Curtis Albers - Abused foster kid turned Army Ranger
Curtis Albers - Abused foster kid turned Army Ranger  
Podcast: Battleline Podcast
Published On: Tue Dec 19 2023
Description: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from us at Battleline Podcast. We have another great nearly 2 hour long interview for you this week. Curtis Albers served as an Army Ranger with 3rd Battallion. He is a combat veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan. He now lives in Germany with his wife and kids. Growing up as a foster child, Curtis suffered a great deal of physical and mental abuse with his sister, which is documented further from a piece written by Luke Ryan back in 2017 which you can read here: us: out The Battleline Podcast Vault for limited edition gear from the show: 15% off all Fort Scott Munitions ammo & gear go to & use promo code: BattlelineNed's Mellö Magnesium is an instant hit! Nourish your entire body with their proprietary superblend with 3 forms of chelated magnesium, GABA, L-theanine, and over 70 trace minerals. It propels memory, mood, brain function, stress response, nerve and muscle health, and SLEEP. And about 75% of Americans are deficient in it!! Go to full video of this episode, subscribe to our Youtube page: