Podcast:Coffee Convos with Kail Lowry and Lindsie Chrisley Rating: Explicit Published On: Thu May 04 2023 Description: CC283: Lindsie and Kail meet up in Nashville to give us the most foul content and we're all here for it.. I think?? They play an intense game of Would You Rather and answer some unexpected listener questions that has Kail ready to leave the studio. Lindsie chooses swallow over spit, Kail's nasty feet get called out by Lux , and regardless of their answers, no they ARE NOT crazy! Check out our Instagram @coffeeconvospodcast for more! Thank you to our sponsors!Care/of: Visit TakeCareOf.com and enter code COFFEE50 for 50% off your first orderKiwico: Get 50% off your first month on ANY crate line at kiwico.com/COFFEEProgressive: Visit progressive.com to learn moreStamps: Visit Stamps.com and use code COFFEE for a 4-week trial, free postage, and a digital scale!Starbucks: Starbucks Coffee, ready for right now. Shop the full line-up online or in-store, wherever you buy groceries