentioning that Alanis played God in Dogma.Rev. Daniel Twitter - @RevDaniel
In this episode, I begin by speaking to the censorship, oppression and targeting of the LGBT2Q+ community - but it takes a turn when the school shooting in Tennessee takes precedent. But don't be fooled, government officials have been using the pretence of safety and tradition to target minorities and give the ILLUSION of safety while 3 children and 3 teachers were killed by a lone shooter. I'm done with thoughts and prayers - don't speak unless you have a plan to act.
In this episode, I peel back the layers of our education system to reveal its flaws and the mediocrity of memorization. Only when we are truly honest about the system we have can we ever hope to rebuild something of value for our students and society at large. The days of standardized testing, memorizing dates, reciting the periodic table and only reading ministry approved books are over. You want to build intelligent, critical thinkers who are ready to take on all the world has to offer? How much are you willing to pay? What will you sacrifice?
In this episode, Adam and I begin our conversation with puppy raising and end it by finding the meaning of life. It might sound incredible, but I can assure you the ride of this hour is well worth the ticket price. Get your popcorn. Adam Busch - Actor and Amazing person @adambusch (Twitter)
In this episode, I talk about my dad. How our relationship was formed, what was missing and how I dealt with my world when he left it. PS - I got my eyes all from him.
In this episode, Rev. Daniel and I sit down to talk about twitter wit, finding god on the internet and meeting Alanis (on the big screen of Dogma). In this chat we have a real heart to heart about what's important, how he sees his faith and the ways in which to crush the evangelical right wing that is ruining it all!PS - I still don't know god's favourite movie
In this episode, I focus on how I, as a teaching of 20 years, addressing bullying in my school...the strategies I used...the consequences I put forward...and most importantly, the responsibility I encourage my staff and students to take. The reality is - the culture we live in is constantly reflected in our young - act accordingly adults.
In this episode, outside of rocking a Reggie Smith Eagles' Jersey, I talk about the power of team sport and what it can do for your confidence, character and your perception of success. I like to win, however, the real victory comes when someone gives everything they have before walking off that field and knowing your teammates with always be 'on your left'
In this episode, I answer ALL of your questions about my job, my views on politics, my relationship and I ALMOST get to tell you the entire chicken story. Maybe next time Ana won't interrupt.
In this episode, Leigh McGowan (I am Politics Girl) sit down to hash out this Mark Twain quote - "I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.” She and I are in the new business of writing only 'short letters' and saving democracy.You can find her everywhere - I am Politics Girl (twitter, tiktok and everywhere podcasts air)
In this episode, Abe and I discuss the lesson we learn from being 'othered' - starting with the Holocaust and ending up in the battle we all face today against such extreme views and dictatorial policies. 'We must never forget' applies to everyone facing a level of hate and persecution that if gone unchecked will always end in violence. Abe GurkoTiktok @WontBeSilentInstagram @abegurko WontBeSilent.com
In this episode, I jump into the dangerous and painful waters of divorce. Is it them? Am I a magnet? Why didn't it work? How could they leave? The real questions - What did I seek out? What wasn't healed in me? Why didn't I draw healthy boundaries? Who am I?
In this episode, I talk about the existence of ChatGPT and its impact on education, critical analysis and the new art of cheating. Will it destroy education or will it prove that memorizing dates and names never really served a purpose anyways?
In this episode, Danisha Carter and I sit down to do a deep dive into nepotism, favours, back room deals and the art of making connections. All of which proves the illusion of the meritocracy. The best don't always rise to the top...let's stop pretending they do.
In this episode, I explain just what a 'nepo baby' is and why is the entire free world up in arms over an age old reality that impacts every single walk of life. Are we simply so mad at celebrity culture and the money they make that we are going to through everything at them and accept no responsibility of our own human nature??
In this episode, I count down my top 10 Christmas movie must-sees. I'll make you laugh, cry and find the true spirit of Christmas. Try to guess my top three before getting there and put your guesses in the comments below. Ho Ho Ho.
In this episode, I will stroll down Christmas Past and reveal the three Christmases that have made me into the person I am today. Grover, Commodore 64 and Cabbage Patch '84 build the framework of all the lessons learned. There was no cinnamon used in the production of these memories.
In this episode, I travel back 35 years in health care and follow its progression through the eyes of a nurse. What's changed? What role did different governments play? How has the subtle manipulation of nursing staff led to the crisis of health care we all face? And, what do we need to do about it? I begin with my first steps taken towards my mom's head nurse...
In this episode I take a field trip to the Biltmore (downtown Oshawa bar) to meet up with famed Canadian pop star Ria Mae. We discuss all the important things - the battery water she drinks, her love of a vegan restaurant she can't remember the name of AND the power that music has to change the world (that last one might be the most important - but let me know what you thinkWhere to find Ria Mae Website - riamae.comTiktok - @riaisawakeInstagram - @riaisawake
In this episode, I dive into the fundamental flaws and real crisis of the educational system in the US. How can 54% of people, 17-74, only have a literacy rate of that of a Grade 6 student?? How can this be the most powerful, wealthy and industrious nation in the world with that as their foundation? Why would we NOT want to pour money into the future of our society? Is this the beginning of the end of an empire? Huge questions...painful answers...but necessary conversations.
In this episode, Adam Busch (Warren from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and I sit down to debate the meaning of life, the power of art, and how to defend against Buffy fans who are still mad at him for the 'Tara' incident. We will also highlight the predictive powers of Buffy which taught us the worst villain we could ever face isn't a demon or a monster from another dimension - it is the incel living across the street.Twitter @adambusch (Best twitter account around)
In this episode I will tackle the disaster that is the educational system and strike in Ontario, Canada. Why are they on strike? What is the Not Withstanding Clause? Why was it passed? What should be foundations of education and how shall we build them? I'll answer them all...and in the process save education. Ok fine, I won't save it but I promise a good discussion of core principles and a solid path for the future. Now make you signs, put on some comfortable shoes and get ready to chant.
In this episode Femi Oluwole (British citizen and international activist) and I, sit down to discuss the economy, politics and societal accountability. We even take a minute or two to fix Brexit. Femi is an incredible academic, theorist and driven intellectual. Femi OluwoleTwitter @Femi_SorryTiktok @femi_sorry Writer for @independent Femi.Sorry@gmail.com
In this episode, Stu, Stefan and I take one more trip to the Hellmouth - where the First Evil awaits but we are armed with Goddesses and Slayers (everyone one of us). I challenge ANYONE to watch the last two episodes of this season and NOT be able to lift your head and smirk at anything life can throw at you.StuInstagram and TikTok @janikon_StefanIG: @RWACpod and @sjmaroniPodcast with BOTH of these amazing people: Rebel Without A Closet
In this episode, Stefan, Stu and I dive into the last and final season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 'One slayer in all the world' - we are about to blow up that myth and prove why the power lies in everyone's hands. Oh, and we will constantly be giving our opinions on how the season SHOULD have gone and what they missed out on - I'm thinking we invent a spin off (wink).StuInstagram and TikTok @janikon_StefanIG: @RWACpod and @sjmaroniPodcast with BOTH of these amazing people: Rebel Without A Closet
In this episode, Stu, Stefan and I jump back into the feminist world of Buffy the Vampire Slayer as she fights the most dangerous, disgusting and horrific villain ever created - the toxic alpha male. Willow may be the 'big bad' of this season that we all remember but Warren represents the true evil our real world selves face. Sorry Adam Busch.StuInstagram and TikTok @janikon_StefanIG: @RWACpod and @sjmaroniPodcast with BOTH of these amazing people: Rebel Without A Closet
In this episode, Stu and I bring Buffy back from the dead, sing our feelings until our throats are horse and watch Zander save the world with a broken yellow crayon. And that's just in part one.Stu Titkok @janikon_
In this episode Stu, Stefan and I take the strength of a god and battle back our urge to push Dawn off that mystical portal. We also tackle the feminist and not so feminist underpinnings of the Slayer, Buffy, women and the mythology that surrounds both.StuInstagram and TikTok @janikon_StefanIG: @RWACpod and @sjmaroniPodcast with BOTH of these amazing people: Rebel Without A Closet
In this episode, Stu, Stefan and I jumped into Season 5 of Buffy ready to meet the worst villain of all - Buffy's fake sister Dawn. Just kidding, Glory is the villain of this season, but somehow I would rather share a meal with her over 'The Key'. Welcome to the Season of the God.StuInstagram and TikTok @janikon_StefanIG: @RWACpod and @sjmaroniPodcast with BOTH of these amazing people: Rebel Without A Closet
In this episode Stu, Stefan and i finish our judgement (in an afterlife sort of way) of the second half of Season 4. Even though we would have stormed The Initiative the bottom lines is that Maggie Walsh should have been the 'big bad' we were facing not the monster from the Matrix.StuInstagram and TikTok @janikon_StefanIG: @RWACpod and @sjmaroniPodcast with BOTH of these amazing people: Rebel Without A Closet
In this episode Stu, Stefan and I head into university with Buffy and the Scoobies...and eventually take on the American Military. Even though the show may get a little lost in this season it still stands with some of the best single episodes of the series. Before we begin please tell me what poster did you buy and put up in your University dorm room?StuInstagram and TikTok @janikon_StefanIG: @RWACpod and @sjmaroniPodcast with BOTH of these amazing people: Rebel Without A Closet
In this episode, we jump back into Season 3 and point out all the various limitations of character development DESPITE the existence of a truly powerful storyline. We all decided that Faith got ripped off...and we respectfully request a spin off to understand her origins story.StuInstagram and TikTok @janikon_StefanIG: @RWACpod and @sjmaroniPodcast with BOTH of these amazing people: Rebel Without A Closet
In this episode, Stu, Stefan and I tackle the FIRST HALF of Season 3 and we watch Buffy fight her way out of hell, watch Angel Battle his inner demons and watch all take a trip to the Gingerbread house. Buffy is a fantastic metaphor, allegory, symbol of what life is and what it can be when you decide to be a hero. PS - I would like to say 'DONE' and mean it just once in my life.StuInstagram and TikTok @janikon_StefanIG: @RWACpod and @sjmaroniPodcast with BOTH of these amazing people: Rebel Without A Closet
In this episode, Stu, Stefan and I return to Sunnydale and jumped right back into the deep analysis of Season 2. We talk themes, metaphors, and high school drama to summarize the best season ever played on television. PS - wait for the end of the episode where I give my all encompassing Buffy thesis as to why this show is truly epic.StuInstagram and TikTok @janikon_StefanIG: @RWACpod and @sjmaroniPodcast with BOTH of these amazing people: Rebel Without A Closet
In this episode Stu, Stefan and I dive into the best season of all Buffy Seasons. In Season 2 we learn valuable lessons - don't let your nephew bite you, always dress for the person you wish to be, and never be afraid to stab the love your life to save the world. Because this season is so packed with deep meaning, big fight scenes and excellent new hairdos we had to break it up into two part. StuInstagram and TikTok @janikon_StefanIG: @RWACpod and @sjmaroniPodcast with BOTH of these amazing people: Rebel Without A Closet
In this episode, Stu, Stefan and I start our SEVEN part podcast series diving into the depths of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. We start, as all responsible people should, in Season One. It is here that we talk about the themes, characters and plot points that will build the foundations of the best show ever to grace the television...and now, your computer. Remember - 'The earth is doomed'.StuInstagram and TikTok @janikon_StefanIG: @RWACpod and @sjmaroniPodcast with BOTH of these amazing people: Rebel Without A Closet
On today's episode - Stu, Stefan and I jump into the wide world of queer cinema. We take it all the way back to the 80s and 90s where coming out was hard but always stylish. As the conversation continues we tap into why movies and TV matter so much for representation and the beginnings for our education. Don't forget to check out Stu and Stefan on their platforms listed below AND be sure to leave a message telling YOUR fav queer film.StuInstagram and TikTok @janikon_StefanIG: @RWACpod and @sjmaroniPodcast with BOTH of these amazing people: Rebel Without A Closet
In this episode, Stu and I discuss sex, gender, and the LGBTQIA+ community. We try to decipher the code between nature and nurture, break apart the roots of socialization and uncover why there is so much hate against the trans community at this moment in time.You can find Stu on Titkok @janikon_Instagram @janikon_AND his podcast 'Rebel Without a Closet' (all streaming platforms)
In this episode Ana and I dive deep into ALL nine Star Wars movies...BUT her fresh take and unique perspective has me seriously questioning my long lasting, firmly held Star Wars beliefs. Check it out and let me know what you think!Ana Pac Tiktok - @ana_pacInstagram - @anapacofficial
In this episode, Stu and I tackle the incredibly painful reality of the the US Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade... and their seemingly horrific push towards created a theocratic nation. This conversation NEEDS to be turned into action, into debate and into protest - democracy is a risk.Stu's Tiktok: @janikonStu's Podcast: Rebel Without a Closet
In this episode I recount the school year - the highs, the lows, and the only way I knew how to battle back from covid isolation. The students teach me as much as I do them, at how we both have to embrace being horrible at something, absolutely suck at it, fear the weight of failure only to come out the other side triumphant. Throughout the whole thing I have the grade 7 and 8 health class keeping me one my toes and laughing until my sides hurt.
