Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/2/23
Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/2/23  
Podcast: Mark Levin Podcast
Published On: Sat Jun 03 2023
Description: On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, the FBI is corrupt through and through, and it’s never been clearer than right now with Christopher Wray withholding a document that would implicate the Biden’s. The National Archives is also withholding Biden's emails that would reveal more information about Biden’s pay-for-access scheme. The American people have the right to know about these issues and have them addressed by Joe Biden and these business dealings with foreign countries like China. We have a huge shadow government and don’t have the foggiest idea what they are really doing, working under the cover of secrecy while Congress has no idea. The Democrat party praises Marxism and the Marxists, and Joe Biden praises them too through his policies. Totalitarianism is becoming more obvious as the corruption of the Marxists like Biden comes to light. Also, Mark speaks with Fox News host and author Jeanine Pirro about the liberal nonsense in the mainstream media, and her new book Crimes Against America: The Left's Takedown of Our Republic. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit