Ep. 91 | Cattle, Closets and Cats
Ep. 91 | Cattle, Closets and Cats  
Podcast: Shop Sounds Podcast
Published On: Mon Dec 04 2023
Description: On this week's show, Keith is finally in his new office studio space (or is he?) and is building another floating desk. Meanwhile, Jason tries to set sail in his new cattle trough boat.Support us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/shopsoundspodcast.You can find us on Instagram, Youtube, Facebook and Tiktok : @bourbonmoth and @kjsawdustAnd don't forget to check out Bits & Bits at www.bitsbits.com and use coupon code MORSELS15 to save 15%Be sure to hit up Katz-Moses Tools at www.KMTools.com - cool tools at a fair price. If it's on their website, it's in Jonathan's apron. Wanna feel good about yourself?? Check out Katz-Moses Woodworkers with Disabilities Fund at https://kmtools.com/pages/kmww-charity