Jimmy Allen of Against All Will, former Puddle of Mudd guitarist/songwriter
Jimmy Allen of Against All Will, former Puddle of Mudd guitarist/songwriter  
Podcast: Battleline Podcast
Published On: Fri May 22 2020
Description: Jimmy Allen is an award-winning songwriter and the guitarist of Against All Will and formerly Puddle of Mudd. Some of the hits Jimmy wrote on include "Blurry," "She Hates Me," and "Drift & Die." The latest project Jimmy put out is called Cooker, which he also sings on, and their album, "Setting the Head on Fire" is available now. Jimmy is most active on Facebook at http://facebook.com/AgainstAllWillJimmy and Against All Will's page is at http://facebook.com/AgainstAllWill . You can find him on Instagram as well @JimmyAllenSongwriter and Cooker's Instagram is @CookerHeads. Follow us:http://instagram.com/battlelinepodcasthttp://twitter.com/battlelinepod For 15% your first order with Ned CBD and all Ned products plus free shipping, go to http://www.helloned.com/BATTLELINE