Rudy Reyes, Marine Recon vet & HBO's Generation Kill
Rudy Reyes, Marine Recon vet & HBO's Generation Kill  
Podcast: Battleline Podcast
Published On: Mon May 31 2021
Description: We hope that you are all enjoying this Memorial Day while also recognizing and remembering those that make the ultimate sacrifice for America. To those who have lost loved ones, we appreciate you. This episode we are joined by Rudy Reyes, Marine Recon combat vet, arguably best known from HBO's "Generation Kill" series. More recently, Rudy has been active with his group Force Blue helping to rebuild and restore coral reefs. You can follow Rudy on Instagram @RealRudyReyes. Follow us:​ For 15% off all Fort Scott Munitions merchandise go to & use promo code: Battleline - check out the dealer locator to find ammunition near you For 20% off all Bub's Naturals gear and products including collagen protein and MCT oil powder, go and use promo code: Battleline. All purchases help to support the Glen Doherty Memorial Foundation  Visit our friends at Mid-Evil Industries. They are revolutionizing the firearms industry with the only fully adjustable fore grip on the market, Quick Detach Adjustable Monopod, and their most recent set-up, the Overwatch Commander, at