In this episode Ana Pac, my fiance, and I sit down to talk about her plunge into the music industry. From the first time she wrote a song, to the ROAR Records have the good sense to sign her, to performing her hit single 'Bite the Rainbow' at this summer's Pride in Toronto. Let's see if I can keep up...I promise I will not dance (lol). Come see her live in Toronto - June 25 at 5pm on Church Street (just south of Gould)Instagram: @anapacofficialTikTok: @ana_pacLabel: ROAR Records Inc.
Kathleen Wynne, former Premier of Ontario and I sit down to discuss government, accountability, authenticity and how much Mike 'The Knife' Harris gutted Ontario's social services. We have a truly honest and intricate look at voting turn out, activism and how to better politicize the population. I was blown away by Wynne's intelligence, honesty and humility as we looked at her past as a politician and the future of Ontario. I look forward to many discussions with this political powerhouse.
Marie Connor and I sit down and discuss politics, political correctness and when it is appropriate to slap her during a set. She is a hilarious stand up comic with the ability and guttural drive to wait for the heckler to make her set even better. Check here out on:Twitter: @thistallawkgirlWebsite: www. thistalkawkwardgirl.com
In this two hour long episode, Stu and I sit down and tackle all the great obstacles we face today - MTG, the spreading of Trump, how people dare to 'say gay' and how...even though ALL of that is happening right now... the alt right is dying. This is their fight against the title wave of progress and equity.
Dr. C and I sit down to discuss gender, class and race within the confines of the superhero genre. Not ONLY do we find out his favourite superhero but we also uncover the mysteries of how culture, history and identity are all reflected in our most prolific blockbusters of men in tights and the women who are breaking barriers. TikTok @Dr_C Instagram @gacruz_phdPodcast: Office Hours with Dr. C
In this episode I take you with me to find the right prom outfit - as a teacher I have been forced to attend prom for the rest of my naturally born life. In doing so we address the big questions of identity, belonging, confidence AND will I ever find the perfect blend of Harry Styles and Justin Bieber in a suit. I drop in at Hugo Boss, Zara, Banana Republic AND Pottery Barn for kids - I needed to find king size Star Wars Sheets (lol).
Stu and I sit down for part two of our podcast series to discuss EVERYTHING Buffy the Vampire Slayer. We discuss the finer points of plot and our favourite characters AND I will dish on meeting all the best Scoobies at Comic Con - including who Willow says is the best kisser out of the THREE cast members she has kissed! I will also tell you about a time that Allison Mack from Smallville took a 'liking' to me. Please check out Stu on TikTok @janikon
In this episode, an amazing Torontonian - Stu Jeffery - and I sit down to discuss Tiktok, being gay, coming out, the power of social media, how Buffy is the best show on god's green earth AND why he simply never takes off his hat. He is funny, witty, charismatic...and frankly, my new best friend. Check him out on Tiktok @janikon
Dr. Z and I sit down once again to address the waves of educational bans, blocks and propaganda filled pieces of legislation across the US. Why all these changes now? Why are they bent on burning books or banning books at every turn? How does all of this limit YOUR kid in the classroom and their future? We have all the answers..or at least, we have some great ideas to the big questions.TikTok - @drzeisner
In this episode I face fears and expand my learning....head to Tanzania and save a student from Malaria pills, learn how to surf AND the power of the tide going out and get my big break on stage. ALL of which proves time after time that facing your fears is ALWAYS a great thing. Unless I actually did get swept away off the coast of Costa Rica.
