Saint Joan of Arc Part II
Saint Joan of Arc Part II  
Podcast: Saints Alive Podcast
Published On: Mon Jan 17 2022
Description: Today we get to pick up right where we left off with our beloved heroine, Joan. We’ve heard how Joan held steady in faith despite a storm of disbelief in her very home, and this week, that faith will endure a treacherous winter journey and help her stand tall through a battle of Narnian excitement and tremendous consequence. You won’t want to miss this epic tale of a king in disguise, a girl on a mission from God, and her glorious triumph for Him!PSA for parents of children with little ears! We wanted to honor Saint Joan of Arc by keeping this true to her story. There is an epic and intense battle scene and we explain that Joan died a martyr by being burned at the stake.JOIN The Little Way Challenge! An adventure for you and your family this Lent! Saints Alive is brought to you by the #1 Catholic Prayer App, Hallow! Sign up today with a 30-day free trial! Please rate, review and share with friends and family! Find resources on the saints, discussion questions and more about our team by visiting our website: