Podcast:Battleline Podcast Published On: Mon Aug 29 2022 Description: Gary Brugman is a Coast Guard veteran and former U.S. Border Patrol Agent. Gary was convicted of violating a man's rights in 2004 over an altercation with an illegal alien while doing his job with Border Patrol. He joined us back on Episode 11 while campaigning to be pardoned by President Trump, and it finally happened for him on December 23rd, 2020. We had Gary on again back on Episode 65 to hear his reaction. Since then, he has dealt with several other major obstacles in his life including the death of his mother and the fight for his life while hospitalized with COVID-19. We hear where Gary is at with life now, and also discuss some other happenings. To learn more, go to Gary's website at http://www.garybrugman.com and follow him on Instagram @gary.brugman Follow us: http://instagram.com/battlelinepodcasthttp://twitter.com/battlelinepod Check out The Battleline Podcast Vault for limited edition gear from the show: http://battlelinepodcast.etsy.com/ A veteran owned company that gives back to the community through a different veteran charity every month, BeardVet. They have a variety of products including their American made coffee, roasted in Omaha, Nebraska. Check them out now: http://beardvet.com - For 10% off you can now use promo code Tanto Become the best version of yourself and get 15% off Ned products at http://helloned.com/battleline For 15% off all Fort Scott Munitions products go to http://fsm.com & use promo code: Battleline Photonis Defense is the global leader in night vision solutions providing more high-quality night vision capabilities than anyone. Hunters, shooters, boaters and outdoor enthusiasts rely on Photonis Defense systems to make their adventures safer and more successful. Visit http://photonisdefense.com for more information; or look for Photonis Defense product options from your night vision dealer. For full video of this episode, subscribe to our Youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/c/BattlelinePodcast