Tony Lyons 56 Best Sellers, The Real Anthony Fauci, The Real RFK Jr., Sky Horse Publishing, Releasing Books Others Won't, Making Lives Betters . Mscs Media
Podcast:Tommy T Podcast - Mscs Media Published On: Wed Sep 27 2023 Description: Tony Lyons: Skyhorse Publishing. Books by Edward Dowd, Dr. Robert Malone, Robert Kennedy Jr., and more. 9500 titles and 56 bestsellers. @tonylyonsisuncertain @skyhorsepub He’s willing to publish books that others aren’t willing to take, as he feels the books themselves should be able to stand on their own.On Apropos of Nothing (Woody Allen’s book), he says “Whether you like Allen or not, it’s an interesting book, and he’s had an interesting and culturally significant life. That should have been addressed. And that’s true for any of these books, even if you have a concern about the author or their perspective.”“I’m not willing to make my decisions on what to publish based on what other people would like me to publish.”Tony Lyons, President and Publisher at Skyhorse, and an attorney, was Publisher at The Lyons Press between 1997 and 2004. He founded Skyhorse in 2006 and has been involved with every aspect of the book publishing process. Starting with a small team of people, some of whom still work for Skyhorse, Tony has steadily built the company from a start-up to an increasingly prominent mid-sized publisher. Skyhorse is dedicated to publishing books that make people’s lives better, whether that means teaching them a hobby, bringing them a unique and important story, or encouraging them to fight against injustices, conspiracies, or abuses of power. The company maintains a firm stance against censorship and aims to provide a full spectrum of political, theological, cultural, and philosophical viewpoints to counter the increasingly biased environment in mainstream media.