Keeping Up With Kristin
Keeping Up With Kristin  
Podcast: Hot Mess with Alix Earle
Published On: Thu Dec 14 2023
Description: (VIDEO PODCAST AVAILABLE ON SPOTIFY AND YOUTUBE) This week Alix sits down with her best friend and roommate, Kristin. The two discuss their differences, living together, drama, mean girls, and other details about their friendship. They even reveal some things they’ve never told each other before. It’s also Art Basel week in Miami and Kristin has a collaboration with Fontainebleau. Alix, Kristin, Braxton, and the rest of their friends bring the cameras to the event and show what really happens at Art Basel. A secret guest also surprises Kristin and some tears are caught on camera. Follow and connect with all things @HotMess across Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.
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