The Jimmy Dore Show
The Jimmy Dore Show

“ Jimmy Dore is outrageous and outraged, bothersome and bothered, a crucial, profane, passionate voice for progressives and freethinkers in 21st century America.” -Patton Oswalt

Thanks to the hardworking folks in the intelligence community, we now have new allegations of Russian interference into the 2024 presidential election. Two employees of the Russian state media network RT, previously known as Russia Today, were indicted, dozens of internet domains were seized for “malign influence campaigns” and a new visa restriction policy was introduced as part of the efforts to check foreign influence. Jimmy and podcaster Ryan Dawson discuss the timing of these indictments and  the online commentators like Dave Rubin, Benny Johnson and Tim Pool who have been caught up in the controversy. Plus segments on Candace Owens’ controversial suspension from YouTube and Jimmy’s commentary on the Harris-Trump presidential debate. Also featuring Stef Zamorano!
In a move that has sent shockwaves through Washington DC, Republican former Vice President Dick Cheney has announced that he plans to vote for Democrat Kamala Harris in the upcoming presidential election. For decades Cheney has been widely denounced as “Darth Vader” by Democrats for his record during the Bush administration, but now that the new evil of Donald Trump has arisen, even someone as vile and universally loathed as Dick Cheney has become a welcome ally to Dems.   Jimmy and podcaster Ryan Dawson discuss this dramatic shift in Democratic Party alliances and what it says about Democrats that they can so readily embrace Dick Cheney, the embodiment of political evil.   Plus segments on Barack Obama’s dramatic announcement opposing free speech and the mainstream media getting smacked down for its pro-Democrat bias.   Also featuring Chris Hedges, Matt Taibbi, Mike MacRae and Kurt Metzger. And phone calls from Joe Biden and Vince Vaughn!
Daily Wire contributor Matt Walsh joined Jimmy in studio to discuss his new film, “Am I Racist?” A follow-up to his previous effort, “What Is a Woman?”, the film finds Walsh engaging with groups that seek to purge racism from their thoughts.   Plu segments on comedian Rob Schneider deftly handling a heckler at a recent standup performance and a discussion of Joe Scarborough praising AOC and other progressives for falling in line and abandoning ideology in favor of trying to help Democrats win.   Also featuring Russell Dobular and Keaton Weiss!
A clip from an English-language Israeli podcast showing hosts Naor Meningher and Eytan Weinstein discussing the idea of eradicating all Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza has gone viral online.   In an episode of Two Nice Jewish Boys, which aired three weeks ago, host Weinstein said: “If you gave me a button to just erase Gaza, every single living being in Gaza would no longer be living tomorrow. I would press it in a second.”He claimed that “most Israelis” would do the same.   Jimmy and Due Dissidence hosts Keaton Weiss and Russell Dobular discuss the horrific statements from these “nice” boys, and the double standard on censorship on social media that allows this kind of commentary to be published and monetized.   Plus segments on the Canadian government’s crushing of rail workers during a recent labor dispute and former Clinton administration cabinet official Robert Reich’s call for the unconstitutional imprisonment of Elon Musk.   Also featuring Kurt Metzger and Stef Zamorano!
In April 2023, the U.S. government indicted 82-year-old African People’s Socialist Party chairman  Omali Yeshitela, as well as Penny Hess and Jesse Nevel — together known as the Uhuru 3 — on charges of “failing to register as foreign agents,” merely for expressing their views on Ukraine. The indictment followed the FBI’s July 29, 2022, raid on Yeshitela’s home and several other homes and offices of Uhuru solidarity movement leaders with flashbang grenades and assault weapons.   Jimmy speaks with Yeshitela about the FBI raid on his home, the government’s case against the Uhuru 3 and why the group has been so aggressively targeted.   Plus a segment with Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Chris Hedges about his recent bout with censorship by TikTok over his criticism of Kamala Harris.
After more than a month as the Democratic presidential nominee, Kamala Harris finally sat down for an interview with the media — and even brought her “aw shucks” midwestern bear of a running mate Tim Walz along to help out. The two covered a range of issues, including the border, fracking, unemployment and Walz’s military record with CNN’s Dana Bash.   Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger can’t get over just how terribly Harris comes across, that she seemed half-drunk or on barbituates much of the time and that even with plenty of lead-in time to prepare the two nevertheless gave remarkably poor answers to even the most obvious questions.   Plus a segment on Joe Rogan’s evisceration of Time Magazine for promoting the health and societal benefits of processed foods.   Also featuring Stef Zamorano!
Jimmy sits down for a wide-ranging and thought-provoking interview from Trump Tower with Turning Point USA chief creative officer Benny Johnson.   Plus a segment on British-Syrian journalist Richard Medhurst’s arrest in England on terrorism charges.
CNN was covering Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s speech dropping out of the presidential race, but as soon as RFK started telling the truth about Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party, all of a sudden the speech was no longer newsworthy and CNN immediately cut away.   Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss why it’s so important for mainstream media outlets to silence RFK and marginalize his candidacy as “quixotic.”   Plus segments on the arrest by French authorities of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov and presidential candidate Cornel West’s decision to get behind a COVID truth commission.   Also featuring Stef Zamorano!
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has made the difficult decision to suspend his campaign, pointing out that the focused, determined, methodical screw job he received at the hands of the Democrats would likely only render him a spoiler candidate taking votes away from Donald Trump and helping hand the election to the very forces undermining his candidacy. Jimmy discusses the themes RFK Jr. brings up to explain why he’s suspending his campaign but doing so in a manner that will allow many of his supporters to still vote for him without assisting Democrats in swing states. Plus segments on RFK’s glowing reception from the crowd at a Trump rally and the forlorn efforts of pro-Palestinian protesters at the DNC to persuade the Harris people to allow a Palestinian to speak at the convention. Also featuring Stef Zamorano!
Joe Biden’s speech Monday at the DNC was so full of whoppers that even mainstream media outlets typically in the tank for establishment Democrats like PBS and CNN took note, running “Fact check” pieces on the President. Among his lies included widely-debunked accusations against Donald Trump as well as outrageous exaggerations of his own accomplishments in office.   Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the parade of lies and fearmongering reflected in what will likely be the last major speech of Biden’s presidency.   Plus segments on RFK Jr.s likely announcement that he’s dropping out of the 2024 race and endorsing Trump, Brazilian President Lula da Silva serving as a U.S. puppet by calling for new Venezuelan elections and multimillionaire Michelle Obama hypocritically telling DNC attendees to be “suspicious” of the rich.
While addressing a group of ardent Israel supporters, Donald Trump made the decidedly surprising assertion that Israel and its US-based lobbying wing AIPAC do not wield sufficient power over American politics. 15 years ago the lobby was much stronger, Trump said, and any deviation from a staunchly pro-Israel position by an American politician would have ended their career. Today, Trump announced without any sense of comedic intent, Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer sounds like a Palestinian.   Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss Trump’s apparent feeling that Israel should hold greater sway over American foreign policy.   Plus a segment on commentator Candace Owens’ surprising recent statements about the founding of Israel and an on-the-street interview from a protest near the Chicago DNC with comedian and Daily Show co-creator Lizz Winstead about the state of the abortion debate.   Also featuring Mike MacRae and a phone call from the British police about possibly arresting Jimmy Dore!
When she spoke out against COVID lockdowns, and specifically the extended school closings in her hometown of San Francisco, Levi’s executive Jennifer Sey says she was driven out of her job and eventually fled California for Colorado. There, she says, she realized that corporate America had no place for her, so she decided to launch her own athletic clothing line.   Jimmy and Ms. Sey discuss the uniformity of thought demanded by the corporate system and why she felt she had to strike out on her own. Jimmy and Sey, a former top ranked gymast, open the conversation by discussing the dramatic change that has come over female gymnasts’ physiques in the past 50 years.   Plus featuring segments on the Justice Department’s recent successful antitrust lawsuit against Google and the Olympics controversy over Algerian boxer Imane Khelif.   Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. Plus a phone call from Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer!
The New York Times on Wednesday dropped a bombshell report revealing that Hunter Biden had actively solicited State Department help on behalf of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma while his father was vice president. The information was revealed via a FOIA request of State Department documents that was shared with Times reporters just a week after Hunter’s father dropped out of the 2024 presidential race.   Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss whether they believe the timing of this release and the Times story was merely a coincidence.   Plus a segment with former top gymnast Jennifer Sey on the Olympics controversy over Algerian boxer Imane Khelief and another on the huge lie the public has been told about cholesterol and statins.   Also featuring Stef Zamorano!
Former Representative and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard has been placed onto a threat list by the TSA. Gabbard is well known for her opposition to Vice President (then Senator) Kamala Harris in the 2020 presidential primary, and for her realist foreign policy views, particularly on Syria.   Beginning two weeks ago, Gabbard and her husband have found their boarding passes marked with the “SSSS” designation indicating that the passenger is on a threat list known as “Quiet Skies” that subjects passengers to lengthy “random” searches and tracking by air marshals.   Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the appearance on Laura Ingraham’s show that likely led to Tulsi’s name being added to the list and what it says about our security state that a prominent politician and member of the US armed forces can be treated this way.   Plus segments on Kamala Harris stealing Trump’s big idea to eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers, Hezbollah missiles penetrating Israel’s vaunted “Iron Dome” defense system, a majority of Americans now opposing sending US troops to defend Israel, and the Japanese city of Nagasaki refusing to invite Israel to participate in an event commemorating the city’s bombing in 1945.   Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from still-president-for-now Joe Biden!
Renowned University of Chicago Professor of Political Science John Mearsheimer has given a “gloomy” analysis about Israel’s standing, saying that the Middle Eastern nation’s problems are “deep, unfixable” and getting worse.   Mearsheimer made his comment during an interview with Judge Napolitano, saying that ten months into its ruthless war against the Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip, the Israeli army is worn out, yet it has not defeated Palestinian resistance fighters in Hamas. “Israel is stuck in Gaza,” said the professor. It’s a hornet’s nest from which it had to leave in 2005, he pointed out, adding that Israel simply cannot comprehend that the catastrophic destruction and unresolved problems it has caused in Gaza lie on its border, and also has no hope of defeating Hezbollah in Lebanon or Iran.   Plus segments on a top Israeli official lamenting that his country can’t starve two million Palestinians to death, Kamala Harris’s VP choice Tim Walz explaining that free speech doesn’t allow for misinformation or hate speech, NFL teams using facial recognition to scan game ticketholders and the latest Kamala Harris word salad.   Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae. Plus a phone call from Tim Walz!
Jimmy is joined by the eponymous host of The Mel K Show to discuss the subject matter of her soon-to-be-released book, "Americans Anonymous: Restoring Power to the People One Citizen at a Time.” In this wide-ranging interview the two discuss how the Founders’ vision for the republic can be reclaimed, and control of our own lives can be reasserted from the banks, Big Tech, the pharmaceutical industry, Wall Street, the military-industrial complex and the government that serves them all.   Plus segments on U.K. residents being arrested for “unacceptable” Facebook posts and Syrian soldiers retaking oil fields in their own country previously held by the United States forces.   Also featuring Kurt Metzger and Stef Zamorano!
On Monday the Dow Jones Industrial Average and NASDAQ both nosedived, recording substantial losses totaling trillions of dollars. Other economic indicators remain poor as well, and despite what alleged efforts the Fed may take, the signs of a coming recession are impossible to ignore. One individual who anticipated the crash was billionaire investor Warren Buffett, who unloaded a substantial amount of his Apple stock holdings just before the crash.   Jimmy talks to Economics Professor Richard Wolff about how investors like Buffett help drive crashes, and why crashes like this are typical for a capitalist system and should be expected to happen every 4-7 years.   Plus segments on Tulsi Gabbard calling out MSNBC for spreading fake news about Joe Rogan and Kamala Harris, Elon Musk getting “community noted” for the misinformation he spread about Venezuela and who the key players behind the recent Trump assassination attempt may be.   Also featuring Kurt Metzger, Ian Carroll, Mike MacRae and Stef Zamorano. Plus a phone call from Jeff Bridges!
Once the intelligence community as a whole turned against Donald Trump and used their entire bag of tricks to bring him down, Democrats immediately jumped on board. Now the transformation is complete, with the formerly anti-CIA Democrats fully embracing the FBI, the CIA and all other arms of the intelligence industry octopus. Jimmy talks to popular online commentator Ian Carroll about the past 40 years of Democratic Party evolution from critic to passionate lover of all things intelligence. Plus a segment on the European Union’s new head diplomat announcing that she will not negotiate an end to the Ukraine War. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Mike MacRae and Kurt Metzger! And a phone call from JD Vance!
After his time in office, former President Donald Trump lamented that Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro was still in power when the Latin American country had been poised to fall, which would have allowed U.S. interests to swoop in and control Venezuela’s vast oil supply. This is a case of Trump saying the quiet part out loud, revealing that the United States’ interests in Venezuela has nothing to do with the well-being of the Venezuelan people and all about serving corporate interests. Jimmy speaks with Corporate Coup: Venezuela and the End of US Empire author Anya Parampil about Trump’s complicity in destroying Venezuela and the resultant migrant crisis, as well as the media’s ongoing lies about the recent Venezuelan elections. Plus an interview with Patrick Courrielche about his documentary exposing the lies behind the “Sound of Freedom” film and a segment on the FBI director’s refusal to release the results of a police raid on Jeffrey Epstein’s Manhattan home. Also featuring Stef Zamorano!
Controversy is swirling over the recent Venezuelan elections — specifically the announcement the President Nicolas Maduro has won another term despite terrible economic conditions, a united opposition and crippling sanctions imposed by the United States. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken addressed the election results, expressed concern that they may be fraudulent and vaguely implied that the United States may “take action” if it’s determined that Maduro didn’t actually win. Jimmy explains how propagandized Americans must be to think they need to care adamantly about whether Venezuela’s elections are fair. Plus segments on Seymour Hersh’s reporting that Obama and Kamala Harris, along with other Democratic power-players, threatened to invoke the 25th amendment against Joe Biden if he refused to step aside and the million-dollar settlement bestowed on anti-Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok by the Justice Department as a payoff for his service to the deep state. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And a phone call from Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker!
Van Jones has effected a full 180 on Kamala Harris, recently admitting that the VP is not particularly popular to today claiming that he spoke on the phone with 20,000 black men who, he says, stand at the ready to defend the presumptive Democratic nominee from any and all criticism. Putting aside the question of how one speaks on the phone with 20,000 people, Jones is essentially saying that because she is black, Harris is above criticism. Jimmy talks about how convenient it is for Harris that because she represents a minority group she cannot  be criticized. Plus segments on California Governor Gavin Newsom’s new initiative to clear the state’s streets of homeless encampments, Trump acknowledging that Netanyahu is the main obstacle to peace in Gaza and Representative Thomas Massie skipping Netanyahu’s address to Congress. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And a phone call from Joe Biden!
United States Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle acquiesced to a subpoena to appear in front of the House of Representatives to answer questions about why GOP candidate and former president Donald Trump came within a few inches of being assassinated under her watch. The results were brutal, with Cheatle withering under grilling from both sides of the aisle in the form of Nancy Mace, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ro Khanna. Jimmy goes over Cheatle’s testimony and all the holes in her claims about what happened on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania. Plus segments on Don Lemon denying that Kamala Harris is an African-American and MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski insisting that a “hate campaign” has begun against Harris based on the fact that some people intentionally mispronounce her first name. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Nick Cruse!
Trump Vice Presidential nominee J.D. Vance has been promoted as a populist with working class Appalachia roots who will promote the interests of everyday Americans over the rich and powerful. Yet at the same time he is almost entirely a product of multibillioniare Peter Thiel, who helped shepherd Vance’s career and also launched the massive surveillance company Pallantir. So who is the real J.D. Vance? Jimmy speaks with investigative journalist Whitney Webb about Vance’s history and how no one rises to his level of prominence without serving the corporate machine. Plus segments on Democrats’ cries of “racism!” in opposition to a GOP-led Voter ID law and the sad state of the left in the United States. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Craig “Pasta” Jardula and Nick Cruse!
Hospitals, banks, airports, airlines and broadcasters worldwide were impacted by a massive, ongoing IT outage Friday. Thousands of Windows PCs, which many companies and organizations rely on as part of their critical internet infrastructure, were hit by the CrowdStrike outage. Perhaps most concerning, several US states reported that their emergency 911 call centers were also hit. The outage was blamed on a faulty update from cybersecurity company CrowdStrike. The company handles the security of many Windows PCs and services around the world. In a statement Friday morning, CrowdStrike said the issue had been "identified, isolated and a fix has been deployed." Jimmy discusses the shameless TV interview given by casually attired CrowdStrike CEO George Kurtz, who refused to answer basic questions or take any responsibility for the global tech catastrophe his company caused. Plus segments on loony Rachel Maddow’s conclusion that Trump VP pick JD Vance is a far right wacko because he’s a fan of Lord of the Rings, the Teamsters’ Union president addressing the RNC and wild accusations that Iran was behind the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And a phone call from Joe Biden!
The story unfolding about the MASSIVE security failures that allowed 20-year-old Thomas Crooks to fire a direct shot at Donald Trump from less than 150 yards away during the former President’s Butler, Pennsylvania rally becomes more surreal and unbelievable every day. The latest bit to emerge is that snipers who were stationed inside the building saw Crooks outside looking at the building and disappearing before he climbed up on the roof to take his position. Oh, and the head of the US Secret Service says the roof was too pitched to send anyone up to investigate it before hand. How steep is the pitch? 10 degrees. Jimmy discusses all this and more about the unbelievable circumstances surrounding the assassination attempt. Plus a segment with “The Racket” author and independent journalist Matt Kennard on the illusion of democracy in our corporate oligarchy and whether Biden’s COVID diagnosis is the excuse he’ll need to drop out of the race. Also featuring Stef Zamorano!
Following the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, President Biden addressed the nation, calling for all sides to tone down the violent rhetoric. Of course, the day before the shooting Biden had said Democrats should put Trump “in the bull’s-eye,” along with his usual rhetoric about Trump ending democracy, being a dictator and representing an existential threat to the nation, so he himself was one of the main offenders. Jimmy points out how much aggressive and violence-laced verbiage has come out about Trump from Biden and fellow Democrats during the 2024 campaign. Plus segments on the dismissal of the classified documents case against Trump, the story about Trump’s assassination attempt not adding up and Dr. David Martin on the fraudulent agenda of the Food and Drug Administration. Also featuring Stef Zamorano!
The Trump assassination attempt has rocked the nation, leaving many bewildered how secret service could have possibly allowed a shooter such ready access to a location with a clear shot at the presumptive Republican nominee during a rally. Not only that, but witnesses apparently spotted the shooter well before he fired at Trump, but nothing was done to prevent the attempt from taking place. Jimmy and Due Dissidence co-hosts Russell Dobular and Keaton Weiss discuss all the fishy circumstances surrounding the entire incident. Plus segments on Tucker Carlson predicting this very event six months ago and Rachel Maddow’s glowing review of Joe Biden’s non-stop warmongering foreign policy. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. Plus a phone call from Jake Tapper!
During a recent appearance on CNN, Democratic Congressman Adam Smith chided President Joe Biden for criticizing the so-called “elites” who were trying to drive him out of the presidential race after his disastrous debate performance. Those are the same elites who put their collective thumb on the scale in Biden’s favor in 2020, Smith said, so the President should show a little more respect. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss this “quiet part out loud” moment from Smith where he essentially admits that the Democratic primaries are not, well, democratic. Plus segments on MSNBC host Ali Velshi’s recent unhinged anti-Trump rant, CNN’s Jake Tapper suddenly discovering Joe Biden’s mental decline and Biden’s slurred speech during the recent NATO summit. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. Plus a phone call from Joe Biden and George Clooney!
In attempting to highlight how vigorous Joe Biden is, White House spokesman John Kirby described an upcoming event where the President will be speaking as a “big boy press conference.” And then Karine Jean-Pierre repeated it! These are the people who are supposed to be bolstering Biden and propping him up. Jimmy discusses how everyone in the White House appears to be treating the President of the United States like he’s a toddler. Plus segments on the left’s surprising victory in recent French elections, The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal discussing whether the Israeli newspaper Haaretz will apologize for smearing him and then publishing a story corroborating his reporting, and White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre melting down under withering press questioning about Joe Biden’s declining mental health.
Remember the drug gamma-hydroxybutyrate, known familiarly as “GHB,” which was widely derided as dangerous and a threat to the nation’s youth? What if you found out that GHB is, in fact, a miracle drug that can help address health issues as wide ranging as insomnia, depression, erectile dysfunction and narcolepsy? And that the widespread maligning of GHB was part of a coordinated campaign directed by powerful interests in the pharmaceutical industry? Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss GHB’s myriad applications and why fentanyl is readily available but GHB is so scarce. Plus segments on the recently resolved water crisis in Idaho, Blaire White’s scathing take on Dylan Mulvaney and the government’s final insult thrown Julian Assange’s way as he left prison and returned home to Australia. Also featuring Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger, Idaho congressional candidate David Leavitt and Stef Zamorano.
In this episode Jimmy interviews James Corbett, an award-winning investigative journalist and, since 2007, host of The Corbett Report, an independent, listener-supported alternative news source. In this wide-ranging discussion, Jimmy and Corbett cover the malign global influence of Bill Gates, the truth behind 9/11, the globalist agenda of maximized centralized control, the lost promise of the Internet and cryptocurrency and much more. Also featuring Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger and Stef Zamorano.
The Democratic-leaning corporate media, consisting of outlets like MSNBC and CNN, have been lying consistently and vociferously about Joe Biden’s mental acuity for years now. Despite the president’s obvious decline, the likes of Anderson Cooper, Joe Scarborough, Joy Reid and many others have claimed that video showing Biden’s cognitive failures were “cheap fakes” and that Biden remains “sharp as a tack.” Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the Orwellian media’s insistence that you not believe your own eyes when it comes to Biden’s mental state. Plus a segment on the recent SCOTUS decision granting sweeping immunity protections to former President Trump and additional commentary on Joe Biden’s debate performance. Also featuring Stef Zamorano!
During this nearly hour-long interview with YouTuber and former Daily Wire contributor Candace Owens, she and Jimmy cover a range of topics including Christopher Cuomo’s about-face on Ivermectin, her recent combative appearance with British talk show host Piers Morgan and the fading relevance of traditional “left” and “right” labels. Also featuring Kurt Metzger and Stef Zamorano!
CNN host Kasie Hunt abruptly terminated a live interview with Donald Trump’s spokesperson Karoline Leavitt on Monday after Leavitt began to criticize the two journalists whom the network chose to moderate the much anticipated upcoming debate between the former president and Joe Biden. Hunt had brought up the topic of Trump and his surrogates criticizing moderators but then refused to let Leavitt address the question. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss why they think this was a setup and whether it’s a good debating tactic for Trump to target the moderators. Plus segments on Justice Alito lighting into his fellow Justices for punting on a key censorship case and recalling how commentators Cenk Uygur, Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti smeared and laughed at Julian Assange while the U.S. government was pursuing criminal charges against the Wikileaks founder. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And a phone call from Joe Biden and Barack Obama!
In a last-ditch effort to get out the vote for incumbent U.S. Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) and avoid an upset in the hotly contested Democratic primary in New York’s 16th Congressional District on Tuesday, June 25, leftist political heavyweights U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) came out in support of Bowman at a rally in New York on Saturday. Unfortunately for them, their “star power” has waned to the point where turnout was embarrassingly low. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how the rally turnout would have been even worse if not for the pro-Palestinian protesters who came to express their displeasure with Bernie, Bowman and AOC over Biden’s Israel support. Plus segments on Massachusetts distributing migrant arrivals around the state to various motels in small towns and Trump prosecutor Nathan Wade’s DISASTROUS interview on Comedy Central. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And a phone call from “Hillary Supporter!”
Have you heard? Funds appropriated to help fund the Ukraine war have somehow wound up in the hands of a mining company extracting cobalt in Idaho. In fact, farmers’ water supplies are also being restricted by the government and redirected to the cobalt mining efforts. It’s all about renewable energy and ending our dependence on fossil fuels, so no complaining when there’s no food. Jimmy discusses the sham of renewable energy and the lie that we will ever stop burning fossil fuels. Plus segments on the establishment ramping up bird flu hysteria and why Democrats have stopped saying “my body, my choice.” Also featuring Kurt Metzger, Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And a phone call from George Clooney and Joe Biden!
At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States military launched a secret campaign to counter what it perceived as China’s growing influence in the Philippines, a nation hit especially hard by the deadly virus, an investigation by the Reuters news agency has found. Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, the military’s propaganda efforts morphed into an anti-vaccination campaign, Reuters reported in a story released on Friday. Social media posts decried the quality of face masks, test kits and the first vaccine that would become available in the Philippines – China’s Sinovac inoculation. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how the U.S. government was actually the biggest spreader of vaccine misinformation during the pandemic. Plus segments on the FBI’s efforts to purge the bureau of Trump supporters and a recent study showing that fast food is bad for fetuses. Also featuring Stef Zamorano!
The state of Kansas has filed a lawsuit against pharmaceutical company Pfizer, Inc. for alleged consumer protection violations related to the company's manufacturing of the COVID-19 vaccine, saying the company marketed the shot as "safe" even though it "knew" the vaccine was connected to "serious adverse events."  "Pfizer misled the public that it had a ‘safe and effective’ COVID-19 vaccine," the 69-page lawsuit filed Monday in the District Court of Thomas County alleges. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the possible repercussions Big Pharma is facing over massive duplicity about vaccine effectiveness. Plus segments on how Haiti’s Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier is uniting the Caribbean nation’s rival gangs to fight the oligarchy and the end of the feud between Disney and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Dan Cohen!
Investigative journalist Ben Swann has compiled substantial evidence demonstrating that the Israeli government was aware well in advance that Hamas was planning the October 7th attacks. Not only did Egypt warn Israel and the IDF had collected their own intelligence, but Hamas was staging obvious military exercises leading up to the fateful date. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Swann about why the Netanyahu government might have allowed this attack to take place. Plus segments on CNN writer Oliver Darcy’s desperate but failed attempts to get Tucker Carlson’s tour canceled and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham’s admission that the Ukraine War is all about securing Ukraine’s trillions of dollars in resources for the US & NATO and depriving China and Russia.
The Washington Post recently ran a hit piece on The Grayzone, their second this year, falsely alleging that the publication gets funding from Iran and Russia. The claim was retracted, but not before countless empire apologists and hacks in the mainstream media ran with the story and spread the smear campaign. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal about how mainstream sources like the Post are the actual purveyors of the most misinformation. Plus segments on Rachel Maddow’s fevered ravings about how Trump is out to get her and Kevin Spacey’s claims that he had no idea who Jeffrey Epstein was despite flying on his planes.
Bill Maher is no fan of Palestinians, of that there’s little doubt. But his frenzied Zionist leanings have escalated recently to the point where he’s now accusing all Palestinians of being pedophiles. And despite the ongoing genocide in Gaza, or maybe because of it, Maher argues that Israel is a lot “like us” in the United States. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how it’s actually Israel’s stated policy to give haven to and protect Jewish pedophiles from prosecution. Plus segments including Jackson Hinkle’s take on the right wing’s sweeping victories in European elections, Neil Oliver on Chris Cuomo’s abject failure to take any responsibility for spreading COVID misinformation and a live show conversation with Kurt, Stef Zamorano, Jeff Dye and Sam Tripoli about retired General Mark Milley’s comments that war crimes are OK as long as they’re done quickly.
Scottish archaeologist and commentator appeared as a guest on The Jimmy Dore show to discuss a range of topics, from the establishment’s pandemic lies to the Ukraine war and Gaza to the World Economic Forum, and offered his theory about how elites sense they are losing their grasp on the public narrative and feel compelled to try to terrify the populace into acquiescence to mass surveillance. Oliver also gives Jimmy his take on the new Scottish “hate speech” law and whether its purpose is to protect vulnerable members of the population or to silence certain voices and stifle criticism of the existing power structure. Plus a segment with Scott Ritter about US and NATO plans to rapidly deploy troops to the front lines in the war between Russia and Ukraine. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And a phone call from Anthony Fauci!
Former Marine Intelligence Officer and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter was at JFK airport, prepared to fly to St. Petersburg, Russia for a major conference when customs agents, at the behest of the State Department, seized Ritter’s passport and refused to allow him to board the plane. Jimmy speaks with Ritter about what happened and why he thinks the State Department has targeted him to prevent him from making this particular trip to Russia. Plus segments on Fauci being confronted during a Congressional hearing about his COVID lies and the mainstream media finally coming around to covering excess deaths from the vaccine. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And a phone call from Joe Biden!
Chris Cuomo Completely Wrecked In Covid Debate w/ Dave Smith!   The highly anticipated debate on Patrick Bet-David’s show between libertarian comedian Dave Smith and former CNN newsman Chris Cuomo has taken place, and the expected fireworks absolutely materialized. Specifically, Cuomo insisted that he had not participated in the smearing of Ivermectin as “horse dewormer” despite Smith’s insistence that he had, allegations backed up by numerous piece of video showing Cuomo doing just that. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the shamelessness with which Cuomo lies in the face of video evidence of his own words. Plus segments on Joe Biden issuing an executive order to adopt a border policy remarkably similar to Donald Trump’s and Anthony Fauci being confronted by Marjorie Taylor Greene with his own duplicity in passing off social distancing and masking as science-based. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. Plus a phone call from George Clooney and Brad Pitt!
During a recent episode of Howie Mandel’s podcast, fellow Jewish comedian Ari Shaffir dropped some truth bombs about the propaganda and brainwashing that’s gone on to persuade Jews in the United States that they’re not safe. Mandel, despite admitting that he never leaves the house, is flabbergasted to hear a fellow Jew say he feels perfectly safe in the U.S. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss Howie Mandel’s cluelessness and whether antisemitism is a non-issue in America. Plus segments on how Bill and Hillary Clinton committed very similar crimes to Donald Trump but were NOT prosecuted and the dearth of anti-authoritarian, iconoclastic comedians today. Also featuring Dave Smith, Mike MacRae and Stef Zamorano. And a phone call from Joe Biden!
Actor Robert De Niro is not handling the Donald Trump trial well. De Niro is among Hollywood’s most prominent Trump critics, as well as one of the least articulate. But recently, outside the courthouse where Trump’s trial is taking place in lower Manhattan, the Academy Award winner got involved in a shouting match with Trump supporters and then was drowned out during a press conference by shouts of “Fuck you!” Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the elderly De Niro’s final act as a political windbag who’s rapidly losing his marbles. Plus segments on Jimmy’s debate prep offerings for libertarian comic Dave Smith, the recent hilarious bickering between Zionists during a segment on James Whale Unleashed while the pro-Palestinian guest giggled, and Joe Biden’s latest whopper lies that the mainstream media chooses to ignore. Also featuring Stef Zamorano!
Libertarians have selected Chase Oliver as their presidential candidate, giving their top spot nod to a gay supporter of mask and vaccine mandates as well as open borders. Libertarian comedian Dave Smith openly accepted the blame for his faction taking the L in this contest. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss whether Dave Smith’s hopes that Oliver will focus on his antiwar messaging during the campaign will likely come to pass. Plus segments on new allegations from the FAA that Boeing is cutting corners on safety in the manufacturing process and MSNBC traveling to Trump’s Bronx rally to discover that many immigrants and people of color actually support Trump over Biden. Also featuring Stef Zamorano!
