Our Heroes Headstones
Our Heroes Headstones  
Podcast: Battleline Podcast
Published On: Tue Sep 26 2023
Description: Bobby Myers is a retired police officer with many years of experience in the Miami area which we get into during this podcast. After a near death experience saving a boy from drowning and retiring from the department, he started restoring headstones of military veterans as a form of therapy for post-traumatic stress. This is what started his social media and Youtube accounts which have since gained major traction. Bobby was also featured in David Yuzuk's documentary "The Giant Killer" about the story of the smallest Green Beret to ever serve, who later was killed under mysterious conditions. The documentary also features Kris Paronto. Check out what Bobby is doing on Instagram & TikTok @Our_Heroes_Headstones and his Youtube page is https://www.youtube.com/@ourheroesheadstonesFollow us:http://instagram.com/battlelinepodcasthttp://twitter.com/battlelinepodCheck out The Battleline Podcast Vault for limited edition gear from the show: http://battlelinepodcast.etsy.com/For 15% off all Fort Scott Munitions ammo & gear go to http://fsm.com & use promo code: BattlelineNed's Mellö Magnesium is an instant hit! Nourish your entire body with their proprietary superblend with 3 forms of chelated magnesium, GABA, L-theanine, and over 70 trace minerals. It propels memory, mood, brain function, stress response, nerve and muscle health, and SLEEP. And about 75% of Americans are deficient in it!! Go to http://helloned.com/BATTLELINEFor full video of this episode, subscribe to our Youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/@battlelinepodcast