Exposing Valentine’s Day Frauds
Exposing Valentine’s Day Frauds  
Podcast: Hot Mess with Alix Earle
Published On: Thu Feb 08 2024
Description: (VIDEO PODCAST AVAILABLE ON SPOTIFY AND YOUTUBE) This week Alix sits down to talk about Valentine's Day. She stresses the fact that having a date on Valentine's Day is overrated and prefers to celebrate having good girl friends instead. She even recounts a Valentine's Day she had that looked perfect on social media, but was in fact a complete disaster. Alix also vlogs two exciting events - her first merch shoot and her time at the Grammys. She brings you along her day getting ready, featuring a few hot mess moments. The first official Hot Mess merch can be found at shop.iamunwell.com. Follow and connect with all things @HotMess across Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.
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