183: Participation Trophies, Divorce vs Separation, and Missing Milestones
183: Participation Trophies, Divorce vs Separation, and Missing Milestones  
Podcast: Coffee Convos with Kail Lowry and Lindsie Chrisley
Published On: Thu Oct 07 2021
Description: On this week's episode Kail and Lindsie are diving into some commonly asked questions. First Kail wants to know what Lindsie's opinion on participation trophies is and whether or not they are beneficial. Then Lindsie brings up some listener questions, starting with divorce vs. separation. It can be difficult to decide what course of action is best for a relationship. Lindsie and Kail talk about their own past relationships and the choices they made when ending them. What would they change and what would they keep the same? And while co-parenting sometimes you miss important firsts and milestones in your child's life. How can you cope and what choices can you and your co-parenting partner make to minimise the loss? This episode was sponsored by: Everly Well, BetterHelp, & Prose Music by Nathaniel Wyvern. Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License.