Pat McNamara, firearms instructor & Army special operations veteran
Podcast:Battleline Podcast Published On: Mon Dec 30 2019 Description: Pat McNamara is a decorated veteran of Army special operations and one of the most sought after firearms instructors in the country. He's also a diehard metalhead and fitness freak. He recently launched a podcast with C.J. Ortiz called The University of Badassery, and it's available everywhere podcasts are found.Be sure to check out Pat's website where you can sign up for a shooting course at and follow Pat on Instagram @TMacsInc. Let him know what you thought of the episode!Follow us: 15% off all Fort Scott Munitions products go to & use promo code: BattlelinePick up "The Patriot's Creed: Inspiration and Advice for Living a Heroic Life" available now everywhere books are sold.