The North Korea run by Kim Jong Un is a brutal dictatorship with no freedom, widespread repression and frequent famine. Yet people in the north rate their lives as happier than their counterparts in the south. Is it possible that we’ve been fed a line of propaganda about the reality of life in North Korea? Jimmy speaks with commentator and Twitch streamer Haz Al-Din about what citizens of North Korea actually experience. Plus a segment on Bill Maher’s latest nonsense proving that he knows absolutely nothing about U.S. foreign policy. Also featuring Kurt Metzger, Mike MacRae and Stef Zamorano. Plus a phone call from Liam Neeson!
Russian and China released a joint statement calling for a multipolar world order and condemning the instability western hegemony has imposed upon the world. Jimmy discusses the decline of the United States as a world economic power that has coincided with the rise of rival nations like Russia and China. Plus segments on the two major presidential candidates agreeing to participate in two upcoming debates and Cornel West’s embarrassment when almost no one showed up to his recent rally in Harlem. Also featuring Mike MacRae, Kurt Metzger and Stef Zamorano! And a phone call from Joe Biden!
Western media depict North Korea as a soulless, oppressive dictatorship led by the buffoonish Kim Jong Un where personal freedom is non-existent and dissent is met with brutal repression. Author Michael Malice talks to Jimmy about the reality of life today in North Korea and where the truth conflicts with Western narratives. Plus a segment featuring an interview with Brianne Dressen, who is suing AstraZeneca after suffering long term health effects from participating in a clinical trial for the COVID vaccine. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And a phone call from Vince Vaughn!
Col. Douglas Macgregor sheds light on an illegal human trafficking program conducted, in part, by U.S. military intelligence organizations and revealed through the testimony of MK Ultra survivor Dr. Juliette Engel. Plus segments on how Twitter's Community Notes "fact checker" has already been compromised and comedian Bill Burr roasts Bill Maher like a rotisserie chicken over the Israel-Gaza conflict. Also featuring Kurt Metzger, Mike MacRae and Stef Zamorano. And a phone call from Joe Biden and Jake Tapper!
Regardless of whether a Democrat or Republican has been in the White House, for decades U.S. foreign policy toward Venezuela has been uniform in its demand for regime change, with virtually no success. Repeated coup attempts, crippling economic sanctions, the arrest of Venezuelan diplomats abroad — nothing has worked. As "Corporate Coup: Venezuela and the End of US Empire" author Anya Parampil explains, the failed Venezuela overthrow efforts are actually providing a blueprint for U.S. efforts to effect regime change in other countries around the globe as well. Plus a segment on the FBI operation to set up Donald Trump over alleged mishandling of classified documents. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And a phone call from Mitt Romney!
There is movement afoot within the international community — meaning the powerful western nations that exert a great deal of control over international affairs — to grant the World Health Organization sweeping new powers to dictate pandemic responses, and even to decide when a pandemic is occurring, around the globe. These are clearly antidemocratic measures that Republicans in the United States senate and a number of Republican state Attorneys General are vowing to fight. Jimmy apeaks with physician Meryl Nass, who has been an instrumental agent of opposition to draconian COVID response in the U.S., about this plan to put the WHO in charge of our lives. Plus a segment on Boeing’s screwup CEO walking away from the company with millions of dollars as punishment. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And a phone call from Joe Biden!
Agents of Wall Street, the defense industry, Silicon Valley and other powerful interests are working under the radar to persuade municipalities across Latin America to essentially sell off control of vast swaths of public lands for use as carbon credits. The claim is that the land will be protected while also generating income for these communities. Except that, not surprisingly, the powerful interests driving these efforts have far more nefarious reasons for wanting to control Latin American rainforests. Author and investigative journalist Whitney Webb explains to Jimmy the interconnectedness of this carbon offsets power grab with vaccine passports, digital currency, and mass surveillance. Plus segments on the likelihood that a so-called “smart” border wall will add a new  and even more invasive wrinkle to the burgeoning security state and New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s insulting comments about black children.
Remember during the days of the COVID vaccine rollout when many media figures, among them CNN’s Chris Cuomo, were shaming the unvaccinated and maligning Ivermectin users for taking “horse medicine?” If so you’re going to be surprised to learn that Cuomo is now suffering from a form of long COVID (or maybe long vaxx?) and he’s treating his condition with — get this — Ivermectin. Jimmy unloads both barrels on the rank hypocrisy the “journalist” Cuomo is exhibiting by refusing to apologize for getting COVID so terribly wrong after shaming other people who got it right. Plus segments on AstraZeneca officially pulling its vaccine from European markets and Bernie Sanders ramping up his criticism of Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu. Also featuring Russell Dobular, Max Blumenthal, Keaton Weiss and Kurt Metzger!
Chris Cuomo used to be among the media’s biggest COVID vaccine pushers, frequently appearing alongside fellow CNN host Don Lemon to excoriate the unvaccinated, insisting they shouldn’t be allowed to go to the grocery store, to sporting events or really participate in any social gatherings. Except now it turns out that Cuomo himself was injured by the vaxx, and he’s singing a very different tune, pledging to get to the bottom of just how harmful these vaccines really were. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the about face from the former CNN host and whether the tide is now turning to the point where other mainstream media representatives can also begin to question the COVID narrative. Plus segments on a recent New York Times piece highlighting the plight of the vaxx injured and an interview with economics professor Richard Wolff about what Marxism really means.
In a bipartisan fashion the United States House of Representatives has passed the “Antisemitism Awareness Act,” a transparent evisceration of the first amendment’s free speech protections. If the bill passes the Senate and is signed by President Biden, virtually all criticism of Israel or Jews will be illegal. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the shocking abandonment of the nation’s core values this bill represents. Plus a segment on the scam dermatologists have been perpetrating against Americans over sun exposure and skin cancer while raking in millions since the 1980s.
Howard Stern has transformed from the over-the-top, say anything shock jock that made him famous in the ‘90s into a bootlicking shill for the establishment. This was never more on display than during the recent interview with Joe Biden, who received a tongue bath from Stern worthy of any MSNBC anchor. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss whether Stern has always been this way or the $400 million he got from Sirius XM turned him into a rank elite apologist. Plus segments on the string of lies Biden spewed during his interview with Stern and Donald Trump’s recent decision to abandon his "America First" agenda to throw his full-throated support behind Israel. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Jeff Bridges, man!
SNL’s Colin Jost hosted this year’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner, and after poking mild fun at Joe Biden over his age and slumping poll numbers, concluded the evening by praising the President for his “decency.” Not mentioned — Biden’s long record of racism, support for segregationists, near-constant warmongering and the litany of lies he’s told over the years — he’s just a decent guy! Guest host Russell Dobular is joined by Jimmy, Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger,  Due Dissidence co-host Keaton Weiss and The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal to discuss how the WHCT has turned into a mockery of itself and a tribute to stenography and deference to power rather than journalism. Plus segments on a Zionist false flag shout of “Kill the Jews!” that got campus protesters’ encampment cleared by police and the Biden administration’s desperate efforts to keep the ICC from issuing arrest warrants for Israeli leaders on war crimes charges.
House Speaker Mike Johnson recently traveled to Columbia to add his voice to the chorus of recriminations against pro-Palestinian protesters on campus while also continuing to peddle debunked allegations against Hamas. In response, he got to face recriminations of his own in the form of jeers from the Columbia students chanting “Mike, you suck!” Guest host Russell Dobular is joined by his Due Dissidence co-host Keaton Weiss to discuss Johnson’s genocide support. Plus a segment about the disturbing revelations at a Khan Yunis hospital of mass graves holding nearly 400 bodies, some showing signs of torture, and Israel’s attempts to deflect responsibility.
Since its inception Tesla’s much-ballyhooed Cybertruck has faced production woes and manufacturing quality issues. The latest concern: a faulty gas pedal that sticks, resulting in a recall of all Cybertrucks currently on the road. Guest host Russell Dobular is joined by Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger and Due Dissidence co-host Keaton Weiss to discuss why anyone would have purchased a vehicle plagued by so many problems. Plus segments on MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough effecting a surprise about-face on Israel’s genocide in Gaza and the truth leaking out about why Mehdi Hasan’s MSNBC show was canceled. Also featuring Mischa Paullin!
After much debate, consternation and wheeling and dealing, House Speaker Mike Johnson has navigated a series of bills to provide more than $90 billion in war funding for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. Republicans were much more likely to oppose the bills, in particular the Ukraine funding, but Johnson pushed the funding through primarily with the help of Democrats. Guest host Russell Dobular is joined by Jimmy, Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger and Due Dissidence co-host Keaton Weiss to discuss whether Democrats will help Johnson retain his speakership if members of the Freedom Caucus move to oust him. Plus segments on the Senate renewing warrantly surveillance to allow the intelligence agencies to continue spying on Americans and Tucker Carlson claiming that those intelligence agencies have the entire Congress terrified about their darkest secrets coming out. Also featuring Mischa Paullin!
Young, handsome, famous and profiled in the New York Times? Life is pretty sweet for Jackson Hinkle, even if the Times profile in question consists of equal parts smear job and puff piece. In fact, the entire article is riddled with innuendo, aspersions and intimations — without any actual evidence — that Hinkle is spreading misinformation and is being paid by nefarious foreign governments. Oh, and he pockets money given to him by supporters online! Imagine! Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Hinkle about the unusual coverage he received care of the New York Times.  Plus a segment on the recent Congressional vote to gut Americans’ 4th amendment privacy rights.
Veteran NPR editor Uri Berliner has blown the whistle on how the publicly-funded broadcaster has become an activist organization obsessed with pushing progressive ideals. Berliner argues that NPR has gone from a respected information source to one that can no longer be trusted to honestly cover the news.  Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss why NPR sucks so terribly. Plus segments on comedian Bill Burr’s takedown of the argument that WNBA players should be paid more and GOP Congress members Marjorie Taylor-Greene and Thomas Massie moving to vacate the Speakership of MIke Johnson. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Al Pacino!
Former Iraqi weapons inspector Scott Ritter has emerged as one of the premier critics of American foreign policy, and lately has set his sights on Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza and the recent strikes on Israel from Iran. The strikes were much more successful than the mainstream media is letting on, he tells Jimmy, and shocked Israel with how well they circumvented the much-vaunted Iron Dome defense system. Ritter joins Jimmy to explain just how calamitously Israel’s defenses performed against the Iranian aerial assault and why the outcome is either an ignominious defeat for Israel or a dramatic and globally perilous escalation. Plus a segment on RFK Jr.’s announcement that he was offered the VP spot by the Trump campaign but turned it down. Also featuring Kurt Metzger and Stef Zamorano!
Investigative journalist Lee Fang appeared on The Jimmy Dore Show to describe the sprawling constellation of media outlets in Ukraine, organized with substantial funding and direction from the U.S. government, that has supported strong censorship laws and shutdowns of dissident outlets, disseminated disinformation of its own, and sought to silence critics of the war, including Jimmy Dore, Glenn Greenwald and Aaron Maté. American taxpayers are indirectly funding their own censorship to aid the floundering Ukraine war effort, Fang tells Jimmy. Plus a segment on a secret recording of a CIA agent revealing the agency’s targeting of Alex Jones. Also featuring Keaton Weiss, Russell Dobular and Mike MacRae. And phone calls from Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer!
While establishment support for the Israeli assault on Gaza has been nearly unanimous, a few Squad members notwithstanding, additional fissures have recently emerged in that wall of consensus. Specifically, the list of Israel critics has recently added prominent powerful figures including Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, Richard Haass and even an advisor to former Bush administration official Condoleezza Rice. Guest host Russell Dobular is joined by Due Dissidence’s Keaton Weiss and Jimmy Dore to discuss just what might have sparked this recent volte-face from former Israel hard-liners. Plus segments on The Young Turks’ host Cenk Uygur teasing support for RFK Jr. in the upcoming presidential election before calling for “sure winner” Jon Stewart to jump into the race and former Obama administration Defense Secretary Leon Panetta tacitly accusing Israel of war crimes.
Donald Trump has — finally, after much delay — weighed in on the abortion issue. And his position is that he did a great thing by appointing Supreme Court Justices who would overturn Roe v Wade but now the decision about whether to ban abortion, or after what period of gestation to make such bans, should be left to the states. It’s a deeply political stance without much in terms of conviction, and could risk a reaction from his ardent evangelical base. Guest host Russell Dobular and his Due Dissidence co-host Keaton Weiss discuss Trump’s alleged sentimentality around babies and the “miracle of life.” Plus segments on The Rock refusing to endorse Biden again and Israel’s determined effort to drag the United States into World War III. Also featuring Mischa Paullin!
Popular podcaster Joe Rogan reacted strongly to what he felt was a demonstrably dunderheaded discussion about race by the hosts of The View while speaking with author and journalist Coleman Hughes, “It is the show that people love to hate,” Rogan said. “They get so much hate-watching … and viral clips of them saying ridiculous things. It is a rabies-infested hen house. Guest host Russell Dobular and his Due Dissidence co-host Keaton Weiss discuss The View's handling of Hughes' perspectives on race and Rogan's assessment of the show. Also featuring segments on Joe Biden's increasing frustration with Benjamin Netanyahu over Gaza and Joe Scarborough's pointed questions to an Israeli spokesman about the Israeli government's past support for Hamas.
Israel killed seven aid workers operating in Gaza, spurring international outrage. The aid workers hailed from Australia, Britain and the US, among other nations, and were driving in vehicles clearly marked as aid trucks and with the approval of the IDF. Now, as a result, other aid organizations are pulling out of Gaza, increasing the likelihood that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians will face starvation in the near future. Guest host Russell Dobular and his Due Dissidence co-host Keaton Weiss, along with Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger, discuss the sheer inhumanity of the Israeli government’s willingness to massacre so many Palestinians. Plus a segment on California’s new $20/hour minimum wage for fast food workers going into effect. Also featuring Mischa Paullin and Mike MacRae. And phone calls from Joe Biden and Liam Neeson!
Since the October 7th Hamas attacks and the subsequent Israeli military assault on Gaza, many prominent “free speech warriors” on the right have exposed themselves as no different from the censorship-crazed “Woke” left they ridicule and excoriate. Most recently Ben Shapiro and Dave Rubin sat down to explain away how it was OK for Shapiro’s Daily Wire to part ways with Candace Owens over the latter’s comments critical of Israel. Guest host Russell Dobular and his Due Dissidence co-host Keaton Weiss discuss this incredible ass-showing from Shapiro and Rubin. Plus segments on Joe Biden being accused of desecrating the Easter holiday by celebrating trans visibility, Israel escalating the conflict in the Middle East by bombing Iran’s embassy in Damascus, Syria, and the Israel Defense Force pulling out of Gaza City’s Al-Shifa Hospital, leaving a trail of destruction and dead civilians in their wake. Also featuring Mischa Paullin!
Jon Stewart returned to the Daily Show with a humorous critique of both Donald Trump and Joe Biden. But his Biden-supporting sh*tlib viewers and friends couldn’t tolerate that, so Jon has had to backtrack, the latest example coming in his segment ripping into Donald Trump for overvaluing his properties when seeking bank loans while undervaluing those same properties for tax purposes. Except as some internet sleuths discovered, Stewart himself vastly undervalued his own NYC home for tax purposes and then sold it for many millions more. Whoops! Plus segments on Joe Biden’s $25 million New York Ciy fundraiser with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama getting interrupted by pro-Palestinian protesters and New York AG Letitia James’ outlandish lies about Donald Trump. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And a phone call from Jake Tapper!
As information comes out about the recent cargo ship bridge disaster in Baltimore, one area of concern relates to the cargo ship company’s track record of silencing whistleblowers who raised concerns about safety issues. In fact, the company illegally required employees to first come to the company with safety concerns before informing federal authorities. Jimmy and Due Dissidence host Russell Dobular discuss the company, Maersk, and what corners might be routinely cut to deliver its shareholders the $51 billion in 2023 revenue. Plus segments on GOP strategist Frank Luntz calling out the stupidity of the political prosecution of Donald Trump and former Daily Wire host Candace Owens being abandoned by her former friends on the right. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from Joe Biden!
