Unhurried Grace for a Mom's Heart - He is Good (Podcast 154)
Unhurried Grace for a Mom's Heart - He is Good (Podcast 154)  
Podcast: The Durenda Wilson Podcast
Published On: Mon Aug 24 2020
Description: We all long for peace, but where can peace be consistently found? Today we are talking about finding peace by trusting in the goodness of God! Welcome to my devotional, Grace for a Mom’s Heart!  In the weeks ahead, I will be reading from my devotional Unhurried Grace for a Mom’s Heart-31 Days in God’s Word (available on Amazon *aff link)) Each devotional is less than 10 minutes long. I’ll start by reading a short scripture passage and then share some thoughts from my own heart as written in my devotional.  I will ask some questions at the end to help you dig deeper and then end in prayer.