Podcast:Coffee Convos with Kail Lowry and Lindsie Chrisley Rating: Explicit Published On: Thu Jul 11 2024 Description: CC360: Kail has been struggling with her ADHD as of recently and, after a Tiktok about an ADHD habit, she is contempting on possible medications. Lindsie shares her experience with getting diagnosed. Lindsie wants to know how far people go when it comes to healthy living, Kail is concerned about the uptick in "Sadfishing" and they answer some Listener questions regarding toxic family members. Today's Foul Play is a reminder to never trust the smell of a fart! Check out our Instagram @coffeeconvospodcast for more! Thank you to our sponsor! Chime: Get started at chime.com/convosJust Thrive: To save 20% off a 90-day bottle of Just Thrive Probiotic and Just Calm go to JustThriveHealth.comProgressive: Visit Progressive.com to learn moreRocket Money: Manage your expenses the easy way by going to RocketMoney.com/COFFEECONVOSStamps: Visit Stamps.com and use code COFFEE for a 4-week trial, free postage, and a digital scale!