Donald Trump got a last-minute reprieve from having to come up with a $454 million bond to appeal his civil fraud judgment as an appellate court reduced the bond to a more manageable $175 million. He will now have ten days to compile funds commensurate with the lesser figure, at which point he will be allowed to proceed with the appeal. Jimmy and Due Dissidence host Keaton Weiss discuss the politically motivated legal attack on Trump and whether the likely outcome will be the precise opposite of what the elites running the prosecution are hoping to accomplish. Plus segments on NBC host Chuck Todd’s freakout over the network’s hiring of Ronna Romney McDaniel and Israeli apologist and alleged free speech absolutist Bari Weiss’s celebration of the Daily Wire’s recent cancellation of Candace Owens. Also featuring Stef Zamorano!
Since its inception the CIA has been a nefarious operation, overthrowing governments, assassinating foreign leaders, fomenting rebellions and generally immiserating wide swaths of the world in the interests of corporate power and greed. But that’s all over now, at least according to Ana and Cenk of The Young Turks. Today’s CIA is too incompetent to pull any of that sort of stuff off, they say, ignoring what’s going on in, say, Ukraine. Or Syria. Or Haiti. Or Pakistan.  Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the level of apologetics and self-delusion necessary to believe the CIA is not still involved in all kinds of evil activity around the globe. Plus an interview with Dr. Mary Talley Bowman whose lawsuit successfully compelled the FDA to stop lying on social media about Ivermectin. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And a phone call from Vince Vaughn!
During a recent campaign appearance, Donald Trump said that if he wins in 2024 he will impose a 100% tax on vehicles manufactured in Mexico but that if he fails to defeat Joe Biden, there will be a “bloodbath.” Liberal heads instantly exploded over Trump’s obvious call for political violence, or so they claimed. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss Morning Joe Scarborough’s leading the demented charge to indict Trump for using what is a commonplace term — one he himself has often used in the past. Plus segments on MSNBC host Ali Velshi’s shocking segment revealing the depth of AIPAC’s control of the U.S. Congress and an online commentator’s savage takedown of grifter Shaun King. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And a phone call from Joe Biden!
There's more to the proposed TikTok ban currently being considered in Congress than merely an attempt to silence a social media platform elite interests can't control. As Jimmy discusses with Dr. Robert Malone, Congressman Thomas Massie has exposed that the legislation will be far-reaching, and allow the government to eliminate any website or even internet hosting service. This is why Massie describes the bill as a "Trojan Horse" for mass online government censorship. Plus a segment on the co-optation of medical journals by Big Pharma and Big Money. Also featuring Kurt Metzger, Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And a phone call from Chuck Schumer!
After losing his CNN hosting gig, Don Lemon was supposed to enjoy a soft landing at X/Twitter, where he was given the opportunity to host a whole new show. But that didn’t happen after a tense interview with Elon Musk during which Lemon applauded the X CEO for promoting free speech by adding Lemon’s show but criticized him for NOT censoring what Lemon termed “hate speech.” Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss why it’s a bad idea for tech industry billionaires to decide what speech should and should not be allowed. Plus segments on the January 6 committee withholding evidence exonerating Trump and rocker Neil Young coming crawling back to Spotify. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Mike MacRae and Dr. Robert Malone. And a phone call from Al Pacino!
Online commentator Ben Shapiro is NOT a fan of Social Security. In fact, he believes that the concept of retirement itself is outlandish, and people should continue working as long as they are physically capable of doing so. And they certainly should not begin getting payouts from the government at age 65, he says. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how Shapiro not only gets the retirement age in the United States wrong (it’s 67), but that he is clearly so cloistered in his elitist, professional managerial class bubble that he has no conception of what it’s like for people who do actual physical labor to work well into their elder years. Plus segments about the recent suspicious “suicide” of Boeing whistleblower John Barnett and Candace Owens’ recent schooling of Chris Cuomo over the former CNN host’s Putin Derangement Syndrome. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Due Dissidence’s Russell Dobular and Keaton Weiss.
In case you’re unaware that Robert DeNiro hates Donald Trump, the Academy Award-winning actor went on Bill Maher’s show to explain that Trump is really bad and that another Trump presidency would represent a “nightmare.” Yet as Maher points out, Trump is winning in polls and gaining — a reality that DeNiro has no answer for. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the way our media platforms the least-informed like DeNiro to talk about Trump even though he can’t even explain why he hates Trump so much. Plus segments on Krystal Ball and Ryan Grim on Breaking Points going all-in on supporting Joe Biden and Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff’s victory speech being disrupted by pro-Palestinian protesters.
Joe Biden delivered his much-anticipated State of the Union address, and not surprisingly the lies, duplicity, warmongering and pure service to the ruling class were all on display. Biden even opened to bipartisan applause in calling for pushing the pointless, horrific Ukraine War as a means of “deterring” Putin. And the rest was no better. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how little Biden addressed actual problems being faced by the vast majority of Americans. Plus segments on the New York Times’ phony “leak” about the CIA and Ukraine, and MSNBC’s hosts mocking voters who care about immigration.
As the New York Times “reporting” on allegations of widespread sexual violence during Hamas’ October 7th attacks falls apart, The Intercept is taking credit for exposing The Times. One problem? As The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal explains, The Intercept repeated the same allegations, and then later ripped off reporting exposing the Times from The Grayzone and other outlets. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Blumenthal about how The Intercept — and Democracy Now — operate as intermediaries between truly independent media and traditional corporate media. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And phone calls from Joe Biden and Hillary Supporter!
Political pundits Thomas Schiller and Paul Waldman recently appeared on MSNBC with Mike Brzezinski to explain what a threat to democracy is posed by rural voters. These Trump supporters are racists, misogynists, anti-immigrant and violent, the pundits argue, and need to be dealt with. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how Schiller and Waldman undermine their own argument by identifying the pain rural America has experienced and that Trump has exploited. Plus segments on the January 6th journalist recently arrested by the FBI and Jon Stewart’s efforts to “both sides” the Israel-Hamas conflict. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Due Dissonance hosts Russell Dobular and Keaton Weiss!
Dr. Thomas Seyfried has been researching cancer treatment for decades, and he says the underlying theory for how we treat cancer — based on the premise that cancer is a genetic disorder — is all wrong. Instead, cancer is a mitochondrial disorder that is much more effectively treated by starving the cancer cells of the specific nutrients that they need to survive and grow. Jimmy talks to Dr. Seyfried about the history of cancer treatment, how his research led to his conclusions and all the problems underlying our traditional approach to cancer treatment. Plus a segment on Boris Johnson demanding $1 million before granting an interview to Tucker Carlson.
Former Democratic Congressional candidate Nina Turner recently appeared on CNN with Anderson Cooper, and as soon as she tried to bring up the devastation wrought on the Palestinians Cooper and the other panelists fought over who got to interrupt her more immediately. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss Cooper’s desperate efforts to talk about the politics of Biden’s support for genocide without discussing the actual slaughter underway in Gaza. Plus segments on Michigan Democratic voters demanding a change in Middle East policy in exchange for their votes, a UN expert’s insistence that Israel is unequivocally committing genocide, Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico’s announcement of an investigation into the COVID vaccines and former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss’s discovery that banks run the world. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. Plus phone calls from Joe Biden and Al Pacino!
Washington Post reporter Taylor Lorenz sat down with the online influencer who goes by “Libs of TikTok” for a confrontational discussion about using images of explicit sex as an educational tool in elementary schools and a range of other topics. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss just how poorly Lorenz comes across during this unbelievable conversation. Plus segments on the New York Times’ feverish backpedaling after hiring a non-journalist and former Israeli intelligence agent to pen a lie-filled front page story about alleged Hamas rapes during the October 7th attacks and an Alaska Airlines’ flight attendant’s recent invasion of Jimmy’s privacy on a flight home from Seattle.
During a recent Daily Show broadcast, Jon Stewart criticized Tucker Carlson for favorably comparing Russian subway stations’ cleanliness to what one typically sees in American cities, in particular New York. The filth and squalor on display in the New York subway system, Stewart says, is the “price of freedom” — the kind of freedom Russians don’t enjoy. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to podcaster Mel K about how Stewart has gone from a critic of neoliberalism and neocons to an ardent advocate for the military industrial complex. Plus segments on MSNBC’s craven lies to protect Joe Biden and ESPN host Stephen Smith going off on New York City’s plans to give $53 million to migrants in the city.
A New York court has ruled that Donald Trump must pay a $355 million fine over allegations that he committed real estate fraud. As Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary pointed out during a CNN spot, however, the laws that Trump allegedly broke are routinely flouted by every developer in New York City, which is why the state’s governor, Kathy Hochul, felt compelled to reassure business interests that only Trump would be targeted with this extraordinary type of prosecution. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how New York is exhibiting all the corrupt traits of a third world country. Plus segments on Stephen Colbert’s meltdown over the multiple criminal and civil cases Donald Trump is facing, Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters slapping down of U2 frontman Bono over the latter’s pushing of pro-war propaganda couched in peace-loving language and Trump’s recent comments suggesting as President he would renew efforts to steal Venezuela’s oil. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. Plus calls from Jake Tapper and Joe Biden!
Dr. Leroy Hulsey is a professor emeritus of structural engineering at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and the world’s preeminent expert on the collapse of World Trade Center’s Building 7 on September 11, 2001. In this interview with Jimmy Dore Dr. Hulsey reveals the scientific basis that led him to conclude that the impact of the planes hitting the twin towers and any fires that were raging through the building could NOT have caused WTC 7 to collapse into its own footprint. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Dr. Hulsey about his research, how he was persuaded to undertake this project and what kind of response his evidence-based conclusions have elicited from the media.
Ever since the Special Counsel report came out, determining that Joe Biden could not be charged with criminal mishandling of classified documents because his memory is shot and no jury would convict, the liberal media class has closed ranks to defend the President and insist that he’s as sharp and incisive as ever, and allegations suggesting otherwise are all a right-wing plot. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how so many media liberals are repeating the same talking points to defend Biden, often comically so. Plus segments on Tucker Carlson explaining his reasoning for wanting to interview Vladimir Putin and a Connecticut fertility doctor who impregnated dozens of patients using his own sperm.
Bill Maher has progressed in his delusion and wealth to the point where he is now laughably out of touch with the concerns of everyday Americans. During a recent episode of his show he argued that the United States “won” the pandemic by emerging with a strong economy, seemingly oblivious to the serious economic struggles faced by so many in lower tax brackets. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how disappointing Maher’s commentary has become the richer he’s grown. Plus a segment on how the Senate is actively pursuing the Deep State agenda to prevent a future President Trump from cutting off war funds for Ukraine. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. Plus phone calls from Joe Biden and Vince Vaughn!
Since the release of the Special Council report explaining that Joe Biden should not be prosecuted because of his failing mental faculties, liberals have made great pains to defend Biden and pretend that his obvious decline is not, well, obvious. MSNBC hosts Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow did their part, with Maddow in particular explaining that Biden couldn’t be losing his perspicacity because “he rides a bike.” Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss with Dr. Drew Pinsky these laughable attempts to persuade the American public not to believe their own eyes and ears. Plus segments on new revelations that red meat is NOT bad for you after all and ESPN host Steven Smith going off on New York City’s plans to hand out $53 million in prepaid cards to migrants.
In declaring that charges will not be brought against Joe Biden in the mishandling classified materials case, the U.S. Justice Department explained that Biden is a “well-meaning, elderly man with poor memory” and as a result would be too sympathetic to a jury to be prosecuted. Biden did himself no favors by fumbling over his words in a press conference intended to deny the allegations. Guest host Russell Dobular is joined by Due Dissidence’s Keaton Weiss and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger to discuss whether Democrats may be actively trying to ease Biden out and select a new 2024 nominee. Plus segments on Vladimir Putin telling Tucker Carlson the United States is screwing itself over with Russian sanctions and the lies peddled by the Israeli government about the United Nations organization providing relief in Gaza.
Tucker Carlson recently traveled to Russia to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin, and heads in the establishment commentariat predictably exploded. The European Union is threatening to sanction Carlson as a result, while the Ukrainian government has placed Carlson’s name on the country’s “kill list.” Jimmy is joined by Due Dissidence’s Russell Dobular and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger to discuss the rank McCarthyism on display in this episode from the American liberal class. Plus a segment on New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman’s asinine column comparing various Middle Eastern people to animals and insects. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Michael Douglas!
Former Democratic Congressman and two time presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich appeared on The Jimmy Dore Show for a wide-ranging interview about his recently announced candidacy as an independent for a U.S. House seat in Ohio, the danger of the United States pursuing endless wars, the need to bring Americans together and how he feels uniquely positioned to operate as an independent in a nearly evenly divided House of Representatives. Jimmy is joined by Due Dissidence’s Russell Dobular and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger in conversation with the self-described candidate of peace.
Former Pink Floyd frontman Roger Waters has been a longtime supporter of the Palestinian people, as well as a harsh critic of fascism. But now that Gaza is under attack Waters is being criticized as an antisemite — to the extent that his music publisher has severed ties with the aging rocker. Guest host Russell Dobular is joined by Due Dissidence’s Keaton Weiss to discuss how misplaced and insincere the criticism of Waters is as the Zionist lobby seeks to silence its prominent detractors. Plus segments on journalist James O’Keefe’s latest undercover exposé, President Biden’s dustup with Texas Governor Greg Abbott over the border and the announcement that Biden is finally planning to visit the site of the train derailment and chemical explosion in East Palestine, Ohio. Also featuring Kurt Metzger and Stef Zamorano!
Much of the western world is in the throes of a massive healthcare crisis and the proof is that despite the end of the pandemic, excess deaths and disabilities remain at shockingly high rates, in particular among the young. Author and financial analyst Ed Dowd offers his hypothesis about just why this is happening. Jimmy is joined by Due Dissidence’s Russell Dobular and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger to speak with Dowd about the collosal lie that is “safe and effective.” Plus a segment on Joe Biden’s hypocritical rush to war with Iran. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer!
Newly uncovered emails reveal that health care organizations like Anthem Blue Cross were literally bribing doctors to encourage their patients to take the COVID vaccines. Jimmy and Americans' Comedian Kurt Metzger speak with Dr. Pierre Kory about this controversial practice and how these sorts of "incentives" undermine the entire medical profession. Plus segments on the Israeli military suffering its deadliest day in the Gaza fighting, the Slovakian Prime Minister calling Ukraine a “puppet” of the United States and revelations that Boeing KNEW about the safety issues with its aircraft and flew them anyway. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Keaton Weiss and Russell Dobular!
A bill working its way through the Kentucky legislature would decriminalize the use of deadly force by homeowners against homeless people who had camped out on their land and refused to leave. The bill also includes myriad addtional punitive measures that will ensure sending more Kentuckians to prison for longer terms — all at the taxpayers’ expense, of course. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the bill and why it may be in the establishment’s best interest to require the citizenry to address the homelessness crisis themselves rather than deal with it legislatively. Plus a segment on the Biden administration’s disastrous decision to bomb the Houthis in Yemen that’s left the White House painted into a corner with few options on how to proceed to end the Red Sea blockade. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from David Axelrod and Alec Baldwin!
Due Dissidence host Keaton Weiss recently traveled to New Hampshire and, while there, confronted candidate Marianne Williamson about wasting her time running in the corrupt Democratic Party. Williamson didn’t agree and dismissed Keaton as not understanding New Hampshire values because he’s from New York. Jimmy is joined by Due Dissidence’s Keaton Weiss and Russell Dobular, as well as Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger, to discuss the Marianne Williamson campaign and why the Democrats are never going to return to the values of FDR. Plus segments on the recent on-air debate over alleged school library book bans between MSNBC host Joy-Ann Reid and Moms for Liberty founder Tiffany Justice, and State Dept. spokesman Matt Miller’s refusal to condemn Israel for the planned detonation of a university in Gaza.
International lawyer and political activist Stella Assange has been working since 2011 to free her now husband Julian Assange from prosecution on charges of espionage, imprisonment in England and extradition to the United States for trial. Guest host Russell Dobular and Due Dissidence’s Keaton Weiss speak with Stella Assange about Julian’s condition, their wedding day and the last ditch efforts to save him from prosecution in the United States. Plus segments on the British government’s recent £500 million investment in a steel company that promptly cut 3,000 steelworker jobs in Wales and GOP Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene’s threat to call for a vote to oust Speaker Mike Johnson.
Donald Trump won the Iowa GOP primary in convincing fashion, but MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow insisted her network would not show Trump’s victory speech because — get this — MSNBC doesn’t air knowing untruths. Really! But it turns out that Maddow herself has uttered more than a few whoppers on air. Guest host Russell Dobular is joined by Due Dissidence’s Keaton Weiss and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger to discuss Maddow’s illustrious history of mistruth. Plus segments on Stranger Things star Noah Schnapp desperately walking back his pro-Zionist sentiments and GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley insisting that she’s done debating the likes of Ron DeSantis. Also featuring Mike MacRae and Mischa Paullin! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Mitt Romney!
Martin Luther King Jr. Day is celebrated widely not only in the United States but even in, as it turns out, Israel! Yes, even Israelis are jumping on the bandwagon seeking to co-opt the legacy of the great American civil rights leader to achieve their own nefarious ends. Guest host Russell Dobular talks to Revolutionary Blackout Network’s Compton Jay and Nick Cruse about how black revolutionaries of the past are nearly universally embraced while contemporary black revolutionaries are decried as grifters. Plus segments on the story behind why orthodox Jews were digging tunnels under the streets of New York City and how Gen Z’s lack of social skills is costing them job opportunities. Also featuring Mischa Paulin and Kurt Metzger!
South Africa has petitioned the International Court of Justice to determine that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. On Thursday attorneys for South Africa laid out a compelling case that Israel’s actions in Gaza constitute a planned genocide and not merely a traditional war with unavoidable civilian casualties. Guest host Russell Dobular is joined by Due Dissidence’s Keaton Weiss to discuss all the strong evidence compiled by the lawyers representing South Africa. Plus segments on Fox News’ allegations that Taylor Swift is a federal agent, the death of American journalist Gonzalo Lira in a Ukrainian prison and the October 7th Nova music festival attendees filing a lawsuit against the Israeli state for failing to protect them. Also featuring Kurt Metzger and Stef Zamorano!
When Zionist Washington Post reporter Elizabeth Dwoskin was planning a hit piece on dissident media outlets like The Grayzone for failing to toe the Israeli narrative line, what she wasn’t expecting was a flaying from The Grayzone reporters Max Blumenthal and Aaron Maté. But that’s just what she got when the two began inquiring why the Post would assign a devout Zionist who promotes Israeli propaganda to cover the conflict with Hamas Guest host Russell Dobular, along with Due Dissidence’s Keaton Weiss and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger, talk to Blumenthal about the confrontation and how best to respond to corporate media narrative enforcement. Plus segments on unhinged actor Michael Rapaport ranting about the Golden Globes not acknowledging the Israeli hostages and alleged fed Ray Epps receiving a slap on the wrist for egging protesters on to storm the Capitol building on January 6th. Also featuring Mike MacRae and Mischa Paullin! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer!
Joy Behar and her fellow “The View” co-hosts used to decry as “misinformation” the idea that COVID vaccines didn’t prevent infection of transmission and shouted down a guest who suggested as much. But now Joy Behar is admitting that despite being fully boosted, she still got COVID. As Jimmy points out, along with Due Dissidence host Russell Dobular and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger, Behar has moved the goalposts but doesn’t even realize herself that she is spreading what she used to call “fake news.” Plus segments on CNN allowing Israeli censors to vet the network’s Gaza coverage, Biden staffers quitting “in droves,” and victims of the October 7th Nova music festival attacks suing the Israeli defense forces for failing to protect them.
Hardcore punk rockers Green Day performed on the very establishment Ryan Seacrest New Year’s Eve program but they made sure to thumb their noses at that very same establishment by changing the lyrics of one of their signature songs to take on — that’s right — Donald Trump. Jimmy, along with Due Dissidence host Russell Dobular and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger, discuss the epic rebellion represented by criticizing the “MAGA agenda.” Plus two segments with Alex Jones — one on longstanding plans by elites to sow chaos and control the masses and the other covering Facebook’s ambition to communicate directly with our brains. Also featuring Mike MacRae and Stef Zamorano! And phone calls from Mitt Romney and Hillary Supporter!
It was the loogie heard round the world — when Jimmy Dore at the 2016 Republican  National Convention spat iced tea in Alex Jones’ face after Jones crashed The Young Turks’ set and got into a shouting match with Cenk Uygur. Now Jimmy and Alex get together to rehash the incident and Jones reveals the OTHER famous spit he’s had in his mouth. Plus an interview with attorney Richard Roth who is representing journalists and attorneys in a lawsuit against the CIA and former agency director Mike Pompeo for illegally copying their personal data while visiting Julian Assange in the Ecuadorean embassy in London. Also featuring Mike MacRae and Stef Zamorano! And phone calls from Joe Biden and an array of celebrities sharing their new year's resolutions.
Former Control Room Newscast Director for Canada’s Global News network Anita Krishna repeatedly questioned the network’s refusal to apply basic journalistic standards to the mainstream Covid narrative, and as a result… she was fired. In this interview she talks to Jimmy Dore about her journey as an outcast among the COVID narrative pushers. Plus a segment about the Biden administration's humiliation after key European allies pulled out of an agreement to defend Israeli ships in the Red Sea. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Due Dissidence hosts Russell Dobular and Keaton Weiss!
The establishment response to the dual threats of Donald Trump and Brexit has been to crack down on dissent by ramping up censorship -- in particular online censorship. Author and security state critic Whitney Webb talks to Jimmy about how a global cabal of elites is seeking to squelch any commentary that diverges from the approved narrative. Plus segments on Russell Brand exposing Bill Gates efforts to plunder Africa masquerading as philanthropy and CNN's Michael Smerconish admitting that Jack Smith's prosecution of Donald Trump is political. Also featuring Stef Zamorano!
It’s the eternal question when it comes to Bill Maher and foreign policy: is he really this dumb or just pretending? The latest discussion of the Ukraine War on his show did nothing to solve the debate as Bill brought on two uber-establishment shills from the mainstream media to regurgitate long-ago exhausted talking points about having to deter Russian aggression and not appeasing power-mad dictators. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Due Dissidence host Russell Dobular about Bill Maher’s thickness and why he’ll never bring on guests like Glenn Greenwald and Thomas Frank again. Plus segments on a judge's ruling that the list of Jeffrey Epstein's associates must be released and Rachel Maddow fantasizing about living in a fascist utopia where Donald Trump can be magically erased out of existence. Also featuring Mike MacRae and Stef Zamorano! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Alec Baldwin!
Jimmy talks to former biotech executive turned GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy about the Canadian truckers' protest, the COVID vaccine, January 6th, the Israel-Hamas conflict and more! Plus a segment on Federal Reserve Bank executive Neel Kashkari trashing digital currencies! Also featuring Kurt Metzger, Mike MacRae and Stef Zamorano! And phone calls from Al Pacino and Hillary Supporter!
Why was Tucker Carlson, Fox News’ number one host, fired from his job at the cable network? Even he says he doesn’t know for sure, but in this interview with Jimmy Dore he and Jimmy discuss some of the possible reasons, including his position on vaccines, his critical take on the U.S. involvement in Syria, and his willingness to host a controversial figure like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Carlson about how freeing his departure from Fox has been. Plus Jimmy's interview with the so-called "QAnon Shaman" Jake Chansley who is out of prison and running for Congress as a Libertarian. Also featuring Mike MacRae and Stef Zamorano! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Vince Vaughn!
Jen Psaki has made the successful transition from lying at the behest of the Biden administration’s corporate owners to lying at the behest of MSNBC’s corporate masters. And as part of that job she’s now trying to tell Americans that Joe Biden will uphold the first amendment value of a free press that Trump won’t — all while Biden insists on forcing Julian Assange to rot away in a British prison. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how a Democratic Party mouthpiece like Psaki can presume to lecture anyone else about duplicity and suppression of the press. Plus segments on prominent Zionist Rabbi Schmuley hawking sex products, Israeli newspaper Haaretz debunking Israeli lies about Hamas atrocities and Fox host Greg Gutfeld coming to the defense of his former colleague Tucker Carlson.
For pundits like Krystal Ball and Ryan Grim, Force the Vote is the issue that keeps on giving — giving them heartburn, that is. Recently, while discussing Grim’s new book about The Squad, the two admit they don’t like talking about Force the Vote but then Grim goes on to pretend that Congressional progressives have learned from the experience how to wield power as a minority bloc. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss just how much bullshit Grim and Ball are trying to spread pretending that the Squad would ever challenge the power centers of the Democratic Party and that Force the Vote didn’t expose them as access journalists. Plus segments on Ukraine War supporters feverishly backpedaling to paint Ukraine's loss as a victory and a pro-Palestinian protester's perfect response to the question "What about October 7th?" Also featuring Mike MacRae, Due Dissidence's Keaton Weiss and Stef Zamorano! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Andrew Cuomo!
MSNBC host Jen Psaki recently aired a segment that used deceptively edited video of Donald Trump to suggest that the former president was already planning to pursue his political enemies if he wins back the presidency in 2024. Except everything she accuses Trump of planning the Biden administration is currently doing. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the parade of lies and distortions coming out of Jen Psaki. Plus segments on Biden losing ground to Trump in polls of young voters, MSNBC host Ali Velshi explaining how democracy is bad for democracy and actor Michael Rapaport admitting that he may vote for Trump instead of Biden.
At the recent pro-Israel rally in Washington DC, House Speaker Mike Johnson described as “outrageous” any calls for a ceasefire in Gaza — despite the fact that a solid majority of Americans support a ceasefire. Instead Johnson, along with other politicians on stage with him like Jody Ernst and Hakeem Jeffries, insisted that the killings, the massacres, the genocide continue unabated. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to System Update host Glenn Greenwald about the consensus in both parties that many more civilians in Gaza must die. Plus a segment on the $450 billion of liquefied natural gas off the coast of Gaza that's likely the REAL reason Israel is seeking to clear Palestinians out. Also featuring Mike MacRae and Stef Zamorano! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders!
MMA fighter Jake Shields and political commentator Jackson Hinkle have both found themselves running afoul of the censors at Twitter, who have demonetized the two over their posted messages about the conflict in Gaza. Shields has learned, in fact, that he was “ghost banned” following a meeting of Twitter executives during which they discussed ways to reduce both Shields and Hinkle’s prominence on the site. Jimmy and his co-hosting duo of The Convo Couch’s Craig Jardula and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Hinkle and Shields about why Elon Musk’s free speech platform would seek to block Twitter users from hearing their perspectives. Plus a segment on author and activist Norman Finkelstein's scathing takedown of an apologist for Israeli atrocities. Also featuring Mike MacRae and Stef Zamorano! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer!
Former US president Donald Trump opened his speech at the Republican Jewish Coalition’s conference by declaring, “I love Israel. I love Israel.” He then went on to state that if he’s elected president again he will pursue “vengeance” against Hamas in response to the group’s October 7 attacks inside Israel. Jimmy, along with The Convo Couch host Craig Jardula and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger, discusses how Trump is declaring himself as much of a bloodthirsty warmonger marching us into a global conflict as his fellow Republican candidates or Joe Biden. Plus a segment on CNN's Wolf Blitzer, a reliably pro-Israel cheerleader for war, questioning the Israeli military's cavalier approach to civilian casualties. Also featuring Mike MacRae and Stef Zamorano! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Andrew Cuomo!
In recent years certain high profile avatars of the right have begun self-identifying as “free speech warriors,” opposing efforts to deny campus speaking opportunities to other right-wingers, calling out social media platforms for banning controversial accounts and raling against so-called “cancel culture.” But in light of the recent Hamas attacks, Gaza bombardment and subsequent protests in favor of Palestinian rights, previous free speech absolutists like Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin and Laura Loomer are calling for the cancelling of individuals whose speech they disagree with. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss, yet again, how supporting free speech means supporting the rights of people whose speech you abhor. Plus segments on why the Israeli military is upset about hostages being released and Jon Stewart abandoning his Apple TV show over alleged disagreements over content with Apple executives. Also featuring Mike MacRae and Stef Zamorano! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Vince Vaughn!
Though most Israeli politicians and leaders have the political savvy not to say it in public, few would question that Israel’s ultimate objective is to drive Palestinians out of the West Bank and Gaza, leaving all of Israel just to Israelis. Does anyone sincerely believe that if Egypt welcomed Gazans through the Rafah crossing that they would ever be allowed back? Guest host Craig Jardula and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to  independent journalist and filmmaker Dan Cohen about the open secret of Palestinian expulsion. Plus a segment on Americans' woeful ignorance of basic information about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Also featuring Mike MacRae and Stef Zamorano! And phone calls from Mitt Romney and Alec Baldwin!
Reports describing the violence during the recent assault by Hamas fighters on Israel have been nothing short of shocking. Also shocking, however, has been the treatment of Palestinians for more than half a century by Israeli occupiers. Guest host Craig Jardula and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to professor and author Norman Finkelstein about the failure of Palestinian efforts at nonviolent protest and the nearly non-existent options available to Gazans under blockade. Plus a segment on the Israeli government's plans to deprive Gaza's 1 million children of basic essentials like food, water and medicine. Also featuring Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden, Volodymyr Zelensky and Benjamin Netanyahu, as well as Andrew Cuomo and David Axelrod!
Well, he did it. As threatened, GOP Congressman Matt Gaetz has called to “vacate” the Speaker’s chair and successfully ousted Kevin McCarthy. Establishment defenders on both sides of the political spectrum are decrying the move and the “chaos” that has overtaken the GOP House caucus. Meanwhile, leftists who supported the #ForceTheVote movement are throwing up their hands and wondering why The Squad never wielded their power in similar fashion against the House Democratic leadership.  Jimmy and guests Craig Jardula and Kurt Metzger discuss Gaetz’s willingness to embrace the wrath of his own's party's establishment. Plus a segment on the sheer inability of Russiagating Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers Bill Maher and Sam Harris to confront their own demonstrably wrong positions. Also featuring Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and George Clooney!
On Tuesday the United Nations Security Council welcomed a very surprising speaker — comedian and political commentator Jimmy Dore! Jimmy explained about how the United States was behind the Nord Stream bombing and the western media all fell in line to push the lie that Russia or Ukraine or someone else was responsible. Guest host Craig “Pasta” Jardula and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss Jimmy’s UN appearance and journalist Seymour Hersh’s startling revelation that the Nord Stream bombing wasn’t actually about the Ukraine War at all. Plus a segment on the inexplicable standing ovation offered by the entire Canadian Parliament to a 98-year-old former Ukrainian Nazi soldier Also featuring Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Chuck Schumer and Jake Tapper!
Back when he was a hard-partying movie star, Russell Brand was the darling of the mainstream media. But ever since the British comedian started turning hard against the establishment, exposing the mainstream narrative on COVID, the Ukraine War and empire, the knives have been out for him. And now we know how they plan to get him, with a series of questionable rape allegations emerging from anonymous sources in his distant past. Guest host Craig “Pasta” Jardula and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss why the establishment would have determined that Brand had to be disappeared from the discourse. Plus a segment on actor Sean Penn's insane push toward the brink of World War III over Ukraine. Also featuring Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Mitt Romney and Vince Vaughn!
