170: Moving House, Vacation Troubles, and Celebrity Relationship News
170: Moving House, Vacation Troubles, and Celebrity Relationship News  
Podcast: Coffee Convos with Kail Lowry and Lindsie Chrisley
Published On: Thu Jul 15 2021
Description: On this week's episode Lindsie and Kail are even further apart than usual as Kail vacations in the Dominican Republic. Lindsie has finally started doing showings for her house and is making decisions about what to keep and what to get rid of. And what exactly will she be doing with the things she's getting rid of? And Kail's vacation has not been all rest and relaxation. She tells Lindsie all about some traveling struggles as well as a big scare involving a minor injury. And Lindsie needs to know Kail's thoughts on some recent celebrity couple drama! Who's side are you on? This episode was sponsored by: Upstart, Paramount+, Recovery Centers of America, & Pura Vida Music by Nathaniel Wyvern. Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License.