Ep 139: Finding Refuge, Strength, and Wonder Through Everyday Encounters with God with John Eldredge
Ep 139: Finding Refuge, Strength, and Wonder Through Everyday Encounters with God with John Eldredge  
Podcast: These Are The Days
Published On: Wed Mar 05 2025
Description: How do we get back to an experiential relationship with God? This is a question we have been talking about for months on the podcast and today’s episode, we have John Edredge on to share his perspective on it. We talk about the importance of a holistic and experiential relationship with Jesus, touching on Christian mysticism, the challenges of modern-day distractions, and practical steps to foster an intimate communion with Christ. This conversation is packed with gold and we hope it inspires you in your walk with God.  Grab a copy of John’s latest book, Experience Jesus. Really.  Want to watch the video version of this episode? Head to YouTube + don’t forget to subscribe: @JeremyAudreyRoloff Connect with John:   Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wildatheart/ Wild at Heart Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wild-at-heart/id260843816 Connect with the Roloff’s: Instagram I @audreyroloff Instagram I @jeremyroloff Shop Jeremy + Audrey’s resources: Beating50Percent.com Shop Audrey’s Amazon Storefront  ADVERTISE WITH US! To inquire about host-read ads or to become the show’s next Title Sponsor, please send an email to ashley@pivotmediaco.com. This podcast was produced by Pivot Media Co. Some of the links above may be affiliate links, which means we earn a small commission if you purchase the item(s) using these links. Thank you for supporting us! Music with Premium Beats: ID RIBWB3GD2KKDPZWT