Bad Faith Podcast host Briahna Joy Gray recently sat down with Breaking Points host Krystal Ball and her husband to discuss the question that has been roiling the online left for a decade or longer — are Democrats really any better than Republicans? Gray refused to concede that the Biden administration’s alleged “accomplishments” require that leftists vote for him as a means of stopping Donald Trump. Guest host Craig “Pasta” Jardula and The Miserable Liberal Stef Zamorano discuss Kyle and Krystal’s heel turn to MSNBC Lite. Plus a segment hosted by Jimmy with Craig "Pasta" Jardula and Americans' Comedian Kurt Metzger talking about California Governor Gavin Newsom's recent admission that he got COVID all wrong. Also featuring Mike MacRae! And phone calls from President Biden and Al Pacino!
If Dr. Cornel West hopes for his Green Party presidential bid to take off, he’s going to have to appeal to a wide swath of the voting public, including disaffected Democrats and Republicans, as well as independents. Whether he can achieve that objective by constantly beating the drums for trans rights and about white supremacy was a key bone of contention during his recent interview with Jimmy Dore. Jimmy argued in favor of an electoral strategy based on a solid foundation of economic justice while Dr. West said he would never stop talking about white supremacy and trans rights. Plus a segment with Craig "Pasta" Jardula and Americans' Comedian Kurt Metzger on the Washington Post admitting that Joe Biden is a serial liar. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from President Biden and Barack Obama!
Independent media outlet The Grayzone recently conducted a fundraiser on GoFundMe to help support the publication’s investigative journalism team. But after collecting more than $90,000, The Grayzone publisher Max Blumenthal received an email telling him that for reasons that remained obscure, the funds would not be disbursed. Jimmy and Max discuss this effort to stifle independent journalism and the similar experience faced by the Canadian trucker protesters and African journalist Simon Ateba. Plus a segment with Craig "Pasta" Jardula on retired British nurse instructor and YouTuber's investigation into the revolving door between industry and government. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Chuck Schumer and Andrew Cuomo!
The devastating fires in Maui will require billions in funds to facilitate the island’s recovery. And while Congress is currently negotiating relief funds for Hawaii, there’s also the pressing need for additional billions in military spending to Ukraine. Which is why the debate over sending money to Hawaii is being tied to twice as much money being sent to Ukraine. Guest host Craig “Pasta” Jardula, along with Jimmy Dore and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss reports that FEMA is running out of money just when Hawaii is in desperate need. Plus segments on the U.S.'s involvement in the recent ouster of Pakistani leader Imran Khan and Alex Jones' prediction about the imminent return of COVID restrictions. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Liam Neeson!
Now that the pharmaceutical industry has made its hundreds of billions from vaccines, and despite an all out smear campaign the agency itself participated in, the Food & Drug Administration has approved the drug Ivermectin as a treatment for COVID. So it turns out that, according to the FDA, it’s OK even if you’re not a horse for you to take Ivermectin to treat your COVID. That’s what you call a win-whinny.  Guest host Craig “Pasta” Jardula, along with Jimmy Dore and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss why Ivermectin had to be so severely demonized during the early days of the pandemic but now can be approved in such a cavalier fashion. Plus a segment on all the terrible jokes late night night comedians made about taking Ivermectin, which has now been approved by the FDA to treat COVID. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from Alec Baldwin!
Hunter Biden’s longtime business partner Devon Archer recently testified to Congress behind closed doors about international deals he and Hunter were involved in and whether Joe Biden had any participation. Even though the mainstream media is spinning the testimony as exonerating the President, the reality is that Hunter was clearly trading on his father’s name and that Joe actively involved himself in his son’s business. Jimmy and The Convo Couch host Craig Jardula discuss the weight of evidence suggesting President Biden helped and benefited from his son’s influence peddling schemes. Plus segments about a new poll showing a majority of Americans no longer support Ukraine War funding and out-of-touch elitist Joy Behar wondering why Joe Biden isn't more popular. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Andrew Cuomo and Joe Biden!
Donald Trump has been indicted yet again, and this time it’s not about secret payments to a porn star or mishandling of classified documents. No, this indictment is over Trump’s alleged involvement in fomenting the January 6 “insurrection” and other various efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the indictment and whether the various legal campaigns against Trump are collectively oriented at ensuring he can’t run again in 2024.  Plus a segment with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. talking about what's REALLY destroying the middle class in America. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from Vince Vaughn!
There’s much debate on the left as to how much better, if at all, Democrats are compared with Republicans. Kyle Kulinski’s not engaging with that debate, however, as he forcefully recently asserted that black people tend to vote blue because Democrats are “one trillion times better” than Republicans. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Revolutionary Blackout Network’s Nick Cruse about Kulinski’s assessment and why he may be overstating the case by a factor of a trillion. Plus a segment on Houston Police ongoing harassment of volunteer workers feeding the homeless. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from George Clooney!
Green Party presidential candidate Cornel West recent appeared on Anderson Cooper’s CNN show and the two sparred over the Ukraine War. Specifically, Cooper rejected Dr. West’s comparison of the United States’ invasion of Iraq to what Russia has done in Ukraine and did in Chechnya.  Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss West’s handling of Anderson Cooper and whether Cornel is ready for prime time. Plus a segment on The Intercept's Ryan Grim's manipulative efforts to discourage third party voters. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from Chuck Schumer!
Reason, the magazine directed at libertarians, recently published a video titled “Why Are So Many Libertarians Suddenly Fond of RFK Jr.?” In the video Reason contributor Liz Wolfe wildly smears RFK Jr. as – predictably enough – anti-vaxx while insisting the Democratic presidential candidate is wrong about wanting to protect Social Security and Medicare and take on the oligarchy and the deep state. As Jimmy points out, Wolfe repeatedly uses misleadingly edited videos, announces RFK is wrong without citing how or why and generally doesn’t seem to understand libertarianism, not to mention how to make a cogent, coherent argument. Plus a segment on the blatant duplicity Biden and Democrats are engaging in to try to persuade young people to vote for Democrats over a student debt relief plan they have no intention of following through on. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from President Joe Biden and Jake Tapper!
Elon Musk and Joe Rogan touched off a firestorm over the weekend as they pushed prominent vaccine scientist Dr. Peter Hotez to debate Democratic candidate and noted vaccine skeptic Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., on Rogan's popular podcast. Rogan offered Dr. Hotez $100,000 to the charity of his choice if he agreed to debate Kennedy on Rogan's program after Hotez slammed a recent interview Kennedy had on Rogan's program as "awful" and "nonsense,” but Hotez refused, saying he didn’t want to participate in an exchange that would get turned into “the Jerry Springer show.” Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss Dr. Hotez’s reasons for refusing and what might happen if this debate did take place. Plus a segment on the latest undercover investigation from former Project Veritas CEO James O’Keefe, this time revealing the disturbing truth about global investment firm BlackRock. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from President Joe Biden and Liam Neeson!
Progressive activist and academic Cornel West grabbed headlines recently when he announced he would be running for President under the People’s Party banner. Now West has had a change of heart and will instead be running for the nomination of the Green Party. And, as if on cue, he is already being roundly excoriated by Democrats as a secret right-winger who will throw the election to Donald Trump. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger speak with journalist and author Chris Hedges, who helped persuade West to make the switch, about what a Cornel West presidential campaign could accomplish. Plus a segment on the baseless accusations against Russia for destroying the Kakhovka dam in Ukraine. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Alec Baldwin and President Joe Biden!
Writer, actor, director and standup comedian Mike Binder recently penned an article asking the rhetorical question: why has the standup industry been so thoroughly de-fanged in recent years to become so thoroughly pro-establishment? Gone is the bravery of Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor and George Carlin, he says, as comedic voices of dissent today have become the exception and can be numbered on one hand. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Binder about the state of comedy, and the few truth-tellers who have been willing to push back against the COVID narrative in particular. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Chris Christie and Vince Vaughn!
Leslie Aun, VP of Communications and Public Engagement for the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) recently called Max Blumenthal and Alex Rubenstein of The Grayzone to dispute their characterization of the NED as a “CIA cutout,” although she admitted she didn’t know what the term “CIA cutout” means. In response the two journalists educated Aun about her organization’s sordid history and many of the ways the NED has served the interests of empire but with the sheen of “democracy” to protect its image. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Max about the surreal conversation and whether he felt Aun was genuinely ignorant of the subject matter. Plus a segment on a recent Israeli Freedom of Information Act request revealing that there have been zero Israeli deaths from COVID among healthy Israelis under 50. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Al Pacino and dual GOP Presidential contenders Mike Pence and Ron DeSantis!
The notorious Ukrainian “kill list” that identified the Zelensky regime’s opponents like Aaron Maté, Scott Ritter, Roger Waters and even Henry Kissinger has added a new name: Jimmy Dore. The list is ostensibly maintained by an independent group, but an investigation into funding reveals that the Ukrainian government is behind the effort, as well as U.S. and NATO cutouts. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger speak with The Grayzone reporter Max Blumenthal about the individuals named on the list who have been assassinated and what being added means for Jimmy. Plus segments on a new poll showing a majority of Americans do not believe in Russiagate but do believe the intelligence agencies are interfering in domestic elections. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Harrison Ford and Joe Biden!
John Durham has issued his report on the Russiagate investigation, and the results are scathing, despite what many mainstream media outlets would have you believe. Durham found no evidence supporting allegations of collusion between Donald Trump and Russia, but rather that the FBI broke the law in pursuing the case and that the entire Russia-Trump connection was ginned up by the Clinton campaign in 2016. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Pushback host Aaron Maté about the ongoing Russiagate hoax that won’t die no matter how many times and ways it’s debunked. Plus a segment on the attacks from MSNBC's Joy Reid and The View's Sunny Hostin on Anderson Cooper over the CNN Trump Town Hall. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Andrew Cuomo!
Donald Trump has lost the civil case of sexual assault brought against him by E. Jean Carroll, and will now have to pay her $5 million, pending appeal. But did you know that this case could only be brought thanks to a recent amendment to New York statutes pushed by Democrats and Carroll herself and without this legislative “fix” the statute of limitations for the lawsuit would have run out? Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss whether this rape case is more about preventing Trump from running in 2024 than the triumph of justice. Plus a segment featuring U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy’s recent appearance on CNN with Erin Burnett where he perpetuated already-debunked lies about mask effectiveness in fighting COVID. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Jake Tapper and the duo of Chuck Schumer and President Joe Biden!
The recent dust-up between MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan and Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi has mushroomed to the point where elected officials are now calling for Taibbi’s arrest for allegedly lying under oath during his recent Congressional testimony. Author and academic Norman Finkelstein labels Hasan a “sewer rat” for misrepresenting the extent of Taibbi’s ostensible “errors” in the Twitter Files and challenges him to correct the record. Guest host Aaron Maté speaks with Finkelstein about Hasan’s reporting on the Twitter Files as well as his contribution to labeling the Labour Party’s Jeremy Corbyn an antisemite. Plus a segment dedicated to the demise of hipster empire apologist media outlet Vice News. Also featuring Mischa Paullin, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from President Joe Biden!
Top-rated Fox News host Tucker Carlson has been abruptly fired from his choice primetime show on the cable network. Carlson has consistently been the only voice on cable news calling out the war machine, criticizing his fellow media commentators for doing advertisers’ bidding and rejecting claims from Big Pharma. And now he’s gone! Guest host Aaron Maté and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to special guest Jimmy Dore about the silencing of Tucker Carlson. Plus a segment dedicated to the passing of singing legend and civil rights hero Harry Belafonte. Also featuring Mischa Paullin and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Jake Tapper and President Joe Biden!
JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon is being forced to testify in a civil suit about his connection to late financier/sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. As journalist Whitney Webb explains, the sordid ties between not only Epstein and Dimon, but also many of the biggest names in the growth of the financial service sector over the past 40 years, along with the government and organized crime, reveal an unprecedented web of corruption and sleaze. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Webb about the details of this story she’s uncovered in her reporting. Plus a segment with Alexander Mercouris and Alex Christoforou of The Duran on the 200 additional U.S. troops recently deployed to Taiwan. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from Alec Baldwin!
It’s been more than 20 years since the US and its allies invaded Iraq in what is now widely acknowledged was a war crime based on lies. And yet many of the same perpetrators who pushed those lies and the Iraq invasion remain prominent and respected members of the foreign policy establishment as they today push the Ukraine War.  Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to British politician and talk show host George Galloway about his principled opposition to the Iraq War. Plus segments featuring Galloway discussing Europe's possible "break" with the United States led by France's Emmanuel Macron, and a San Jose Police Union leader who's been charged with trafficking fentanyl. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Arnold Schwarzenegger and the team of Joe Biden and Liam Neeson!
The “Restrict Act” currently being pushed through Congress with bipartisan support, ostensibly an effort to keep the Chinese government from spying on Americans, will allow the U.S. government to dramatically restrict the websites Americans can visit. In fact, by using a VPN to circumvent restrictions Americans could possibly put themselves at risk of being sentenced to 20 years in prison.  Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss this draconian effort to monitor Americans’ online lives. Plus a segment with Professor Richard Wolff about the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and what it portends for the U.S. economy's future. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Vince Vaughn!
Jon Stewart recently appeared on TV with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria to insist that Donald Trump be charged with crimes because in the United States even the rich and powerful should face accountability. We either have the rule of law or we don’t, Stewart said, and apparently he believes we actually DO enjoy the rule of law in America. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss all the ways the rule of law does not prevail in the United States. Plus a segment with Pushback host Aaron Maté on his testimony to the United Nations about the OPCW whistleblower scandal in Syria. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Chuck Schumer and the duo of George Clooney and Brad Pitt!
In the latest installment of the Twitter Files, journalist Matt Taibbi reveals the far too cozy relationship between a variety of government agencies and Twitter that led the social media platform to censor even information deemed accurate about COVID vaccines if it was determined the information might encourage vaccine hesitancy. In their zealousness Twitter even went so far as to censor jokes that were deemed dangerous or tweets that might hurt Anthony Fauci’s credibility. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the rest of the media’s unwillingness to engage with the dangerous implications of the Twitter Files stories. Plus a segment on the International Criminal Court's sham indictment of Vladimir Putin on war crimes charges. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Jake Tapper!
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is mulling a run for the Presidency and challenging Joe Biden for the Democratic Party nomination. Kennedy admits that the United States no longer has a functioning democracy, and that the Democratic Party is already manipulating the 2024 primaries and refusing to hold debates — all in order to protect Biden.  Jimmy talks to Kennedy about the 2024 race and why he believes he can break through despite the party’s rank corruption and win the nomination as an outsider like a 2024 Democratic version of 2016 Donald Trump. Plus a segment on conservative author Betheny Mendel's inability to define "woke" when asked on the "Rising" program. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Vince Vaughn and the duo of Andrew Cuomo and Chuck Schumer!
The East Palestine rail disaster has brought into focus the severity of the dangers posed by the United States’ degrading infrastructure, especially when combined with the monopolistic, neoliberal policies that seek to extract the highest possible profits while pushing overextended workers to their limits and beyond. Railway Workers United General Secretary Ron Kaminkow explains that the time may be ripe for a radical new plan for the nation’s railways. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Kaminkow about just why the rail transit system in America has become such a shambles and devastating to its workforce. Plus a segment on Fox News host Tucker Carlson's evisceration of the lies told by the House committee investigating the January 6 Capitol "insurrection." Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And a phone call from Joe Biden!
Tucker Carlson has been the rare media commentator to mention that there is substantial evidence the United States was behind the Nord Stream pipeline bombing. He even brought on Jimmy Dore to talk about it — something that blew the minds of other mainstream media outlets like Mediaite, which published a piece smearing Jimmy as a conspiracy theorist while neglecting to refute a single point he made. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss whether the Mediaite story was actually written by a sympathetic reporter. Plus segments on actor Sean Penn's unhinged warmongering during a recent appearance on CNN and Dilbert creator Scott Adams' bizarre rant cautioning white people to stay away from black people. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from Liam Neeson!
