Thrill Of The Chase & Name Calling
Thrill Of The Chase & Name Calling  
Podcast: Coffee Convos with Kail Lowry and Lindsie Chrisley
Rating: Explicit Published On: Thu Aug 10 2023
Description: CC300: Lindsie calls out a certain someone for pushing the boundaries and causing problems. It's time for law enforcement to get involved. Kail finds out what a professional name consultant does and she is all in for getting a second job. Both her and Lindsie discuss their backup names from when they were pregnant and the conditions it had to meet. Kail is finally listening to the music of Jelly Roll and she is HOOKED! Does anyone else have a playlist of songs that literally represent a time in their life where things were rough? Lindsie and Kail share the music that got them through it. Also, a question about name calling during arguments between partners hits a certain nerve, and we absolutely will not tolerate any of it as adults!For Foul Play this week - we get a scoop of that retirement home drama we never thought existed. Check out our Instagram @coffeeconvospodcast for more!  Thank you to our sponsors!Better Help: This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Visit today to get 10% off your first monthCare/of: Visit and enter code COFFEE50 for 50% off your first orderEchelon: Text CONVOS to 81-81-81 to get $200 off your new Echelon plus FREE shipping and risk-free 30-day returns. By Texting 81-81-81, you agree to receive recurring automated marketing messages from Echelon. Message and data rates may apply. No purchase required. Terms apply, available at Reply "STOP" to stop, "HELP" for helpIQBar: Get 20% off every IQBar product plus free shipping when you text CONVOS to 64-000One Skin: Get 15% off with the code CoffeeConvos at oneskin.coStamps: Visit and use code COFFEE for a 4-week trial, free postage, and a digital scale!Stitch Fix: Try today and you'll get 25% off when you keep everything in your Fix
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