Balancing Friends vs. Boyfriends
Balancing Friends vs. Boyfriends  
Podcast: Hot Mess with Alix Earle
Published On: Thu Apr 25 2024
Description: (VIDEO PODCAST AVAILABLE ON SPOTIFY AND YOUTUBE) This week, Alix sits down to discuss all things relationships. She explains why her boyfriend wasn’t invited to Coachella, explosive fights, and secrets to maintaining healthy boundaries. She then answers your questions about boys and relationships. Alix also shares the excuse behind-the-scenes vlog of her first magazine cover shoot for Flaunt Magazine. She wears a bikini to the grocery store, on the freeway, and appears topless with ice cubes on her chest. Braxton visits her during the shoot at the most revealing moment. Follow and connect with all things @HotMess across Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.