S5 E7: Adjoa Andoh, actress
S5 E7: Adjoa Andoh, actress  
Podcast: Comfort Eating with Grace Dent
Published On: Tue Nov 07 2023
Description: Dropping into Grace’s living room for some prime time Comfort Eating is the actor Adjoa Andoh, best known for playing Lady Danbury in the Netflix hit Bridgerton. Sharing a platter of her tastiest morsels, Adjoa talks to Grace about jacking in a law degree, moving into a south London squat, joining a touring feminist theatre group while pregnant, the slog of serving up daily family meals and the joy of escaping it all on a secret Greek island where the only things to do are reading, swimming and scooping up mountains of hummus with fresh, warm bread Buy Grace’s new Comfort Eating book, inspired by the podcast, here. The book is a wonderfully scrumptious, life-affirming journey through the foods that really mean the most to us