Podcast:Coffee Convos with Kail Lowry and Lindsie Chrisley Rating: Explicit Published On: Thu Apr 07 2022 Description: Super assistant Kristen joins Kail this episode to do some real talk on the pressure and anxiety of having/wanting kids. Does Kristen go through Kail's phone? Will my kids grow up to suck? Kail's advice to coulpes without kids, and Kail's kids make a hilarious appearance! Thanks to our sponsors! Boll & Branch: Visit bollandbranch.com and get 15% off your first set of sheets when you use promo code COFFEECONVOS Kiwico: Get 30% off your first month plus FREE shipping on ANY crate line with code COFFEE at kiwico.com Green Chef: Visit GreenChef.com/convos130 and use code convos130 to get $130 off plus free shipping Stamps.com: Visit Stamps.com and use promo code COFFEE for a special offer that includes a 4-week trial, free postage, and a digital scale! Native: Go to NativeDeo.com/convos ,or use promo code convos at checkout to get 20% off your first order Stitch Fix: Fill out your free style quiz at StitchFix.com/convos