What happens to Afghans who helped U.S. troops?
What happens to Afghans who helped U.S. troops?  
Podcast: Apple News Today
Published On: Tue Aug 17 2021
Description: CNN reports that the Biden administration is expected to recommend COVID-vaccine booster shots for most Americans. The Washington Post looks at the challenge of resettling Afghans who helped U.S. troops, which has parallels with the end of the Vietnam War. Climate forecasters now incorporate politics into their models of the warming planet. Quartz explains why this matters. Sleek new financial apps are targeting a young generation already drowning in debt. The L.A. Times reports on concerns that these services may promote excess borrowing among consumers struggling with poor credit. A Kenyan orphanage found it hard to get formula for rescued baby elephants during the pandemic. National Geographic explains how goat milk saved them.