Podcast:Battleline Podcast Published On: Mon Feb 07 2022 Description: Rob Jaber is a former Blackwater military contractor who survived one of the biggest car bombings in Baghdad during 2009. His story is featured in Kris Paronto's book "The Patriot's Creed: Inspiration and Advice for Living a Heroic Life." Currently he runs Blue Diamond Limousine transportation service which you can visit at http://bdlworldwide.com . You can also follow Rob on Instagram @RobJaber Follow us: http://instagram.com/battlelinepodcasthttp://twitter.com/battlelinepod Check out The Battleline Podcast Vault for limited edition gear from the show: http://battlelinepodcast.etsy.com/ For 15% off all Fort Scott Munitions merchandise go to http://fortscottmunitions.com & use promo code: Battleline - check out the dealer locator to find ammunition near you For 20% off all Bub's Naturals gear and products including collagen protein and MCT oil powder, go to https://bubsnaturals.myshopify.com/discount/BATTLELINE .. All purchases help to support the Glen Doherty Memorial Foundation Visit http://battlelinepodcast.com/manscaped to get a free pair of boxers, a toiletry bag, and free shipping with your purchase of the Manscaped Performance Package 4.0! Visit our friends at Mid-Evil Industries. They are revolutionizing the firearms industry with the only fully adjustable fore grip on the market, Quick Detach Adjustable Monopod, and their most recent set-up, the Overwatch Commander, at http://mid-evil.com