Unlike virtually everyone else in the mainstream media, Rachel Maddow opted to cover the recent anti-war rally in Washington DC. Except, as the inveterate warmonger and consent manufacturer she is, Maddow spread lie after lie and smeared participants as “pro-Russia” while showing none of the speakers except Tulsi Gabbard, whom she didn’t identify by name while describing her as a "occasional fill-in host for Tucker Carlson." Overall it was a disgusting display and a stark reminder of what a tool for the establishment Maddow is. Guest host Aaron Maté and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger, along with interloping Jimmy Dore, discuss Maddow’s rank dishonesty and knowing mischaracterization of the rally and its participants. Plus a segment on the "boutique" left's determined effort to undermine this anti-war rally and any prospect for uniting with those outside the left to pursue peace. Also featuring Mischa Paullin and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from Joe Biden!
The media’s purpose is to question dominant narratives and challenge authority, but too often today’s corporate media exists simply to regurgitate establishment talking points and run interference for powerful interests. Case in point: Business Insider writer Mia Jankowicz’s recent piece smearing Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh’s story revealing U.S. involvement in sabotaging the Nord Stream pipeline. Jimmy Dore Show guest host Aaron Maté and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how pathetically bought the mainstream media is today. Plus segments on media silence over the Hersh story, the Chinese "spy" balloon and former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's admission that a peace deal over Ukraine was in the works soon after the war began but the United States blocked all negotiations. Also featuring Mischa Paullin and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden!
MSNBC editor and political columnist Zeeshan Aleem recently penned the latest in the virtual cavalcade of pieces we’ve seen of late from Democratic Party apologists warning that “populist” left figures like Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi and Jimmy Dore have been “flirting” with the populist right. Such a movement could funnel leftists into the arms of authoritarians, Aleem argues, as if the Democratic Party today isn’t authoritarian to its core. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the very real dangers this kind of “flirtation” can lead to. Plus a segment on Rachel Maddow's unhinged, ignorant anti-peace position on the war in Ukraine. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Vince Vaughn and Mitt Romney!
It’s rare to hear a genuine, full-throated anti-war message on American television, much less on Fox News, but Tucker Carlson’s audience heard that message loud and clear thanks to the latest appearance by Jimmy Dore. Jimmy called out the corruption, the warmongering, the deception and the profiteering as the U.S. military industrial complex and its lackeys in government and media push for war with China. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss why Tucker is the only broadcaster open to sharing Jimmy’s anti-war message with his audience. Plus segments on the lunatic Covidian who's likely to replace Anthony Fauci and a Newsweek opinion piece acknowledging that the government and scientific community has been lying about COVID from the start. Also featuring Dan Cohen and Stef Zamorano!
Newly minted House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has begun flexing his muscle, making good on his promise to kick prominent Democrats Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell off of the House Intelligence Committee. And for good measure McCarthy also took the opportunity to smack down a PBS reporter who asked why the two Democrats were being excised from this committee while noted fabulist Republican George Santos was being placed on other committees. Jimmy and Pushback host Aaron Maté discuss the more than legitimate reasons why Schiff has no business anywhere near the Intelligence Committee. Plus segments on a psychopath former Pentagon official in the Obama administration calling for "many more body bags" to bring down Putin and "Dilbert" creator Scott Adams' less-than-contrite apology for being wrong about the COVID vaccine. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Vince Vaughn and the duo of Joe Biden and Volodymyr Zelensky!
During a recent Instagram Live chat, New York Congresswoman and “Squad” member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez explained why she and her colleagues refused to “Force the Vote” when Democrats took control of the House in 2021, unlike what the Freedom Caucus did earlier this month. Her response was enlightening, underscoring how AOC has become a complete Democratic Party insider and wholly abandoned the “bring the ruckus” persona that helped sweep her into office as an ostensible threat to the Democratic Party power structure. Jimmy breaks down all the ways AOC unwittingly acknowledges she has betrayed her supporters and become just another lying politician. Plus a segment on astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson embarrassing himself on a podcast with his ignorance about COVID vaccine efficacy. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Steve Kirsch and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Kevin Spacey and the duo of Joe Biden and Andrew Cuomo!
The days of the American empire are numbered, says journalist Chris Hedges, and the evidence is all too clear for anyone who’s studied history. Our rampant militarism abroad combined with neglect of the domestic needs of any but the wealthiest citizens describe a grim future for the United States, he says. And if you think progressives in government might help us avoid that destiny, think again – The Squad and their ilk are merely controlled opposition designed to provide false hope for change. Jimmy and Americans’ comedian Kurt Metzger discuss with Hedges the calamity that elites have wrought in condemning the United States empire to the dustbin of history. Plus a segment on actor Sean Penn's cringe-worthy fawning over Volodymyr Zelensky at the recent Golden Globes. Also featuring Aaron Maté, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Vince Vaughn!
The Squad and their supporters in the liberal online media world who’ve fallen in line behind Biden, Pelosi and Schumer would be happy if everyone forgot about #ForceTheVote. But you know who didn’t forget? The GOP's Freedom Caucus, which is currently using its leverage to extract concessions in exchange for their Speaker vote in exactly the same way many progressives had hoped The Squad would do at this time two years ago. But that didn't happen, and as a result these so-called "progressives" were exposed as go-along, get-along institutionalists who would never challenge the power centers of the Democratic Party. Jimmy and Useful Idiots podcast host Aaron Maté discuss the legacy of #ForceTheVote and what might have been accomplished had House progressives been willing to use their power to move a leftist political agenda forward. Plus a segment hosted by Aaron speaking with The Grayzone's Anya Parampil about the sad end to Juan Guaidó's tenure as the pretend President of Venezuela.
The latest release in the so-called “Twitter Files” information dump has revealed the incredibly close relationship between the United States government and the social media platform as the two worked together (at the government’s insistence) to censor not just misinformation about COVID but also pretty much any information that conflicted with the official state narrative, true or not. Among the many Twitter users to get caught up in this public-private web was Martin Kulldorff, a former professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. Jimmy and Revolutionary Black Network’s Nick Cruse discuss all the ways the government and Twitter conspired to censor users who diverged from the party line on COVID. Plus a segment on the outrageous lies of incoming GOP House Representative George Santos -- as well as increasingly demented Democratic President Joe Biden. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Vince Vaughn!
Scientific American Magazine editor Tanya Lewis has come down with COVID. This came as something of a shock to her since she feels she has been EXTRAORDINARILY cautious for the past three years, masking constantly while out of the house, taking all her vaccines and boosters and generally avoiding any possible exposure whenever possible. Yet she still got it, which means that maybe all those precautions didn’t do her a whole lot of good. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger wonder why a science magazine editor would be so oblivious about the science of COVID. Plus segments on the latest whopper lie to come out of Joe Biden's mouth and the "Twitter Files" revelations about the FBI dictating to Twitter which accounts should be banned and otherwise censored. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Alec Baldwin!
Jennifer Sey was a high-powered executive at the Levi’s corporation with an inside track to become the company’s next CEO. Then the pandemic hit and Sey spoke out against extended school closings. As she became a more prominent spokesperson for the science that suggested kids should be back in schools, she increasingly came under fire from others inside the “progressive” Levi’s corporation and was told she needed to quell her activism. When she refused she was given the opportunity to take a big payday to leave and keep her mouth shut, but she refused. Jimmy talks with Sey about her experience inside what she describes as a corporate “cult” where anyone expressing even the slightest deviation from the accepted narrative about COVID was sharply rejected and marginalized. Plus a segment on the out-of-control Pentagon spending approved by both parties. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Vince Vaughn!
Time Magazine has named Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky its “Person of the Year,” continuing the corporate media practice of promoting the puppet leader of a nation NATO is using to wage a proxy war against Russia. Jimmy and antiwar activist and former CIA analyst Ray McGovern discuss whether Zelensky really deserves an honor that in the past has been bestowed on such luminaries as George W. Bush, Ayatollah Khomeini and Adolf Hitler. Plus a segment on a railroad workers union's calls to pursue electoral options outside of the two-party system. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Harrison Ford and Al Pacino!
Those wily Democrats, they’ve done it again! This time it’s the railroad workers who are bearing the brunt of the Dems’ screw job as Biden, Pelosi and company have stepped into the middle of a labor dispute between rail workers and management and are forcing workers to accept a deal half of them had voted to reject and hand railway owners a major victory. Jimmy and The Convo Couch’s Craig “Pasta” Jardula discuss the Democratic Party’s abject abandonment of the working class and this latest exposure of Joe Biden as no friend of union workers. Plus a segment on White House reporters demands that the Biden administration crack down on free speech online. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Alec Baldwin and Chuck Schumer!
Jon Stewart is a comedy legend who pioneered an entirely new way to deliver scathing but also funny commentary on the news. But now he’s apparently decided to piss away all the credibility he built up by interviewing and giving a virtual tongue bath to war criminals Hillary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice, whom he allows to spew transparently false narratives about the American war machine with nary a peep of disagreement. Jimmy and his panel of Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger and The Grayzone’s Anya Parampil discuss Stewart’s embarrassingly cringe-worthy performance. Plus segments on Canadian comedy troupe Kids In The Hall's prescient wokeness parody from 1993 and the media-fed lie that Russia is giving its troops Viagra to assist in committing sexual assaults against Ukrainians. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Anya Parampil!
Joe Biden, in his move to abolish between $10-20,000 worth of individuals' student debt, decide to enact the policy via a means that was likely to be rejected as unconstitutional by the courts. So was this merely an oversight on the part of the administration or was this path chosen by the White House just to gain the political advantage for the midterms without actually having to provide a single dollar of student debt relief? Jimmy and Americans' Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the question with the Revolutionary Blackout Network's Sabby Sabs. Plus a segment on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's insistence that the rocket attack on Poland came from Russia and not, as is now universally acknowledged, from Ukraine.. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Jackson Hinkle and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Jeff Bridges and Joe Biden!
As the final counting takes place in the 2022 midterm elections, Democrats are already crowing about holding off a supposed “red wave” even though they may yet lose the House and Senate. But independent of the outcome in the blue vs red contest, the clear winners will be, as they always are, the oligarchs representing Wall Street, Big Pharma, Big Oil, the heathcare industry and Silicon Valley. Jimmy and his panel of Revolutionary Blackout Network host Nick Cruse and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger break down the results of the midterm elections and how fascism and oligarchy managed to eke out yet another electoral victory. Plus a segment on President Obama getting heckled at a campaign rally over Democrats' support for the march to nuclear war over Ukraine. Also featuring Mischa Paullin and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Al Pacino and the duo of Joe Biden and Jake Tapper!
Writing in The Atlantic, economist Emily Oster announced that it’s time for the COVID wars to end, and for aggrieved parties who may or may not have been “right” in challenging the dominant narrative about vaccines, masks, transmission and related topics to give their antagonists a pass so that we can all move on together. But is that how it works – thousands lose their jobs, while countless more are demonized on a grand scale and everyone’s supposed to just take a mulligan? Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the importance of expressions of contrition if there is to be any “amnesty” for the likes of Noam Chomsky, Piers Morgan and Jimmy Kimmel who did everything they could to smear COVID narrative skeptics. Plus a segment on President Obama getting heckled at a campaign rally over Democrats' support for the march to nuclear war over Ukraine. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Alec Baldwin and Benjamin Netanyahu!
University of California-Irvine professor and physician Dr. Aaron Kheriaty ( was fired earlier this year after refusing to get the COVID vaccine since he’d already had COVID and developed natural immunity. Since then he’s become an outspoken advocate against vaccine mandates and the torrent of disinformation and misinformation spread by very powerful interests pushing vaccines and mandates while downplaying natural immunity and possible preventive measures. Jimmy speaks with Dr. Kheriaty about his experience opposing COVID protocols and the lawsuit underway that will force government officials like Anthony Fauci to defend the strictures imposed on the public during the pandemic. Plus a segment on an international democracy forum silencing Dr. Jeffrey Sachs for sharing the truth about U.S. imperialism and violence across the globe since 1950. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Aaron Maté and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Vince Vaughn!
During a recent sparsely attended town hall event, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was confronted by anti-war activists who demanded that AOC stop supporting the war in Ukraine that is rapidly leading the US and Russia to the brink of nuclear war. Instead of engaging with her critics, Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez called the activists “rude,” insisted they wait their turn in line and later upbraided them for shouting over a deaf constituent who she alleged had been trying to speak. Jimmy and America’s Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss AOC’s rank hypocrisy and how she used to emphasize the importance of activists holding the powerful to account even if it means making them uncomfortable. Plus a segment on a Pfizer executive's admission to the European Parliament that the company's COVID vaccine was not tested for transmissibility before gaining approval for distribution. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Harrison Ford and the duo of Barack Obama and James Carville!
During a recent episode of the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, the titular host welcomed Rolling Stone Magazine founder Jann Wenner, and the conversation quickly turned to online censorship. Wenner expressed support for the tech industry and government regulating speech since government does so well regulating the food supply and the pharmaceutical industry. At which point Rogan stepped in and set Wenner straight in a gentle but nevertheless devastating way. Jimmy and America’s Comedian Kurt Metzger wonder at the founder of an iconically countercultural publication like Rolling Stone turning into such a neoliberal shill for the establishment. Plus segments on the escalating war in Ukraine, a former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff calling for NATO to negotiate a settlement to the Ukraine War, Joe Biden lying about codifying Roe v Wade into law and a Wired Magazine article with the dumbest work-related advice ever. Also featuring Stef Zamorano!
Chris Hedges is among the most incisive, trenchant analysts of the social, economic and political factors influencing the world for the past 30 years. And he’s here to tell you that the January 6th riots were not the great threat to American democracy they’re cracked up to be. American democracy has been steadily eroding since the Reagan administration, Hedges says, and if you think Donald Trump’s arrival on the political scene is what killed democracy you have not been paying attention. Jimmy and his panel of Hedges and America’s comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the myriad ways Wall Street, Big Pharma, weapons manufacturers, Big Ag and other powerful sectors snatched away the reins of power from the American people decades ago. Plus a segment on news that the Nord Stream 2 was not, in fact, permanenly disabled by the recent sabotage attempt, and may be operational again very soon. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Aaron Maté and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Alec Baldwin and Joe Biden!
On Tuesday it was revealed that the Nord Stream 1 & 2 pipelines that carry liquefied natural gas under Northern Europe’s Baltic Sea had been sabotaged, rendering them inoperable, possibly permanently. And almost as quickly the finger-pointing began, with many in the West alleging that Russia had intentionally damaged its own pipeline while others claimed that a more logical explanation would pin the blame on the U.S., likely acting to eliminate any possibility that European countries will revert to relying on Russia as a source of gas. Jimmy and his panel of The Dive’s Jackson Hinkle and America’s comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the competing theories and possible motives behind the Nordstream attacks. Plus segments on how the mainstream media silences internal voices attempting to tell the truth about war and Bill Gates' ongoing effort to blame the pandemic's devastating impact on regular people instead of the oligarchs and their minions in the government who actually make all the decisions. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kit Cabello and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Vince Vaughn!
At the Detroit Auto Show for an appearance on 60 Minutes, President Joe Biden declared that the pandemic is over. Not surprisingly, handlers immediately started walking back the President’s comments, but the impromptu announcement nevertheless caused a great deal of controversy and heated reactions, both from COVID skeptics and COVID alarmists. Jimmy and his panel of The Dive’s Jackson Hinkle and Convo Couch’s Craig “Pasta” Jardula discuss whether the pandemic really is “over” and what that even means. Plus segments on the arrival of 50 Venezuelan migrants to Martha's Vineyard and the media freakout over Ben Shapiro allegedly grooming a new generation of incels online. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from  Jeff Bridges and Joe Biden!
The news networks have brimmed with stories lately of the stunning Kharkiv counter-offensive that has seen Ukraine recapture vast swathes of territory from the invading Russians. Have we reached a turning point in the war? Is the handwriting on the wall for Putin and his marauding Russian hordes? Or is this a mere blip, a short-term stumble for the Russian Bear before he continues his inexorable march across all of the Donbass, and possibly all of Ukraine? Jimmy and his panel of America’s comedian Kurt Metzger and The Dive’s Jackson Hinkle discuss this surprising turn of events in the Ukraine War and their larger significance. Plus segments on the latest round of booster misinformation from America's top health officials and the DNC's epic snub of progressives over dark money. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from King Charles III and Joe Biden!
