Homeschool Bravely with Jamie Erickson (Podcast 157)
Homeschool Bravely with Jamie Erickson (Podcast 157)  
Podcast: The Durenda Wilson Podcast
Published On: Mon Sep 14 2020
Description: When we decide to homeschool, it's because we really want to do right by our kids, but often we are filled with fear and trepidation. What if I told you that it's possible to learn to walk this journey with courage! Jamie Erickson, homeschooling mom of 5 and author of Homeschool Bravely is sharing her heart today answering questions like: Why is it necessary and healthy for homeschooling moms to acknowledge their limitations? Why is there so much fear surrounding the choice to homeschool and is that fear valid? What are some of the typical lies parents who homeschool can be tempted to believe? With a child who can be particularly difficult, why consider homeschooling when getting them out of the house seems like such a win-win? And more!!!! Listen in to find out how to win a free copy of Homeschool Bravely! Ways to connect with Jamie: Homeschool Bravely: ( Facebook Friends: ( Blog Instagram: ( Mom to Mom Podcast Instagram: ( Pinterest: ( Blog: (