Cute Now, Annoying Later
Cute Now, Annoying Later  
Podcast: Coffee Convos with Kail Lowry and Lindsie Chrisley
Rating: Explicit Published On: Wed Nov 22 2023
Description: CC319: Lindsie recaps her weekend Google searches and we are all concerned. Kail discovers Megan Markle was a good actress which surprisingly leads to conversation about our partner's annoying traits. Lindsie and Kail share their thoughts about whether or not they force their kids to talk/acknowledge adults when they don't want to. Lindsie brings up a video that has someone saying Stay-At-Home Moms have it better than working moms and both her and Kail have some big thoughts to share. A listener asks for advice as she is debating on whether to have a second child, and both Foul Plays are worst case scenarios that have us gasping. Check out our Instagram @coffeeconvospodcast for more! Thank you to our sponsors! Embrace: Head to and sign up for pet insurance today Progressive: Visit to learn more Skylight: Get $15 off a Skylight Frame at