In this episode, Ana Pac (@ana_pac), Trace (@everydaytrace), Melissa 'Laundry Tok' and I (your forever host @unlearn16) dive deeply into the abyss of relationship heaven and hell. We lay all our cards on the table and let YOU know just what to look out for in a relationship AND what to go screaming to the hills away from (a lot more of the latter). You can find all of us on Tiktok at the above mentioned handles...buckle up for this one people.
On today's episode, Marty and I sit back and discuss the censorship of history and the implications it has on truth. Uncovering the stories that are a part of our country, city and world is the only way we can ever hope to see the bigger picture. How language and the censorship of it has led to generational oppression and violence. We specifically speak to the lived history of the Blackfoot Nation in Alberta and Marty's growth and perspective from this powerful culture. Please check out Marty on Titkok @mheavyheadjr to learn and expand your perspective.
In this episode I delve deeply into my past and reveal the unknown secrets of my mythological origin story. It doesn't involve bats, radioactive spiders, secret agent brainwashing or a planet exploding. However, it does include baseballs, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, hospital first steps and Free Willy sized dreams. This is one tangent of the story...all of us have many. Check out my website unlearn16.ca
In this episode, the Honourable Tony Clement (Conservative MP and MPP) sit down and discuss truckers, bouncy castles, democracy and civil rights in Canada. We then take a trip to Ukraine and discuss what we should have done, what Canada is doing and we should do in the near future. We may not always agree but we do it with intelligence and respect - and eventually I will wear him down. Check out Tony Clement on his podcast 'And Another Thing' and his TV Show "Boom & Bust"
In this episode, I will take you from your first moments on this earth as you are wrapped in a blue or pink blanket, through the toy isle of your youth and into the make up and tie that your job demands. And then, I will blow it all up. The social construct of gender and the limiting binaries it creates is of the past...and you and I, we are ready for something better. Check out my website @unlearn16.ca
In this episode I highlight all the ways that true democracy is limited by the very thing we were taught that is the only thing that supports it - capitalism. Plus, I have some fantastic Iron Man and Captain America analogies wired into this conversation as well. Check out my website at unlearn16.ca
In this episode I'm riding solo to give you the deep inner workings of a 20 year teaching veteran battling the weight of academic burn out. Wow, that sounds deep and depression...I promise to tell at least three stories to make you laugh as well AND I think I made four grammar mistakes during this chat so let's see if you can pick them all out.
In this episode, I will carefully detail all aspect of what it is to be in a democracy. I promise that it is NOT simply voting once every few years, putting that sticker on your face and complaining to others on Twitter. Real democracy needs at least three stickers (smirk)
For this episode, I dive deep into my relationships...both straight AND gay...to give you all the secrets behind finding 'the one'. Well, maybe not all the secrets...but I definitely give you a winding, dirt road paved with the occasional land mine. Come on, it's love, you have to work for it a little.
In this episode Danisha and I tackle the sex behind sexism, the affirmations behind affirmative action and the money that lies at the root of it all. She is a die hard capitalist and I, well you all know, I'm a die hard Canadian - and to some that makes me a communist. I promise this episode will make you think, make you ask more questions and make you definitely want to see Part 2. Check Danisha out:Twitter @danishacarter4 Instagram @danishcarterTikTok @danisha.carter
In this episode I have the privilege to do some unlearning with Conscious Lee, TiKtok academic superstar who will spin about the intersectionality of race, class, gender and sexuality as though he was riding a bike. I'm not often blown away by perspectives and theories but this man really took me to school today - and I will be forever thankful. Check him out at - TheConsciousLee.com and on TikTok @theconsciouslee
Tori and I sit down to share ALL the details of how we get to know someone we are dating. We even go through those vital text message 'get to know you' questions that everyone needs to know and use. Check Tori out on Tiktok @torifranco0 OOORRRRR check out her website at www.torifranco.com
Josh Monroe, a Nebraska Grade 5 teacher and famed TikToker, and I sit down to discuss education, empathy and mental health across the border. I am pretty sure we should create our own superhero team of educators - we need capes, an origin story and a good pair of glasses. Check Josh out on TikTok @mrmonroeandnala
Today I will do a deep dive into the various genres of movies - detailing with complete accuracy the top five choice in each category that should be included in everyone's library of DVDs...not that anyone owns them anymore (BUT I do!). I will also take a stroll down TV lane and direct you to the BEST series out there. PS - please remember I am old and wise and not to be trifled with.
