Kate Hyde, political commentator
Kate Hyde, political commentator  
Podcast: Battleline Podcast
Published On: Mon Dec 09 2019
Description: Kate Hyde is a political commentator best known for her funny takes and Tweets on serious issues. We discuss the Democratic primaries, upcoming Presidential election, and various social issues at the forefront in America right now. Kate was also a mutual friend of Drew Dwyer, our friend many of you heard us memorialize on Episode 1 of the podcast. Kris Paronto is off this episode, but will be back in action next week. Don't miss this one though, it's a fun episode! You can see all of Kate's hilarious commentary on Twitter @KateHydeNY.Follow us: instagram.com/battlelinepodcast twitter.com/battlelinepodFor 15% off all Fort Scott Munitions products go to http://fortscottmunitions.com & use promo code: BattlelinePick up "The Patriot's Creed: Inspiration and Advice for Living a Heroic Life" available now everywhere books are sold.