EP 55: Don't Be Kingdumb
EP 55: Don't Be Kingdumb  
Podcast: In Totality with Megan Ashley
Rating: Explicit Published On: Tue Apr 11 2023
Description: This week B.Simone and Megan Ashley discuss loyalty ,the effects of dissociation, therapy , and the importance of doing the self-work In this episode, We also have a discussion on how God will shift you and put you through a refining seasonOther topics you will hear:•Sound bowl healing isn't demonic•Being misunderstood•Allowing your presence to be disarming •The Spiritual Lens•Inheritance requires work•The enemy isn’t omni-present•Myles Munroe•Do the work to understand God•Discover the purpose of a relationship Thank you to our sponsors:ZocDoc Go to Zocdoc.com/kfs and download the Zocdoc app for FREE. To start your search for a top-rated doctor today. Many are available within 24 hours.KitschWhatever your budget, your skin type, your hair type Kitsch believes you deserve little indulgences at affordable prices. Right now, Kitsch is offering you 30% off your entire order at mykitsch.com/kfs Connect with us:  @KnowForsurePod  @thebsimone @meganabrooksWebsite: https://www.theknowforsure.com Youtube: Know For Sure Know For Sure Is edited and produced by Idea to Launch PodcastsSign up for our PATREON for EXCLUSIVE access and additional: https://www.patreon.com/knowforsurepod See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.