Ted Nugent
Ted Nugent  
Podcast: Battleline Podcast
Published On: Fri May 08 2020
Description: Joining us this episode is the legendary Ted Nugent. You know him as the guitarist from The Amboy Dukes, Damn Yankees, and countless other projects beyond his 45-year spanning solo career. His latest album out now is "The Music Made Me Do It." Visit Uncle Ted at http://TedNugent.com follow him on Twitter @TedNugent and Instagram @TedNugentOfficial. Follow us:http://instagram.com/battlelinepodcasthttp://twitter.com/battlelinepod For 15% off all Fort Scott Munitions products go to http://fortscottmunitions.com & use promo code: Battleline Use code “BATTLELINE” for 15% off your next order on http://PatchOps.com