Standup comedian, game show host and erstwhile Presidential candidate Ben Gleib stopped by The Jimmy Dore Show studio for a segment discussing his new special on YouTube, the state of comedy in the era of wokeness, the Trump phenomenon and whether there are any substantive differences between the two major American political parties. Jimmy and America’s comedian Kurt Metzger engage in a predominantly civil but sometimes heated exchange of ideas with Gleib. Plus a segment on progressives' latest opportunity to use their leverage to stop Joe Manchin's bad climate bill - and why they won't do it. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And a phone call from George Clooney!
The FDA has announced emergency use authorization of a booster shot that targets the omicron BA.5 COVID variant. How the current state of the pandemic qualifies as an “emergency” is anyone’s guess. As is the likely effect on anyone given the booster since the authorization process did not involve any actual human testing. In fact, the little information Pfizer has made available to the public involves tests performed on eight mice. And that’s it! Jimmy and America’s comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the public’s dwindling interest in boosters and the skepticism from knowledgeable experts over the value of endless COVID boosters Plus segments on the FBI's role in Facebook censoring the Hunter Biden laptop story and Dr. Fauci's latest lie about COVID lockdowns. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Ozzy Osbourne!
If you can believe it, ex-President George W. Bush has announced that he will be teaching a “MasterClass” in leadership that you and anyone else willing to pony up the money can take to learn what Bush has to say on the topic. Whether students will learn the ins and outs of committing war crimes, ignoring the suffering of hurricane victims and overseeing a torture program that continues to this day remains unclear. Jimmy and America’s comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the curious choice of a colossal f*ckup like George W. Bush to teach a class in leadership Plus segments on bringing MAGA and communism together and Joe Biden's meager student debt assistance program. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Vince Vaughn and Jake Tapper!
The political world was rocked last week when FBI agents descended on Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump’s Florida estate, and scoured the former president’s home, making off with boxes and boxes of documents. Later reports emerged that Trump may have held on to highly sensitive classified materials relating to the nation’s nuclear program and will be accused of violating the Espionage Act. Democrats cheered the FBI raid while Trump supporters accused the Justice Department of engaging in a partisan witch hunt. Jimmy and his panel of The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal and America’s comedian Kurt Metzger discuss what might have really motivated this unprecedented raid on a former president’s home. Plus a segment on Andrew Yang's inability to defend his new third party effort under wilting questioning from CNN's Jim Acosta. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Chuck Schumer and Andrew Cuomo!
Pink Floyd founding member and outspoken activist Roger Waters appeared on CNN recently and took advantage of the opportunity to school host Michael Smerconish on a range of topics, including the truth about the Ukraine War’s origins, Russia’s role in winning World War II against the Nazis and Taiwan’s relationship to China. Jimmy and his panel of The Dive’s Jackson Hinkle and America’s comedian Kurt Metzger discuss Waters’ teachable moment and Smerconish’s phony-baloney claims to even-handedness. Plus segments on CBS News furiously backpedaling after mistakenly telling the truth about Ukraine and a California county sending police thousands of miles away to harass a small business owner as a favor for a wealthy friend of the sheriff. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Kevin Spacey and the duo of Chuck Schumer and Bernie Sanders!
New York Times opinion writer Paul Krugman won a Nobel Prize for Economics, but lately it seems like he’s gunning for a new prize – that of Biggest Apologist for the Biden administration. And in that role most recently Krugman has been downplaying the prospect that the United States economy is in recession, even though by all traditional definitions of the term we most certainly are. CNN’s Brian Stelter helps further the cause by giggling along as Krugman twists the language and the truth to suit the needs of his masters in the Democratic Party. Jimmy and his panel of The Dive’s Jackson Hinkle and America’s comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the contortions Krugman engages in to try to persuade us that the economy is doing super duper. Plus segments on Nancy Pelosi's word salad speech in Taiwan, the collapse of CNN's ratings and profits, and Colorado Senator Michael Bennet's "oops" moment revealing he may engage in insider trading. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Black Agenda Report's Danny Haiphong!
In 2005 Tom Cruise was widely mocked, derided and accused of being a lunatic after appearing on the Today Show and expressing controversial views about the ineffectiveness of antidepressants and the widespread practice of prescribing Ritalin and Adderall to children. Now 17 years later Cruise is being vindicated by a comprehensive study questioning the science behind “chemical imbalances” in the brain and demonstrating that antidepressants do not work as advertised. Jimmy and America’s comedian Kurt Metzger discuss their recollection of the infamous interview and how the march of scientific advancement has now caught up with… Tom Cruise. Plus a segment speaking with The Grayzone's Aaron Maté about confronting the writer who smeared him in the pages of The Guardian. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Al Pacino!
The Grayzone journalists Max Blumenthal and Aaron Maté recently traveled to Canada to attend Collision Toronto, "North America's fastest growing tech conference," and sat for an interview where they described an audience filled with representatives of the mainstream media as duplicitous, fake news-spreading propagandists. Jimmy speaks with Aaron and Max about the experience, and how it felt to tell the truth about the malign influence of the corporate media right to their glaring faces. Plus a segment on The Guardian newspaper's call for an immediate escalation in Ukraine that will likely lead to World War III. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Brad Pitt as well as Joe Biden and Joe Manchin!
Hunter Biden is back in the news, this time as the victim of a hack revealing photos, videos and texts on his phone, and it’s all pretty damning. Biden is shown weighing his crack, smoking crack and engaging in other decidedly prurient acts. So what does Hunter’s father, President Joe Biden, think about all of this? There’s no comment from the White House after this most recent hack, but as Jimmy reveals, back in his Senate days Joe had plenty to say about what kind of punishment people like Hunter should face. Plus a segment on CNN's COVID fearmongering, labeling BA.5 the "worst variant ever." Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger, Malcolm Fleschner and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and the World Economic Forum's Klaus Schwab!
While Democrats continue rigging elections against 3rd parties, Matthew Hoh - U.S. Senate candidate to represent North Carolina on the Green Party ticket - is fighting back to claim his rightfully earned place on the ballot. Plus, a segment revealing how Democrats fund radical Republicans. Featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger, Matthew Hoh and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Vince Vaughn and Willem the Dutch Farmer!
Despite the testimony of former White House aide, Cassidy Hutchinson, the Secret Service says Trump never "lunged" for the steering wheel on January 6.  Plus a segment on a secret and undercover force created by the Pentagon and tasked with manipulating and influencing social media sites in order to spread Amercian propaganda. Featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger, Anya Parampil and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Al Pacino and Hillary Supporter!
When Johns Hopkins Economics Professor Steve Hanke released a metastudy indicating that COVID lockdowns had only saved a small number of lives compared to the astronomical figure that had been reported by an Imperial College study, the backlash was quick and fevered. The Imperial College researchers, along with "fact checkers" like Snopes sought to refute the claims Hanke and his co-authors made. Jimmy interviews Professor Hanke about the failure of lockdowns and the backlash his study received. Plus a segment on Krystal Ball's dismantling of Bill Maher over widespread misinformation about the causes of runaway inflation. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Vince Vaughn!
Leaked emails have revealed the extent to which celebrity British journalist Paul Mason has been colluding with members of U.K. intelligence to smear, deplatform and bankrupt left-wing and anti-war journalistic outlets like The Grayzone. Mason has even generated a bizarre “mindmap” connecting Russian psyops to Jeremy Corbyn, the Muslim community, trade unions and black people. Jimmy discusses the bombshell report with The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal and American comedian Kurt Metzger. Plus a segment on a Ukraine boxer who celebrated her silver medal by unfolding a neo-Nazi Azov Battalion flag on the medal stand. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Alec Baldwin, Kevin Spacey and Joe Biden!
It was the retweet heard round the world — Washington Post reporter Dave Weigel’s ill-advised retweet of a mildly sexist joke that led not only to his suspension without pay, but to a wider conflagration at the Post centered around his fellow reporter, Felicia Sonmez. Jimmy and friends discuss the maelstrom of accusations, recrimination and distinct lack of collegiality on display in the “clusterfuck” underway at the Post. Plus a segment on British celebrity reporter Paul Mason's email leak revealing a plot to bring down the anti-war journalists at The Grayzone. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger, Max Blumenthal and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Brad Pitt and Joe Biden!
Joe Biden recently published an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal detailing his plan, to the extent he has one, to deal with the inflation crisis. What the opinion piece reveals, more than anything else, is that Biden not only has no real conception of what is causing prices to rise, but he also is woefully short on ideas for what to do about the problem.  Jimmy and Professor Richard Wolff discuss the spiraling down of the Biden presidency as prices skyrocket. Plus a segment on certain municipalities in the United States ending minor traffic stops to prevent police from escalating conflicts with motorists and possibly killing them. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger, Jackson Hinkle and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from David Axelrod and Prince Charles!
While the US Government continues to write blank checks for the war in Ukraine and bloats the Pentagon budget to an obscene degree, the collapse at home continues as homelessness, inflation, poverty, addiction and other serious problems grow worse every day. Jimmy and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges discuss the rapidly approaching collapse of US hegemony across the globe. Plus a segment on Henry Kissinger's controversial recent acknowledgment that Ukraine will have to trade territory for peace. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger, and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Barack Obama and George Bush, and Rick Perry!
Washington Post reporter/mainstream media crybully Taylor Lorenz is upset at the announcement that the Department of Homeland Security would be shelving the so-called “Disinformation Governance Board” intended to police online speech.  Plus a segment on former Fox News political correspondent Carl Cameron calling for current Fox News hosts to be imprisoned for their "dangerous" speech. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger, Max Blumenthal and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Chuck Schumer and Al Pacino!
The Daily Show's Trevor Noah headlined this year's White House Correspondents Dinner, and the South African-born comedian delivered what he was paid for -- some mild criticism of the luminaries in the room and then an epic tongue bath for the fourth estate and all the alleged "journalism" the media bigwigs in the room produce. Plus a segment on Dave Chappelle's recent attack while on stage at the Hollywood Bowl. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Vince Vaughn and CNN stars Jake Tapper and Jeffrey Toobin!
On a recent episode of her MSNBC show "The ReidOut" Joy-Ann Reid and guest Anand Giridiharadis expressed dismay at the prospect of an Elon Musk-owned Twitter and the thought that unsavories might be welcomed back on the platform just to make trouble for the "regular" people who typically interact there. Jimmy and guest Max Blumenthal discuss the freakout over Musk underway at a number of MSNBC shows. Plus a segment on candidate Nina Turner's excessive response to a critical tweet from Jimmy.  Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Sabby Sabs and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden!
Christian Smalls, the fired Amazon worker who beat the odds to successfully win a union vote at the company's Staten Island fulfillment center, spoke to Jimmy about why his efforts succeeded, what it takes to organize workers from diverse backgrounds and his recent appearance on Tucker Carlson's show. Plus segments on the plummeting price of the first ever Twitter tweet NFT and Nina Turner's snubbing by the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae! And a phone calls from Al Pacino!
Two of the defendents involved in the alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer have been acquitted after a jury heard testimony indicating that the FBI and its informants entrapped the two into participating in the plot, and that the FBI was much more instrumental in planning the kidnapping than the accused. Jimmy and The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal discuss the FBI's practice of enticing marginal individuals into terrorist schemes, then blowing their own horn after "thwarting" the plots. Plus segments on the New York Times using the recent subway shooting to push pro-cop propaganda and the not-so surprising story of California cities funneling COVID relief money into police departments. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Anya Parampil and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Andrew Cuomo and Alec Baldwin!
Jimmy speaks with John Jay College economics professor Christian Parenti about all the ways the coronavirus pandemic has revealed the authoritarian streak in so-called "leftists" in the United States, whether supporting mandates and vaccine passports or paying fealty to corrupt government agencies and the rapacious pharmaceutical industry. Plus a segment on how Ukrainian President Zelenskyy could have avoided war but chose to risk a Russian invasion instead. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Aaron Maté and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Vince Vaughn and David Axelrod!
Award-winning journalist and bestselling author Chris Hedges talks to Jimmy about his effective silencing by YouTube, with six years’ worth of Hedges’ show, ​​”On Contact,” deleted from the platform simply because the program appeared on the Russian-affiliated network RT. As a result, hundreds of episodes featuring interviews with a wide range of guests, the vast majority of which had nothing to do with Russia, have been removed from public view. Plus a segment on the curious case of the Anti-Defamation League downplaying concerns about the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion in Ukraine. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Howard Skora and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Al Pacino and Joe Biden!
Those Twitter censors are at it again, this time suspending the account belonging to the conservative satirical site The Babylon Bee, over a tweet misgendering trans Health Secretary Rachel Levine as a man.  Plus segments detailing the blood on the US and NATO’s hands over Ukraine, an obnoxious CBS host berating the Chinese ambassador, Ukrainian president Zelensky cracking down on opposition parties and Jake Tapper floating the possibility of a false flag chemical attack in Ukraine. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Kurt Metzger!
The View's Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Ana Navarro and Sunny Hostin dedicated a full segment to calling Ukraine war critics Tulsi Gabbard and Tucker Carlson as traitors who should be investigated and possibly arrested for questioning the dominant media and government narrative about the conflict. Plus a segment on mainstream journalists' efforts to smear actor, comedian and podcaster Russell Brand for allegedly spreading conspiracies and misinformation on his way to becoming "The next Joe Rogan." Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Max Blumenthal, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Al Pacino and Bernie Sanders!
NATO apologists have sought to portray the Ukrainian military as free of neo-Nazis, but one point undermining the argument is the fact that the nation's armed forces adopted as its official slogan "Slava Ukraini!" or "Glory to Ukraine!" which was first popularized during World War II by a Nazi-affiliated nationalist militia. Plus segments on the Biden administration's humiliating efforts to persuade the "dictatorial" Venezuelan government to sell us oil and sad examples of high-minded liberals like Larry Summers, George Takei and Stephen Colbert explaining that paying higher gas prices is YOUR moral duty to support Ukraine. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Lee Camp, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from George Clooney and Andrew Cuomo!
Longtime foreign policy observers ranging from Noam Chomsky and Stephen Cohen to Pat Buchanan and Henry Kissinger have long warned that NATO actions would push Russia into a military response in Ukraine, and now that's precisely what's happened. Plus a segment describing all the myriad ways neo-Nazi groups have infiltrated the Ukrainian government and military, and how neo-Nazi militias operate freely in wide swaths of the country. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Max Blumenthal and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Liam Neeson and Joe Biden!
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has reversed himself, and announced that the emergency powers he invoked to deal with the trucker protest, will be revoked. Some had feared that Trudeau would extend the powers in a decidedly authoritarian manner. Plus segments about plans in place by global officials to institute digital IDs and the CDC's recent announcement that data about booster effectiveness will not be released for fear the information will be "misinterpreted." Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Max Blumenthal and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Vince Vaughn and Mitt Romney!
The View host Joy Behar has revealed that she plans to continue wearing a mask in public and indoors whenever away from home for, well, the rest of her life, it seems. So that's it, just masked up forever for Joy Behar. Plus segments on Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau telling a Jewish MP she's supporting Nazis and the hacker who admitted to exposing the names of donors to the fundraising campaign for Canadian truckers. Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger, Jackson Hinkle and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Jake Tapper and Joe Biden!
It's been revealed that Meidas Touch, a Democratically-affiliated SuperPAC, has been the driving force behind the campaign to smear Joe Rogan as a racist, anti-trans spreader of vaccine misinformation. Aided, of course, by a compliant media eager to take down a successful podcaster who's not part of their "club." Plus segments on "Rising" host Ryan Grim's attack on the Canadian truckers and a new report revealing that Tucker Carlson is the most watched cable news host among Democrats Also featuring Stef Zamorano, Kurt Metzger and Mike MacRae! And phone calls from Joe Biden and Al Pacino!