Melissa (LaundryTok and CaulkTok) and I sit down to discuss TikTok fame and how she moved her girlfriend in from Australia without ever meeting in person - this is the most lesbian episode you will ever watch. Find Melissa on Tiktok, Facebook and Instagram @melissadilkespateras
Lisa Baker, Newfoundland born and raised comedian, and I sit down to discuss women in stand up, Dave Chappelle and the fine art of the knock knock joke as only told on TikTok. Check her out everywhere @lisabakercomedy - on TikTok, Instagram and her Website!
The Honourable Tony Clement sits down with me to discuss being a conservative, the problems with division and how politics is all about team play. We might not always see eye to eye but we are both dedicated to have the conversation. Check Mr. Clement out on his podcast 'And Another Thing' AND his television show 'Boom and Bust'
Ana Pac, my wife to be, sits down with me to answer all of YOUR questions. Some of them superficial, and some where we get deep - Like is Jaws the bad guy or simply hungry? You can find her and her multitude of stories on Instagram @anapacofficial or Tiktok @ana_pac
Consider this episode my therapy...please enter your email addresses below...you will all be receiving a portion of the $150 therapy cost. But maybe, just maybe, it can be your therapy too. (then we have to split the costs)
Tom Powell and I bat back and forth political ideas and struggles between our two nations...AND throw in some obscure quotes to prove just how impressive we are (lol). You can find Tom on TikTok @tompowelljr and check out his website at oldhippiemedia.com
Tori and I sit down to delve into the depths of TikTok, make her blush over a new relationship AND we discover the secret of life (Spoiler alert - a good cup of coffee...keep you eye on the ball...and a beautiful woman). Please comment and let me know you read these descriptions at all and tell me where I found the secret of life. Check out Tori on Tiktok @torifranco0, Instagram @torifranco and her very own Youtube Podcast - The Tori Franco Show
Ria Mae, Canadian singer and song writer, sit down and discuss the music industry, mental health, and who kisses better, Tegan or Sara. Check her music out at riamae.com AND visit her on Instagram and soon on Tiktok @riaisawake
Stacey Green and I sit down to discuss TikTok hate, plagiarism, trolls and why she feels the need to say the word 'testicle' at the beginning of my podcast. You can find this amazing comedian on instagram and tiktok at the handle @staceygreenliving
Dr. Zeisner, of TikTok and academic fame, and I sit down for an hour to fix the educational systems of Canada and the United States...well we come close, we may need a part two. Follow Dr. Z on Instagram @DrZeisner, TikTok @DrZeisner and Twitter @PrincipalZed
For this episode I get to sit down with the Queen of Baseball, the Master of the Betty Rubble laugh and Tina's hot new girlfriend on the L Word - ROSIE 'FREAKIN' O'DONNELL!! Special thanks to TheArcade.ca and Jon Corbin for hosting this episode - they made all my tech fears melt away.
Matt, an old friend from high school, and I sit down to discuss leadership, the power of becoming you and the fact that I could always catch his fastball (no pun intended)
My amazing tattoo artist, Lu Pariselli, and I sit down to discuss the deeper meaning of language, art and the horrible moment when your tattoo artist say she is going to add white.
Meeting Trudeau was the first my first step in to wide world of politics. In that one handshake at 6 years old I was launched into 40 years of a big mouth with even bigger opinions. You wanna know what it takes to be a great leader? I think I have a few ideas...
Lu (my tattoo artist) and I sit down to discuss the finer points of baseball. We both decide to 'lay off the high ones' and answer the burning questions you have all been asking yourselves - Do I like the Designated Hitter? Am I a natural? If I build it, will she come? And finally, is baseball, our favourite sport sexist??
Stacey Greenliving and I sit down and dig into the deeper feminist, empowering and life changing moments of the movie Black Widow...and why Stacey is so fixated on tall superheroes.
Every hear of the book 'The 5 People I Meet in Heaven'? This 45 minute window into my soul, that brings you 'The 3 Moments That Changed My Life'