#456 Stir Your Deodorant, Jason Mraz Concert, Revisiting Therapy, New Car Mishaps
#456 Stir Your Deodorant, Jason Mraz Concert, Revisiting Therapy, New Car Mishaps  
Podcast: The Nikki Glaser Podcast
Published On: Thu Jul 25 2024
Description: Nikki and Brian talk about their recent run into therapy and getting centered. Lots of new things happening in their lives and who knew taking care of your mental health was priority. Plus, have you all been stirring your deodorant lately? Nikki doesn't want to Jason Mraz backstage because she was tired. I mean, who hasn't been in that situation? Final destination visions are happening with Nikki or is she just finding herself in "Twister" scenarios. Final thought: Nikki got a new car and let's say Chris may have flown too close to the sun... Subscribe to Big Money Players Diamond on Apple Podcasts to get this episode ad-free, and get exclusive bonus content: https://apple.co/nikkiglaserpodcast  Watch this episode on our Youtube Channel: The Nikki Glaser Podcast Follow the pod on Instagram for bonus content: @NikkiGlaserPod Leave us your voicemail: Click Here To Record Nikki's Tour Dates: nikkiglaser.com/tour Brian’s Animations: youtube.com/@BrianFrange More Nikki: IGSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
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