Betty Reid Soskin: Our Nation’s Oldest Park Ranger
Betty Reid Soskin: Our Nation’s Oldest Park Ranger  
Podcast: She Pivots
Published On: Wed Jul 13 2022
Description: Betty is not just the oldest park ranger in history, but her pivot at the age of 85 was preceded by a life full of pivots. From one of the first Black-owned record store owners in California to civil rights activist to all of the personal changes and pivots in between. Betty is a decorated park ranger, receiving the presidential medal of honor from President Obama and still receiving shoutouts on his Instagram. In this episode, Emily talks with the 100- year-old Betty over the course of two days to learn the catalyst of her pivot and how she felt at the age of 65 that she was finally truly living. Be sure to subscribe, leave us a rating and share with your friends if you liked this episode!  She Pivots was created in partnership with Marie Claire to highlight women, their stories, and how their pivot became their success. To learn more about Robin, follow us on Instagram @ShePivotsThePodcast or visit LINKS:  Instagram: the show: for privacy information.